The March of the Lion Military Conflict in Vitallia | World Anvil
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The March of the Lion

The March of the Lion was a legendary campaign led by King Norionor Whiteshield of Lothen . It began in the year 1001 AC, and it was a turning point in the history of Lothen, as it marked the beginning of its rise to power. The campaign consisted of three major battles, each one more significant than the last.
The first battle was the Battle of Vlada in  Armorgrand , where Norionor led his army to victory against the Armorian Hordes. The Armorians were dreaded warriors, but they were no match for Norionor's tactics and strategy. He and his army fought with a fierce determination to win. The Armorians were defeated, and their allegiance was won by Norionor.
The second battle was the Battle of Scissor Forest, where Norionor faced the Scorpion Army of the Freelanders. The Freelanders put up a strong resistance, but Norionor's army was able to defeat them. The Freelanders were forced to join Lothen as well, and their army was added to Norionor's.

The final battle was the Battle of Eastrose, where Norionor fought against the powerful wizards of  Rose . This was the most significant battle of the campaign, as the wizards had long been a thorn in the side of Lothen. But Norionor had received a prophecy that included a rare phenomenon by The Sentinel that negated magic when manifested, and so Lothen's armies had the advantage over the wizards. The battle was intense, with fierce fighting on both sides, but in the end, Norionor emerged victorious. The wizards of Rose were defeated, and their power was broken.
However, Norionor's campaign ultimately met its end in  The Battle of the Swordbridge . The battle was designed by members of secret guilds to stop the March of the Lion and led to Norionor's demise. The creature known as The Element was unleashed upon Norionor and his power proved to be too much for the king to handle. Despite Norionor's best efforts, he was defeated, and the March of the Lion came to an end. The battle marked the end of Norionor's reign and the end of Lothen's rise to power.
Conflict Type
Military Campaign
Start Date
1001 AC
Ending Date
1003 AC

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