New Baelon Organization in Vedunia | World Anvil
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New Baelon

A bustling metropolis, New Baelon was constructed East of the Ruins of Baelon after it's destruction by the Storm King and his armies. New Baelon is a bustling metropolis, the centers of culture, religion and technology within Anglonia Proper. New Baelon is a single city state in build around one of the rivers flowing into the ocean on the south of Anglonia Proper. New Baelon is governed by a Senate and has tried to expand from a city state to a kingdom in the past but gets too bogged down in infighting to expand. The Senators compete with one another to become the High Chair, the leader of the Senate for a period of six years. The High Chair having the ability to approve or deny any laws written by the Senate that don't have a one hundred percent vote of support in the Senate, excluding the High Chair. Many centers of knowledge exist within New Baelon, including the Aegis College of Abjuration.  The Baelar Collesium within the city holds many events where gladiatorial battles take place, some of which are to the death. Slavery is generally restricted in the city, however slaves fighting in the Collesium is commonplace and some of the wealthier citizens within the city have personal slaves as well.  The Goldentree Banking Guild's main location is located within the city.


The city is led by 100 Senators elected by the citizens of the city. The Senate elects a High Chair to be the main leader for the next six years.

From the Ruins We Rise Again

Geopolitical, City-state
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Crests are the commonly used currency of New Baelon, minted by the Goldentree Banking Guild.
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

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