Azai'n Ethnicity in Vedunia | World Anvil
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Those who live in The Sand Sea are often referred to as Azai'n, on account of the majority of the subcontinent being under the rule of Amkhu the Great Caliphar of New Azai. Those not under his rule consider being called such an insult.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Abadi, Amari, Asghar, Aswad, Baba, Bitar, Cham, Daher, Deeb, Haddad, Haddab, Isa, Kanaan, Kassis, Kouri, Maroun, Nader, Nahas, Naser, Qureshi, Rahal, Safar, Seif, Tahan, Tuma, Wasem, Zogby.


Major language groups and dialects

Anglonian is the most common language used by the Azai'n people. The Caliphars generally also speak Old Azai'n.

Common Taboos

Eating pork is generally frowned upon in Azai'n society. The Caliphars believing them to be dirty animals. Prostitution and Gambling are both also strongly prohibited outside the walls of Vega.


Courtship Ideals

An Azai'n man of wealth may take as many wives as he wishes, those with enough status even taking additional concubines. A commoner is generally permitted only a single wife.
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