Jade Shores Geographic Location in Vescrutia - Alliance's Reach | World Anvil

Jade Shores

Jade Shores sits somewhere on the shores of the Freshwater Sea is a quiet bay at the edge of Emerald's Ascension, a verdant highland with sweeping gales. The defining feature of the area is the natural boiluminescence that many of the creatures there share. Flora, fauna, and even some of the native Species share that trait with their homeland.


Rolling Hills swooping down from Emeralds Ascension end in a lush forest bordering a beautiful bay area nestled into the cliff. Picturesque, catching beautiful sunsets and over the water, depending on the time of year. the sand is a shimmering shade of brown. It is soft and silty, adding a magical glisten to the lapping waves. The forest bordering explodes onto the beach with glarling vines in some places, and sneaks to its edge with soft grasses in others.


Very warm area prone to downpours and waterspouts. Mostly tropical, there are tall, wide leaved trees jutting out above smaller, more wiry fauna near the forest floor. Emerald's Ascension is home to numerous prairie and grassland creatures. The beach is home to numerous styles of crustaceans and aquatic life from tiny crabs to predators larger than boats. Temperatures rarely drop below freezing, if ever in a year.

Ecosystem Cycles

Temperatures rarely drop below freezing, if ever. It is ususally seen as a time of celebration.   Turtleducks hatch once a year during rainy season near the cliffs and they race either to the hills or the sea.

Localized Phenomena

Nightfall during a full moon brings a dazzle of bioluminescence to the Jade Shores. All manner of creature and vegetation has the ability to glow in the light of the full moon.


Site of the Day the Sky Fell


Tourism if strictly forbidden by the locals. The Elvs in the region, Ulthrazeen and other Atlanteans, Kyrshik of the Forests, Lucis Acolytes in the South, all forbid humans from frequenting the areas. Humans tend to bring treachery in their wake and they want to protect the balance of the ecosystem without them.


  • Jade Shores
    Jade Shores local map. Inlusive of all the local demographics
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