Frostback Mountains Geographic Location in Vilra-Shal | World Anvil

Frostback Mountains

The Frostback Mountains are a magnificent range that dominates the landscape of Perentha. These mountains have an imposing grandeur that can be seen from a distance. Their snow-clad peaks stand tall and proud, piercing the clouds and reaching towards the sky.   The Perenthan Frostback Dragons, majestic and fearsome creatures, are found only within the heart of these vast peaks. These creatures are a sight to behold, known for their immense power, and pose a challenge to anyone who crosses their paths.   Aside from dragons, the Frostbacks are said to be home to various cryptids and legendary creatures. Reports of enormous Yetis, elusive Snow Serpents, and the enigmatic Ice Hounds have fueled the imaginations of adventurers and monster hunters.   They are also famous for the ice harvested from their peaks. The unique quality of this ice allows it to retain its coldness for an extended period, even when removed from the mountains. Speculation about possible magical properties of the crystals has sparked many conversations, though these theories still need to be confirmed due to the difficulty in retrieving them.   Although no official settlements exist within the Frostback Mountains, stories suggest the presence of a hidden community. According to these tales, Kobolds and Dwarves have carved a place for themselves amid the cliffs and caverns. These stories intrigue the Frostbacks and suggest that a pocket of life thrives despite the region's dangers.   Deep within the Frostbacks, hidden beneath layers of ice and snow, there are rumoured to be ancient ruins dating back to a time before recorded history. These ruins are said to hold secrets of Perentha's past, attracting the attention of archaeologists and historians.   Strange and mystical phenomena have been reported by those who venture deep into the mountains. Some claim to have witnessed eerie lights heard ghostly voices, or experienced bizarre time distortions. These occurrences have led to numerous folk legends and tales of the supernatural.   The Frostback Mountains are a testament to nature's splendour and mystery, where ancient ruins hold secrets, mystical phenomena occur, and legendary beasts roam. Their towering grandeur casts shadows over tales of daring explorations and hidden communities, inviting those with courage and curiosity to ascend their heights and uncover the wonders that await within the region.
Mountain Range
Location under
Traversing through the Frostbacks mountain range can be quite hazardous for several reasons, the most significant being the extremely low temperature. During the day, the temperature can go up to a maximum of 5 degrees Celsius, while at night, it can drop well below zero, reaching as low as -40 degrees Celsius on the coldest nights of the year. Due to this, those who travel through the mountains must wrap themselves up in multiple layers of clothing and often need to consume some potion to combat the cold temperature. These potions either raise the individual's temperature or add some resistance to the cold. Apart from the extreme temperatures, the trails around the mountains are treacherous and poorly maintained, with some of the older paths now entirely inaccessible. This makes it even more difficult to traverse through the Frostbacks.   In terms of vegetation, very little grows on the peaks of the Frostbacks. The frostfire petal flower is the only commonly found plant, with some rarer herbs growing deep beneath the ice and snow. On the lower sides of the mountains, some small plants can be found growing.
Frostfire Flower