The Frozen Sea Geographic Location in Vitallia | World Anvil
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The Frozen Sea

The Frozen Ocean is a vast expanse of icy waters that stretches as far as the eye can see. It is a treacherous place, with frozen winds that howl across its surface, whipping up freezing storms that can swallow even the most sturdy of ships. The surface of the ocean is frozen solid for most of the year, with only a brief thaw during the summer months, when the ice begins to melt, revealing dark and dangerous currents beneath. But despite its dangers, the Frozen Ocean is home to many brave and hardy sailors. The dwarves of Esgolithon, with their knowledge of ancient magic and engineering, were the first to build boats able to brave the Frozen Ocean's icy waters. These magical boats, known as Arks, are said to be able to navigate even the most dangerous of ice floes and currents, allowing their crews to explore the farthest reaches of the frozen sea.
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