Grifters Profession in Vellikka | World Anvil




There are no qualifications needed to be a Grifter, a person simply needs to choose the Grifters pathway during the Path Choosing ceremony when they are old enough and know what they want to do.

Career Progression

When a person chooses the Grifter pathway they become an Underseer. An Underseer must work in this position for at least 12 months, shadowing others in this path, and assisting as a runner who fetches things, to understand all the different positions on this pathway.    Once they have completed their stint as an Underseer, and proved to the satisfaction of at least one Overseer that they are ready to advance, they can step up into the position of General Grifter. A General Grifter works wherever the jobs take them. They help with Grifters in all the other areas, until a clear aptitude for a particular type of work emerges. Some General Grifters stay in this position the majority of their lives, others switch to a speciality after 12 months.    There are three speciality Grifter types that a General Grifter can then become.   They can choose to be a Food Grifter, whose sole focus is the preparation of food for the community.   They could choose to be a Heavy Grifter, which is someone whose focus is on the more manual labour side of grifting. If there is a house which needs to be built, or metalwork which needs to be done or stone which needs to be carved, the Heavy Grifters are called. They tend to be the strongest of the Grifters.   Or, finally, they can choose to be a Light Grifter. This is someone whose focus is on delicate things, such as making clothes, intricate items like locks or jewellery, painting and decorating. Anything which requires a light touch comes to the Light Grifters.   The highest position in the Pathway is that of Overseer. Overseers accept work orders and ensure that people are working on what they should be. They make sure the right things are being prioritised and that the effort is being proportioned as it needs to be.



The Grifters do all the building, making and fixing which needs to be done within a community.
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Aug 31, 2023 23:58 by Molly Marjorie

What I really like about this is how much respect seems to be given to manual labor and other professions that are often undervalued in our own society.

Check out Natural Magic : a coming of age fantasy novel, because life is hard enough when you're fourteen, even without saving the world. Or listen to it in podcast form .
Sep 1, 2023 18:10 by Elspeth

Thank you!