Queen Nareya I Character in Valdys | World Anvil
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Queen Nareya I (Na - ray - a)

Queen Nareya Raadi

Queen Nareya is the current reigning monarch of Sarayne, the only child of the previous King. Her husband and King Consort Gawain, with whom she has two sons, Crown Prince Gaheris and Prince Pelinal, is a younger brother of the current Queen of Nerevarn.


King Gawain


Towards Queen Nareya I


Queen Nareya I


Towards King Gawain



The marriage was arranged by the late King Velebor at Prince Gawain's request, the young Prince having found then-Princess Nareya charming and attractive when she previously visited Nerevarn with her father. When she raised no objections, the marriage was solemnized by proxy with a female member of the Nerevarn Royal Guard standing in for Nareya in the ceremony at Illyria, and a chieftain of the the Nomads of Sarayne standing in for Gawain in the counterpart ceremony in Raad. After the marriage, Prince Gawain travelled north in a grand procession to join his wife in Sarayne.

Relationship Reasoning

Partially a marriage of state, uniting The Royal House of Nerevarn with their nearest friendly nation through ties of blood, the fact that the two took to one another - first Gawain and then Nareya reciprocated - was seen as a fortunate sign. King Velebor, Gawain's father, was pleased to be able to arrange a match for his second son which was both desired by the couple and politically beneficial.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

The couple are fond of riding, tournaments, jousting and other festival sports. The queen is an excellent horsewoman, but prefers hunting to jousting, whereas King Consort Gawain is often known to enter tournaments in disguise to test his skill in a fair fight, where the opponent will not 'go easy' on him because of his rank and titles.

Legal Status

Queen of Sarayne and her Consort

Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Queen of Sarayne, Only Ruler of the Noble City of Raad, Lady of Velladae and Chair of the Council of Six, Councilor to His Resplendence Ashurbanoth, Defender of the Way to the End, Her Majesty.
Date of Birth
32nd Greenforest 1190
Year of Birth
1180 NL 1039 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
The only child of her father the King, who had begun to despair of ever having one.
King Gawain (Husband)
Dark brown
Long, appears shorter owing to its tight curl.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark skin with a clear complexion.
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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