Zexon Species in Vasea | World Anvil


The Zexon is a race of artists, painters, weavers, sculptors, ect. that liv in the Kipales Province.

Basic Information


The Zexon are a humaoid race that could pass for human at first glance. On further inspection though their ears somewhat resemble that of a bat and their hands are clawed.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They subsist entirely on the blood of animals, the main reason for their close ties to the Shoqen being the availability of the resource.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Zexon are a matriarchal society. This is based on their reverence for mothers, as they are a race of hemophiliacs the act of child birth is a dangerous one. As such those capable of it are to be respected and revered.

Facial characteristics

The Zexon are a fine and fair featured people. Often appearing relatively frail and delicate despite that being far from the truth. Their eyes are often considered their most impressive feature with eye colors ranging the spectrum and their galaxy like appearance.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Zexon can be found in all major cities across the empire in small concentrations but really thrive in the Kipales Province which they call home.

Average Intelligence

The Zexon enjoy learning, especially about artistic methods and practices. They are often decently knowledgeable on many subjects though they tend to have a disinterest in things other than art.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Zexon have incredible sight and smell, able to pick up the smallest of movement from a mile away as well as smell the most insignificant of wounds from the same distance.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

To the Zexon, eyes are the windows to the soul and as such their most favored aspect. They tend to look for what makes one unique and find a special beauty to others in doing so.

Gender Ideals

Women hold a place of priority and special respect among them, as such women are often the ones that run the household and most everything else. Men are considered the care takers and the ones responsible for making sure things run smoothly. Despite this there is a mutual respect that is present between the genders.

Average Technological Level

Despite their more traditional preference towards their main past time of art, they are not opposed to the technology of the rest of the empire. They don't much care for the isolationist views of the Shoqen.

Common Dress Code

Unlike the other denizens of the Kipales Province, the Zexon are not as concerned with blending in to the forests. Rather they prefer to dress in whimsical and slightly outlandish ways. Favoring dark colors and gowns that sparkle and flow. Males tend towards tight fitting clothing such as leather pants and loose dark shirts of rich colors.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The Zexon are an old people but not quite ancient people, their culture one of art and expression through any medium they can get their hands on. They have a unique appreciation for life as they often see themselves as parasites. Due to this they have made it their mission to bring more beauty into the world to make up for that which they consume.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They have a rather decent relationship with other races. Primarily because they have made their distaste but reliance on the Shoqen clear at every chance they get. This has endeared them to many who would otherwise despise them for their closeness with the Shoqen.
Average Height
five and a half to six and a half feet tall
Average Physique
They are typically of average build though decently strong so as to support their crafts.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They are a very pale people with vein like markings along the sides of their necks and their faces.
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