Vitallia Badspine's Obsession
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Badspine's Obsession

Life, Relocation


In 664 AC, king Daramor Ervin (Badspine) fears for the protection of the Runik Stone, allegedly becoming obsessed, as he experiences visions of a black-robed man who appears within the royal halls, steals the Stone and vanishes. He forms a personal guard of powerful warriors and travels north, to Nasyar, to hide the Stone. During his journey, a wizard called Tharin Otres appears before him and steals the Stone, giving life to the king’s vision. The mage fails to teleport back to the kingdom of Rose due to the various anti-magic effects of the Stone and flees manually to the Angel Islands, seeking shelter. A group of Erathiel under the leadership of Athelian Vaas, agree to protect the mage but in return, he and the remaining Erathiel would gain access to the legendary library of 100 stories in Rosehail. The mage agrees to their terms but he deceives them, since he is a fugitive from Rose himself. The Dwarven party arrives to the Angel Islands and fight with the Erathiel, slaughtering almost everyone in order to reclaim the Runik Stone. The mage is also captured and killed and the king is forced to return the Stone back to the capital. After the disturbing events, the king decides to reinforce the kingdom’s defense against magic and asks his finest artisans to come up with effective ideas, a plan that took generations to master.

Related Location
The Angel Islands
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