A History of Piracy in the Galmere Sea in Valentcia | World Anvil
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A History of Piracy in the Galmere Sea

Piracy in the Galmere Sea extends back as early as the creation of the seafaring ship, rising to it's height just prior to the formation of the Kingdom of Galmere which undertook to unify the island nations and pacify or conscript the pirates that sailed the seas.  Their official decline began is recorded to take place in 370RR.  Theran Meinophous began the unification and recruitment of the Galmerei pirates when he was 16 and over the course of 25 years was able to gather or defeat every banner that sailed his ocean, forming a grand if not rag tag fleet to reinforce his rule.     After the establishment of the Kingdom of Galmere Theran, pardoned and gave titles and rank to those that served him, Forming the Navy of Galmere.  Above all Theran desired peace, and denied any request for coastal raiding as many of the island countries had done in the past.  While publicly none would oppose their new king many private ship owners shed their colors and became pirates again.  Piracy in this diminished capacity continued through the rest of Theran's as well as his son's rule.   However with the usurpation of Desmond to his Uncle's throne sanctioned raids of the coastal seas began once again.  Full on piracy didn't resume until after the 1st Galmere War came to a close and the Galmere civil war began.  With the fracturing of the island nations many resumed their old ways of raiding and pillaging.  The Galmere civil war lasted for several years with varying intensity and now the island nations weren't the only ones with ships capable of naval combat.  Each nation that surrounded the sea now sported fleets of privateers ready and able to waylay would be raiders as well as do some raiding of their own.   The Empire of Godsfall has a standing navy as well as a few privateers in it's employ but due to their limited coastline most of the protection and privateering efforts come in the form of requests through the Adventurer's Lodge.  The Kingdom of Galmere however has nothing but coastlines and the King has commissioned Thirteen sentinels of the sea, each with their own region and reign of command.  While most bolster large fleets some individually powerful pirates choose to wander alone in search of violators of the law, or just a good fight.


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