Pygmy Griffon Species in Vel'Kora | World Anvil
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Pygmy Griffon

The Pygmy Griffon is a much smaller pygmy of the species found mostly in the lower half of Eltar and the mountains of the Tundra of Winds in Koria.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Pygmy griffons reproduce like their larger kin, by laying eggs. A female will lay up to three eggs in a clutch that take two months to hatch. During this time the male and female of the pair will take turns keeping the eggs warm due to their natural habitat often being cold.

Growth Rate & Stages

Pygmy griffons are born bald, blind and around the size of a grown mouse. They require their parents complete attention for the first two months of their lives during which they grow their first layer of feathers. After six months they will reach fledgling status and will begin to practice flight, which can often be a dangerous time for the fledglings depending on their location. Those that survive and learn to fly reach young adulthood and leave their parents nest, around the size of a rabbit. For the next two years they will develop their hunting skills and grow to be the size of a small dog.

Ecology and Habitats

Pygmy griffons prefer a colder environment, often choosing to settle in high mountain ranges or boreal forests.   In mountainous regions they will often build sturdy nests woven into cracks in the moutain side, often lined with fur and hair they snatch from passing creatures and Frost Giants.   In cold forests, they nest high up in trees, allowing them a greater vantage and view of the area around their chosen territory.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Pygmy griffons are carnivores, living off of small game, insects, and birds.

Biological Cycle

Pygmy griffons will molt at the beginning of each year, losing around two pounds of downy feathers over the course of a three week period.

Additional Information


While not widely done, some people do keep Pygmy griffons as pets. Due to their long life and ability to be trained to understand commands, they do make excellent pets. The downside being that, like their larger cousins, they are extremely hard to train, requiring years of work and training to be domesticated.  


  To domesticate a pygmy griffon fully, you must raise the griffon from an egg. Young taken after they hatch will never truly domesticated. After the egg hatches the hatchling must handled daily to grow accustomed to the handler, this must continue until the pygmy griffon reaches the fledgling stage. At this point the griffon is mature enough begin the training process, called Manning. For the next six years, the handler must work with the pygmy griffon every day, both in command training, release training, and accustoming the creature to being around others. Due to their predatory nature, they can be more vicious that anticipated, often clawing, biting and lashing the handler with wing and tail.   In total, it takes nearly seven years to fully train and domesticate a pygmy griffon, though doing so is greatly rewarding, as they bond for life and will be extremely protective.

Average Intelligence

Pygmy griffons are intelligent, being able to be taught to undestand a few words and follow commands. (Int 7)
30 years.
Average Height
One and a half feet.
Average Weight
30 lbs.
Average Length
Two feet, up to thee and a half including the tail.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pygmy griffons can be found in soft browns, white, and grays.


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