Human Species in Vedunia | World Anvil
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Humankind are shorter lived than there dwarven and elven counterparts. What they lack in longevity they make up for in numbers. Humankind is resilient and enduring managing to survive in some of the harshest climates and inhospitable lands. They strive for fertile lands however, most tend not to be against stealing it when necessary.

Basic Information


A human walks upright on two legs and has two arms. They tend to vary in height between four and seven feet.

Genetics and Reproduction

Sexually reproduce. Nine month gestation period before live birth. Generally one child per pregnancy with low chances of twins and very low chances of triplets.

Growth Rate & Stages

A human reaches sexual maturity at the age of 16. Humans are generally not considered to be adults until the age of 18. After the age of 50 a human is generally considered old. Most humans die before the age of 80 but some have been known to live to 100.

Ecology and Habitats

Humankind is very adaptive, able to bend most any environment to there will. They are land dwelling but can still operate in water with the aid of boats.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Humans are omnivores and can eat most any type of food. They generally prefer cooking their food prior to eating.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Standard hearing and sight.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo Sapian
Anglonian, Azai'en, Nordic, Northborn, Balakan,
80 - 100 years
Average Height
4 - 7 feet
Average Weight
100 - 250 lbs
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