
The Winoth are a hard to distinguish race as they are physically very similar to the Drinnaren and their culture is just as close. Some don't even truly consider them to be separate from the other. This, however, is a misconception. They are also denizens of the Kreopis Province.

Basic Information


The Winoth are a humanoid race that bear horns, fangs, split tongues, and clawed hands and feet. They are also non-simultaneous hermaphrodites able to change at will. Beyond that they can temporarily take the form of any other race if they so please.

Genetics and Reproduction

If they procreate with a race that they are not, normally, compatible with then they are capable of retaining a compatible form for the duration of the pregnancy. After which they loose the ability to change forms for an extended period of time to recover.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Winoth social structure is a near perfect mirror of the Drinnaren though where the latter hands off the position to the eldest son of the family, the Winoth inherit based on competence. Each child is raised and taught the duties and responsibilities of the position and the one that proves most suited is given the role.

Facial characteristics

The Winoth are very finely featured though they do shift in appearance between their male form, which is stronger and sharper, and their female form which is softer and more delicate. Their eyes are almost identical to the Drinnaren in color and appearance with an added glow.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Winoth are often found in every major city in the empire, they love to travel and experience what the world has to offer especially the luxurious things on offer.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Much like the Drinnaren the Winoth have the ability, though stronger, of suggestion. They are also dream walkers, able to communicate with others in their sleep.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

The Winoth find beauty in all things, while they tend to follow the model of Drinnaren beauty standards when it comes to their own appearances they do not look for the same in a partner.

Common Dress Code

Much like the rest of their culture this mirrors their 'cousin' race almost identically.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Due to their close ties with their 'cousin' and close proximity through the ages their culture is very similar. Though where the Drinnaren are happy to stay in Kreopis or Etherian, the Winoth like to travel and personally experience the differences in culture and art.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Winoth are often welcomed with open arms by other races due to their willingness to learn and experience the cultures of others.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Physique
They are typically very androgynous and lithe, they pride themselves on balance in all things including physique. They consider their appearance a work of art that must be upkept.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They tend towards darker colorations of pitch black, purple and blue though there are the rare pale figures among them. They have natural markings across their bodies that are unique to them in jewel tones and golds. These are often floral, geometric or abstract in nature.
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