Attaran 'Rascal' Alinjaff Character in Veska | World Anvil
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Attaran 'Rascal' Alinjaff (Att-ah-Ran Allen-Jaff)

Rascal is the well known proprietor of Raider's Haul. Formerly serving as a member of a fearsome crew of pirates lead by Tamari Ra-Al'Ghizza, Rascal is known for entertaining his patrons with a variety of different tales spun from the countless ventures towards the distant isles found below Dekarth    Rascal gets his nickname for a combination of reasons; namely his 'roguish charm', but his tenure in Tamari's crew was mostly spent serving as a scout, spy, and thief that secured goods behind the scenes.  

Physical Appearance

Rascal's a small runt of a Dekarti man; the only reason he stands at five feet is because of the sharp, feline ears at the top of his head. Save for the ears, like many other beastkin, he's a menagerie of animalistic features; notably sharpened fangs, a long, canid tail, and a set of sharp claws that are weapons in their own right.   His one good eye is green, while the other remains covered by a decorative patch bearing a symbol reminiscent to a ship's wheel.
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