Treaty of Jour Document in Uto Daeg | World Anvil

Treaty of Jour

In the last days of the First Era, Jour began seizing control over all Belor Daeg. From Caradas to Kamabama he ruled as a cruel tyrant. The other continents hoped to avoid his grasp.


To stifle the growth and power of Jour the Cloud Giant.

Document Structure


Clause I: Jour must stop his aggressive land grabbing.   Clause II: Jour must cease all attempts to raise an army of undead.   Clause III: Jour must cease all attempts to conjure devils and demons.   Clause IV: The Free Nations will agree to trade deals for the new empire of Jour.   Clause V: All war attempts will cease on both sides. Everlasting peace will exist.


If Jour continues his raiding and conquests, he will receive the retaliation of the entire continents of Sefir Daeg and Enor Daeg. Any bloodshed will be upon his hands.


Historians refer to this as "Uto Daeg's Folly" as it provoke Jour instead of quelling him. Too many books and treatises were written about this event to name.

Legal status

The document is valid to all members of Enor Daeg, Sefir Daeg, and Belor Daeg that agreed to the treaty.

Historical Details


Following Jour's complete capture of the Hezhz region of Belor Daeg, Sefir Daeg called upon Enor Daeg for support. At the time, the Enor and Sefir were seas apart, and no formal and efficient method of communication was established between them. Each selected a council of leaders to discuess possible solutions. They thought that Jour was content for now, but both wanted to avoid an all-out conflict against him. They both formed a council and drafted the Treaty of Taz'mattan, also called the Treaty of Jour by the people.


Jour, a cloud giant necromancer, had risen from the Montaines in central Belor Daeg. He conquered his fellow cloud giants, and even a few storm giant strongholds. He descended from the mountains to an unsuspecting populace. Then, only a few large countries existed in Belor Daeg. Given his necromantic methods, Jour easily defeated opposition. Within two years he completely unified the whole continent and much of the Belor Ocean's smaller islands. The remaining continents held a conclave and began talks of drafting a treaty.

Public Reaction

Most of the world did not know of Jour at this time, and those who did thought the stories were simple exaggerations. As such, no one outside of country leaders believed a treaty or any formal document necessary.


The treaty is seen now as a colossal failure. Many scholars even believe the treaty fed Jour's ever-growing ego or provoked his ire. Either way, within months of receiving and signing the treaty he broke it and invaded Gold Coast, Samba Ka, and modern day Riverlands.


The document specified immediate termination of armies indefinitely.
Treaty, Diplomatic
Authoring Date
5th Midvernal, 3999 1E
Ratification Date
12th Midvernal, 3999 1E


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