The Great Roc Myth in Velandris | World Anvil
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The Great Roc

An ancient and mysterious being of power. Often thought to be a greater Spirits of some kind and is often used to represent power, majesty and freedom.   Though appearing to be a rather obscure deity, with currently no real widespread worship in the civilized world, The Great Roc is the head diety of the Xabat, A tribe of Tabaxi stranded in Velandris after the Melding. They view their deity with the utmost respect and worship, seeing him as the ultimate presentation of martial might and the ruler of beasts and Heaven.  


The function of the Great Roc in their religion is as their true deity that governs the heavens and is told in the form of pose. The legend details the journey that the Roc makes every day as it traverses around the world, as it carries the light of the stars in his wings. With the Roc's passing, its people are protected from otherworldly evils as they cannot pass the veil it creates with its marvelous feathers. When the night is done, it continues on its journey, to return the next night.    This journey is never without trouble however, as it is often plagued by the very evils that the Roc is trying to protect the world from. One such evil, known as the Serpent-That-Devours is one that the Great Roc has been locked in confrontation with since the dawn of time. This Snake is one that sprouts from the air itself, manifesting as clouds of thunder that level the surrounding area. Its presence is felt most strongly on cloudy nights when the Roc's stars cannot be seen from the earth. The Snake's ultimate purpose is to, once the Roc eventually falters, devour the world and its inhabitants, finally sating its eternal hunger.    The Roc is not alone in its struggle however, in the night sky it is always seen with its companions, Dawn and Dusk. While Dusk heralds the coming and paves the way for the Great Roc's starry veil, Dawn follows closely behind the Roc, making sure that no evils remain on the face of the world.

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