Red Tempest Sea Geographic Location in Vamporeta | World Anvil
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Red Tempest Sea


The Red Tempest Sea is laid beyond the Red Tempest Beach.  

Some numbers

  • The sea is 8605 deep, at its max.
  • The sea spreads 82,100,000 kilometers of acreage.
  • It has seven shores, under which the Red Tempest Beach
  • It has over 1 million species of fish and 2 million species of plants


The Red Tempest Sea is famous for its sea floor, which is of course red. The water itself is turquoise blue, but most of the sea life has a variation of red.

Localized Phenomena

In the midst of the sea, there are massive storms. Why they are there scientists do not know, as long Humans, Vampire's and werewolves sailed this sea it has been reported. Many ships have sunk because of a lighting strike. Because of this, the sea at first was called the Tempest Sea. That was before the discovery of its red soil.
by janeb13

Fauna & Flora

The most known specimen of this sea is the Red Tempest Salmon, a delicatessen from the sea. Not only the fish itself, but also spawn. The other well known specie are the little red shrimps and the red seaweed that is used in many seafood dishes.


Because of its storms, it is dangerous to travel overseas. But fisherman will still get out on sea to fish, and try to stay away from the dangerous storms that plague the seas. The beaches are regularly visited by species in all shapes and forms.  Near those beaches are restaurants where they serve seafood dishes. The most famous restaurant is The Red Jewel, on the Red Tempest Beach. It is famous for it's Red Salmon sandwiches and the uses of the Seaweed in the salads.
by 12019
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Inhabiting Species


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