Speaker Rank/Title in Valtena | World Anvil


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Written by Yudnar Leshkirj

For as long as I can remember, I've been different from the others. If it wasn't my silver scales or strange dreams with a voice that felt like it was speaking to me, then it was my fascination with asking "why?" and always wanting to know more. The elders called my family blessed, but my youth seemed to be cursed. I didn't know who I was until I was an adult and met with the Archpriest of a neighboring town. I wrote this booklet in the hopes that Speakers after me won't have to wonder for so long if something is wrong with them or where they fit into the world.  

Destined from Birth

Only the gods know who will become a Speaker. They choose each one prior to their birth, and the connection exists from birth until death. The demigods, mortals whose great deeds set them apart to become gods, are the only deities without Speakers. It's also unclear just how often Speakers are born for each deity. You will likely be the only one you'll meet, but there is a chance that you'll find someone else who's a Speaker to the same deity as you.

Marked by their Appearance

Every deity has some way of setting the chosen individual apart physically. The Prince of Shadows gifts his Speakers with black fur or hair. Speaker of Kana are born with golden hair. I was born with silver scales from Khemina. For the Gods of Creation, most Speakers are of the same race as what the god first created. Minor deities seem to be less picky.

Still an Individual

One of the biggest misconceptions other have about Speakers is that they're reincarnations of a deity. While gifted with a unique and powerful connection, each Speaker is an individual capable of forming their own personality, relationships, and life. There's no rule that a Speaker must join the clergy or follow any particular path.

Cultural Significance

Prophets and Clergy

It's very common for Speakers to be drawn to the clergy or to become prophets. They are often given a place of special importance due to the connection. It's also common for Speakers to receive visions and hear their deity speak directly to them. A few go on to lead new religious factions and guide others closer and deeper in worship to a particular deity. Whatever the calling, your role in the world will always be set apart from those around you.
Religious, Special
Source of Authority
Any God of Creation or Minor Deity
Notable Speakers
Bertran Night-touched
Yudnar Leshkirj

Primordial Speakers

There are some individuals who claim to be Speakers of the Primordials. I suppose that it could be possible, but such occurrences must be exceedingly rare. I also question what that would be like considering that Stirkal has long been absent from the world, and Tovirkal is the Destroyer of Life. Kalenhira is a controversial figure but most well known example of a Speaker of Huirtal. Her writings remain influential on modern scholarship about prehistory.  

Divine Magic

Rather curiously, the connection between a Speaker and deity doesn't extend to the ability to use divine magic. Speakers who truly devote themselves to their deity are able to acquire the ability to cast magic, and they seem to be unable to tap into arcane magic. Exceptions may exist, and this observation is only based off the information I have been able to gather.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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