Xabat Organization in Velandris | World Anvil
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The Xabat is an enigmatic tribe of Tabaxi that hail from the "Old Land". By some mysterious circumstance, the Xabat were transported to Velandris during the Melding, thirty years ago.   The tribe are fierce followers of the The Great Roc, whom they consider to be their patron deity, and the one that will eventually lead them to the place where they will rule over heaven, earth and life.   Little is known of the tribe by outsiders, as the group is tightly knit and tends not to meddle in the affairs of other races. The one exception being the one chosen to walk the path of the Roxy.  

The Path of the Roxy

  The path is the main prophecy that drives the Xabat people forwards. It tells of the collective journey they will undertake and their eventual ascension.   Every few generations, a single individual is chosen at birth to walk the path. Usually this individual will be marked in some way by the Great Roc. In order for the path to be open, a series of events or omens must have taken place. These are usually divided into The Genesis, the Twilight, The Darkness, the Dawn and The Rebirth.   The Genesis refers back to the initial worship of the Great Roc, when the tribe was still ignorant of the path and met with the Avians-whom-speak, who taught them the way of the Roc and ends when the Xabat came into contact with the Ladies-That-Bear-Feathers whom gifted them the miracle of flight.   The Twilight is the period in which a great ritual was performed, meant to transport them from this world, and into the new. This resulted in the tribe losing contact with the Feathered Ladies and their ability of flight.   The Darkness is the time between their arrival at Velandris and the birth of the Roxy.   The Dawn relates to the period in which the Roxy splits off of their tribe, to gain the necessary strength, knowledge and dedication to the Great Roc, to lead their tribe to the Rebirth. The Roxy will fight injustice and defend those that cannot fend for themselves. Along the way, he will see visions of the Roc, ensuring him that he is on the right path. However, most of all, the Roxy will fly, for that is the will of the Great Roc.   During the Rebirth, the Xabat will fly. After the Roxy has learned how to perform this miracle, he will show it to the Xabat. Then they will take their rightful place as the rulers of sky, earth and life.

Roxy Must Fly

Geopolitical, Tribe

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