Dekarth Geographic Location in Veska | World Anvil
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Dekarth is a massive continent, predominately inhabited by the Dekarti; or Beastkin, as outsiders call them. It's also known for carrying inhospitable landscapes; most notably the desert that spans across nearly the entire center of the continent.


Dekarth is often described as a very inhospitable landscape. A majority of its central landmass is taken up by a massive desert that spans across the entire western and central portion of the continent, with high mountains cutting off a heated savannah to the east.    At the southeast and southwest, there are peninsulas that expand far below the continent to form a gulf below it. Both of these landscapes are notably harsh due to not a desert, but a massive swamp and forest, respectively. Both these regions are known for being more inhospitable than the desert despite being lush and verdant with life, mainly due to the fact that many sections within them have a canopy so dense that the sun fails to shed light in certain areas within the locale. This causes portions of the woods to be forever steeped in darkness, leaving it insurmountable without a light source.


Dekarth is often described as a bloodbath when it comes to explaining its ecosystem. Generally speaking, most of the desert is filled with ruthless predators that have adapted to hunt and skulk after the humanoid inhabitants. Many creatures within Dekarth are scaled and cold blooded, and can often be found basking in the sunlight during the hot mornings. Many of these predators are also adapted to hunt after each other, leaving Dekarth to be regarded as a 'might makes right' environment.   Cacti and other sparse vegetation can still be found amidst the sands, though, and are an important part of herbivorous diets. Herbivores are also known to stick close towards the riverways; in particular, the Lonely River is known for being a cornerstone to the ecosystem, with animals often living along the lush vegetation that sprouts there. Herds also frequently cross from there to head east during their migration periods.

Ecosystem Cycles

During the winter, many animals begin to migrate away from the central desert and head into the eastern side of Dekarth. This is because the western and central deserts grow incredibly cold during this period of time, with frigid temperatures killing off what sparse vegetation that can normally be found throughout the region. During this migration period, many predators center themselves around the Lonely River due to it being a haven for many animals during this period of time -- and a crossing point for herds that travel over it.   Predators also often draw towards a mountain range at the center called the Needles during the winter; some hibernate during this, but many often hunt each other in a bloodbath that gives the mountain range the nickname of Boneyard due to the massive amounts of carrion that can be found from the countless battles found between the beasts living within the continent.

Localized Phenomena

Dust storms wreak havoc across the barren sections of Dekarth, leaving it all the more perilous for travelers that wish to venture out across the barren wastes; dust devils are also almost just as common, and are a less harmful variant.   Amidst the harsh conditions however, Dekarth is known for housing a few vistas that are seen as 'gems' amidst the sand; oases are often seen as a safe haven for travelers. Additionally, desert potholes or 'ephemeral lakes' sometimes form when rainwater collects in a small enough pocket, leaving a lush pool that can serve as a temporary haven for both wildlife and people alike. These pools are fleeting, however, and dry up over the course of a few days.


Dekarth was once called Perosia before its unification several millenia go, and it stands as one of the oldest nations in the world. Despite that, strife and a harsh environment has lead its inhabitants forced to keep isolated amidst themselves. It was only through recent ventures that the current Empress has reached out to the outside world.   When it was still called Perosia, Dekarth was a land heavily divided by various clans that made up the entire continent. These clans frequently feuded and disputed territory from each other, and were made up of a variety of Dekarti that were often at odds for the scarce resources that were found across the nation. Hospitable land was a very important commodity, leading to frequent conflict across the river at the heart of the nation. Each clan was named after the head of the clan; and were named Khan of their clan.   Khans were typically chosen through a trial by combat, and were very rarely questioned due to the brutal display that was shown during these trials. Those that fought to achieve their position were one of the many Dekarti that had thrown their life away in hopes of being given the title alone. As a result, support of the Khan was often unwavering unless their strength fell into question, and even then, they were often highly regarded as a God in their own right.   Amongst the many clans found across Perosia was the Hesslar clan; they made their home at the foot of a mountain. It was notably harsh compared to other clans, due to their culture being built upon hunting the savage beasts found within the central mountain chain during the cold winter months. A rite of passage was always given to the young children at this time to slay one such beast, to prove themselves as adults worthy enough to remain within the clan. In time, however, a disaster struck. The Khan at the time, named Rashim Hesslar, lost all but one of their heirs to carry on the mantle in a catastrophic hunt. Rashim wasn't fond of the remaining heir, and blamed the disaster on them, even going so far to challenge her to a trial by a combat.   Historians within Dekarth often do call it a miracle, but this trial by combat lead to the victory of the otherwise sickly heir. Nagi Hesslar became the youngest Khan to rule the Hesslar clan, striking her father, Rashim, down on the very day she turned 15. Nagi went to lead her people on with the intention of proving herself as both a capable warrior and as a means to help bring her people under an era that would no longer see the bloodshed that can be found across the continent.    

Becoming Dekarth

  Nagi and her tribe believed that she was placed on the world by their Goddess with the sole intention of unifying their people under one banner. This lead to a series of hard-fought battles that focused along the river; the entire crusade saw the Hesslar clan driving tribes away from the Lonely River, setting up outposts across it to stave slowly cut off their enemies from a vital artery that would help them survive through the otherwise inhospitable desert.    In time, Nagi had managed to conquer the river and unified the remaining tribes across the desert, which lead to her being the first ever Ra and Mutara of the new nation. Under Nagi's rule, Dekarth eventually flourished to massive kingdom that spanned from the west, to the central mountains. She renamed Perosia to Dekarth; solely as a means to treat it as a new world without the bloodshed that characterized the continent during her period  

Demonic Incursions

Dekarth was frequently invaded by Demons, due to its inhospitable conditions being isolated enough to allow the fiends to spill forth without meeting immediate resistance. There are a few recorded incursions.  

The First

The first of the incursions is almost lost in history, and mainly mentioned by name. While some dispute this as myth moreso than truth, the First demonic incursion had occurred during its time as Perosia, until their Goddess, Amelia, had driven them back with a unified fighting force. Nagi used this history as a means to inspire her people into unifying as one, calling back to a heyday where the Dekarti people were living under one banner as warriors beneath their Goddess.   Rumour has it that Amelia sunk her kingdom beneath the sands along with a powerful daemon, sealing them away for as long as she lives, whilst damning herself to serve as the permanent sentinel should they rise again.  

The Second

The second demonic incursion happened during Nagi's campaign across Dekarth; shortly after Levia was erected and she had managed to gain control over the vast majority of the desert. Demons had flowed out from the Needles. It's said that many of these demons were leftover vestiges of the first incursion, managing to seep from Amelia's imprisonment. They were effectively battered back thanks to the now-unified Dekarth.  

The Third

The Third demonic incursion occurred many years after the second; and lead towards Dekarth's further expansion into the Golgelen Forest. While the woods were often considered impossible to settle within, demons once more began forming roving bands that pressed upon the country. They spilled out over the mountain side in marauding hordes, leading to cities conscripting adventurers and soldiers alike to form large bands to venture in through the forest to eliminate the threat whilst the army marched its way towards a mountain at the center.   In time, the army established control of a major river within the forest, creating the city of Seliş. The invasions eventually faded with time, though it remains unknown whether or not they were fully routed due to the vastness of the jungle.


Dekarth wasn't always a tourist hotspot, primarily due to its inhospitable conditions, but recently, the country has opened its borders to receiving delegations that shed light upon the exotic side of the country. Tourists will often find themselves interested in the cities of Olziir; renown for being the hosting home of one of the few scant Lifesprings. Olziir also offers many services to travelling tourists; such as tournaments and sporting events served to entertain.   Levia is also known for being a beautiful city, built upon several terraces that elevate itself towards the massive, marble castle at the front. Sporting events are also hosted within Huntsman's Point; offering unique hunting competitions to both citizens and tourist alike.   Furthermore, the promiscuity of the Dekarti cannot be understated. With brothels and prostitution not only legalized, but regarded as a respectable occupation, brothels are often protected closely and kept closely watched to assure the finest quality to its patrons, especially in Levia and Olziir.
Alternative Name(s)
Perosia, Great Dekarth
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