Bibbara's Beacon Item in Violem | World Anvil
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Bibbara's Beacon (Bib-Bear-A)

After surviving the Shadow Realm, Bibbara wanted nothing more than to save her friend. Trapped on the other side of the portal for all eternity. He is sure to have perished but that never stopped Bibbara from giving up hope. Thus she did everything in her power to return him home safely and in the process gave birth to this instrument of immense power.
— Unknown
  Imagine if you will, a Warhammer capable of generating so much light it could turn the night into day with a single swing. Well that's exactly what Bibbara's Beacon capable of. A Warhammer designed by the Acuran herself and allegedly forged by the legendary Gifted Blacksmith. With this meticulously crafted weapon, the wielder could be able to produce a beam of light flying high into the sky and illuminate the fields and hills upto 3 miles away. Anything within this radius would be hit with a blinding light that would be impossible to avoid for the next 24 hours. With a detachable staff hidden within the handle, light enough to swing around with ease. All of this designed to combat the creatures that reside in the Shadow Realm, should they ever escape. For more info see: Discovery of the Shadow Realm  


A very unique design in the world of Violem. The head of the beacon is sculpted to resemble an anvil, but replacing the iconic horn is a flat round head similar to that of a carpenter's hammer. All one piece carved from pure crystalized strafol (fallen star rock). Giving it the appearance of glass but the strength of tungsten. Encasing this glass shape is a thin wire frame of aura stone, giving the Warhammer a purple glow. Never leaving the wielder alone in the dark. On either flat faces of the anvil are several runes drawing fire, light and burning energy to the hammer when making contact with the ground, a wall or an unfortunate enemy.   Down the handle, golden and purple threads wrap over dark stained leather giving it an intricate repeating pattern spiralling all the way down to the handle end. At this end of the Warhammer, you will be able to witness another crystal strafol sculpture. This time in the form of a tear, inside it glows a bright sphere of aura stone. Resembling something akin to a lightbulb. It is here where the detachable staff slides out if the wielder chooses to press the release trigger. Allowing a solid Druevanian wood core to slide out along with the Strafol tear crystal forming the top of the staff. This can be used as a lightweight weapon during close combat. With the additional abilities of blinging and burning enemies that get too close.  


In the present, the location of Bibbara's Beacon is unknown. The last recording of the weapon was by the Realm Rangers, who were gifted the light emitter after the demise of Bibbara herself during the Exploration Era. Since the disbandment of the Realm Rangers, many of their secrets including the location of the Warhammer have been lost in the wind.
Item type
Weapon, Melee


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