Draecish Language of the Dragons Language in Uto Daeg | World Anvil

Draecish Language of the Dragons (DRAY-kish)

The language of the dragons, as far as Enor Daeg is concerned, is dead. It has been around for millennia and was used by the dragonkin to enslave the Evorians. There is immediate enmity between speakers of the Draecish and Common.


Word Translated à = even, parallel
à = their
ǎ = can
àak = cultural
ab = throw, toss, hurl, fling, propel
àb = more
ǎb = although
abbe = spot
ǎbjǎ = resident, citizen
àbsǔ = pattern, style, design, fashion, tone, hue, rhythm, motif
àch = shadow
ǎch = button
àchan = personal
àchliew = internal
ǎcho = factory
àchoth = bump
ǎchǔ = collide
ad = and
ǎd = interest
ade = dance
ǎdgǔ = brick
adh = corpse, carcass
àdh = reproduce
àdhyǐ = bath, pool
adhyǔk = insure, assure, guarantee, vow
ǎdje = yesterday
ǎdrǐ = stable
àfǎ = graze (feed on)
àfhǔ = bark
àfwie = religious
ag = ambition
àg = all
ǎg = crime
àga = industrial
ǎgǎr = grocer
ǎgǐp = graveyard
ǎgjǎm = oven
àgzhù = high, loud, noisy
àgzhù fà = upper class
ahat = shave, skim
ǎhdo = take apart, dismantle
ahmiw = merge, incorporate
ǎid = winery
àj = waist, midriff
àj poig = kidney
ajǔj = wool, fur, thread, strand
ak = culture
àk = million
ǎk = money, coin, wealth, wage, salary
àked = guy
aklouy = nurse
àkokaj = medical
ǎkokaj = chemist
àkouyith = beast
àkshàth = legal
àkuw = mask, veil
àkyay = technological
ǎldhà = overdose
almùr = groan, moan
alya = dictator
am = animal, creature, organism
àm = devil
ǎm = lawn
àmàb = cool (fashionable)
àmaw = leak
ǎmnà = joke
amnim = survive, withstand
àmpa = academic
àmpǐ = economic
an = steam
àn = farm
ǎn = very, really, pretty
ǎnà = hot
ǎnà skàb = spice
ǎndhǔme = squat, crouch
àndieb = apron
àngà = hell
àngie = tower
anji = concentrate, focus
ansǎ = deny, contradict, veto
àntep = serve, treat
ànwǐ = logical
aou = star, sun
aou oug = astronomy
ap = basket
àp = again
ǎp = belly
ǎpshǐ = credible
àpwày = kind, type
àpwen = state (condition), condition (state)
àpyǎ = left
àr = dark
ǎr = morning
arpagǔ = maid
arsày = crack, fracture
arsày = crack
àshmǐ = pride
àshmùzh = naval
àsyouth = lap
at = trade
at = trade
àt = hint, imply
àt = hint
ǎt = wheel, disk
ǎtchà = mandatory
ath = automatic
àth = urgent
ǎthàd = armoury
atwǐ = prejudice, bias
àǔzh = political
av = agree
àv = something
ǎv = hot (attractive)
àve = kick
aw = foreign
ǎw = electricity
àwsu = memento
ay = process, procedure
ay = neck, throat
ày = band
ǎy = single
ayd = serious, sincere, severe, intense, earnest
aydh = amazing
àydhǎ = elegant, fine
àyeg = glacier
ayg = veil
ayhmiet = solid, dense, sturdy
àyi = analogy
àyiy = national
ayj = ride
ayk = set
àylǔ = ginger
aym = past
aym zhoudh = yesterday
àyoubsievnàw = oral
ayp = language
ayp àbsǔ = accent (of a language)
ayshchǎg = scarce
ayt = publish
ayth = mother
àyu = pant
ayv = sin, crime
ayw = light
ayy = row
ayz = pillow, breast
ayzh = wildlife
àyzù = jump
az = power, force
àz = perceive
ǎz = fossil
ǎzǎ = library
azh = corrupt
àzh = social
ǎzh = guide
àzhwǎg = natural
àzou = between
ba = happen, occur
bà = under, below
bǎ = worm
bàbrǔlzuv = linguistics
badhrǎth = hut
bàg = arrest, capture, detain
bàkfut = honor
bakloidh = introduce
bamùy = friction
bàn = tattoo
bǎp = next
bat = price, fee, fare, tariff
bǎv = scarf
bay = replicate
bǎy = bruise
baydh = summer
baydhà = nice
be = fancy
bed = mood
belyich = soak, drench, saturate, marinate
beth = naive
bey = table, counter (flat, elevated surface), bench, desk, plateau
bi = brain, wit
bǐ = while
bib = oppress
bǐb = rubber, tire
bie = altitude
biesyie = radius
bǐk = gorgeous
bim = roof
bip = cabbage
bit = clock
bǐy = pan, saucepan, skillet
biz = push, shove, press, squeeze
bla = among
blà = join, tie, attach
blà = joint
blǎ = wiggle
blàch = arrive, reach
blàdh = accent (of language)
blǎfuv = fungus, mold
blag = hike
blǎǐ = paw, hoof
blàj = currency
blam = lake, pond
blap = load
blàzh = mean
ble = fill
bleb = favor, advocate
blezh = somewhat, fairly, pretty
bli = bowl
blǐ = cost
blǐ = cost
bliekwǐd = situate
blier = leisure, recreation
blit = exert
blǐthdà = animate
blǐwdhàsme = weak, sick
blo = model
blog = fire, flame
blog zhar = volcano
blok = exaggerate
bloǔ = comb
bloǔàgzhù = height
bloǔǎnà = heat
bloǔàr = darkness
bloǔaw = foreigner
bloǔchàv = perfection
bloǔchhùt = success
bloǔdrǔ = anger
bloǔem = silence
bloǔew = sadness
bloǔfwap = subtlety
bloǔgǎth = confidence
bloǔgoǔk = truth
bloǔjayd = beauty
bloǔketcha = fertility
bloǔkshǎy = absence
bloǔlwe = possibility
bloǔlwù = hunger
bloǔmi = strength
bloǔmoumnoǔdh = width
bloǔnathrou = tension
bloǔpfǐr = happiness
bloǔprǔch = civilization
bloǔsda = fat (bodily substance)
bloǔswa = difference
bloǔswey = luck
bloǔtshi = fun
bloǔtǔtna = length
bloǔwhà = sickness
blouy = garden, orchard, plantation
bloǔyap = ability
bloǔyew = skill
bloǔyieb = moisture
blouzh = plenty
blu = standard, average, model
blǔ = cell
blùb = elite
bluchgou = resort, spa
blǔi = swing, hang, rock (move back and forth)
blǔj = avenue
blur = stomach, gut
blǔrùm = furniture
blùv = tent, canvas
bod = grill, barbecue
boi = week
boib = justify, advocate
bop = smuggle
boǔ = sensation
boǔbta = quote
boudh = show off
boǔn = voice
bounda = data
bouz = conspire
bov = cast, fling, hurl
boy = theater, stage, arena
bu = angle, corner, direction
bǔ = certain
bǔlnùj = belt
bun = expel, fire (from job)
bǔn = reward, medal, profit
bùw = shoulder
buye = interact
bwa = forget
bwà = find
bwǎ = mustache
bwǎg = matrix
bwagǐj = scream
bwaj = bitch
bwan = shower
bwàv = bad
bwaw = deliver, deposit
bway = her
bwày = home
bwaydhu = wholesome
bwayvie = lust
bwe = breathe
bwed = storm, hurricane
bwedh = feed
bwep = film
bwi = starve
bwǐ = fury
bworpou = deputy
bwou = shoe, boot
bwouth = fin (of fish)
bwoǔvà = accessory, fixture
bwù = health
bwùd = scale (skin of reptiles)
bwùsdi = buxom
bwuv = potato
bwùyzhà = reflect
byà = gun, rifle
byàj = accident
byàme = plan, program
byàme = plan
byǎn = hard, firm
byǎn fup = skull
byǎn ùz = helmet
byap = map
byàt = dome
byàwǔ = crew
byay = foundation
byày = aesthetic
byayp = stretch, pull, yank, tug, tow
byàyǔ = wreck, ruin, devastate, spoil
bye = public
byefǔ = anyway
byekdǐ = broth
byep = fulfill
byey = merit
byi = rain
byǐ = criticize
byibǐ = slogan
byie = hero
byǐg = lay
byǐg = place
byǐk = chant
byǐkù = brake
byǐrùr = mosquito
byoiz = lobster
byou = ship
byoungmà = fur
byouzh = nurture
byu = bit
byù = available
byǔ = leg, thigh
byǔb = balcony
byùp = beach
byǔv = judge
cha = society
chà = paper, document, contract
chǎ = coat, jacket, cloak
chab = cheap
chach = sorry, sad
chàd = ring
chajarjà = piano
chan = person
chǎn = chief, boss
chàp = jealous
chǎp = whip
chat = human
chǎt = province, territory
chav = attend, show up
chàv = perfect
chǎv = gate, exit
chay = life (lifetime), life (soul)
chayd = embarrass, humiliate
chayka = ferry
che = shelf, rack
chep = mammal
chezhlegoum = percent
chha = apparent
chhà = center, heart, hub
chhǎ = cord
chhàch = detain, restrain, inhibit
chhachgàzhǐ = ankle
chhàj = ghost, spirit, soul, essence
chhangbà = after
chhav = flick
chhǎv = casual
chhaw = web, net
chhàzh = crusade
chhej = basil
chhi = celebrate
chhǐ = stable, steady, calm, consistent
chhǐch = request, appeal
chhǐlmiezh = necklace
chho = confidential
chhomùdh = prescribe
chhu = forgive, excuse, pardon
chhǔ = few
chhùkàv = peel
chhùt = successful
chhǔth = contradict, contrast
chi = best
chǐ = energy
chie = grace
chǐhǐr = oath
chǐr = emphasis
chit = reservoir
chiw = stir, stoke
chiy = sweep
chla = valley, canyon
chlà = adapt
chlǎ = should
chlàch = else, otherwise
chlàka = impress
chlàlva = outside
chlàlva oǔ = appearance
chlàp = his
chlǎsoǔ = main
chlàt = match (for fire)
chlath = five
chlàth = approve, endorse
chlàw = cocktail
chlay = disappoint
chlay = grunt
chlaylǎ = catch, capture, seize, intercept
chle = she, her, hers, it, its
chlech = stride
chlegà = museum
chli = color, hue
chlǐ = gray
chliew = interior
chlin = inn, lodge
chlǐth = subjective
chlo = apology
chlokù = dissolve
chloǔb = desert
chloǔk = delight
chlu = rodent
chlù = dean
chlǔ = mustard
chlǔg = ache
chlut = treasure
chlǔv = charge
chlùy = relevant
cho = make, prepare, rehearse, brace, recite
cho mdà = have sex
choi = grass, pasture, hay
chopǔ = access
chou = cut, tear, rip
chou = cut
choǔ = song, music, melody, tune, chorus
choǔk = scissors
choǔydho = cuisine
chu = tall
chù = crumble
chǔ = atom
chǔj = word, term
chǔj gru = vocabulary
chǔngkà = saint
chǔsǎ = couple, pair, duo
chǔw = ass
da = right, entitlement, privilege
dà = system
dǎ = encounter, confront
dǎb = revenge
dǎdh = extreme, outrageous
dàg = huddle
dǎp = tail, rear
darshùt = advertise
dat = courtyard
dàt = choose, select, elect
dǎth = caterpillar
dav = bear
dàw = parliament
day = message, letter (written document)
de = face, side, front, expression, facade, surface
derǎbnà = bone
dez = statistic
di = keep, store, carry
dǐ = allege
didh = alcohol
diet = yank, jerk
dingoi = blast
dǐw = hide, smuggle, protect, conceal
diy = famous
dǐy = merchandise
dizh = porch, veranda, terrace
do = glove
doi = schedule
doip = surprise, startle
doj = idea, theory
doth = rose
dou = lift, climb, boost, escalate
doǔ = ugly, awful, terrible
doudh = great
doudh mpa = university
douzh = bank
dow = berry
drà = lip
drǎ = counter (flat, elevated surface)
drà hiedhi = lipstick
drad = clove
draeg = dragon
drag = over
drǎngà = recycle
dràt = extinct
drath = snack
draylgiz = metro
drazh = topple
dre = along
dred = shame, stigma
dreglǐ = abuse
drep = suppress, inhibit, squash
dret = tool, appliance, weapon
dri = anymore
drǐ = horse
drǐd = diet
driezàch = ditch, trench
drinbǔp = beside
driv = bay, cove
drǐy = rock (move back and forth), toss
dro = normal, regular
droib = that
droib = that
drojà = compost, fertilizer
drou = none
dru = boot
drù = excitement
drǔ = angry, mad
drǔje = wedding
druk = awesome
drǔt = tree, wood, pole, forest, jungle
drǔt frǔ = charcoal
drǔzǔd = explode, blow up
du = student
dù = silly
dǔ = slave, servant
duch = somehow
dǔlfiz = long (want for)
dunbe = rod, shaft, bar, stick, cane, axle
dùp = light (weight), fragile
dùt = now
dva = inn
dvà = rank (military), rank (position)
dvǎ = sky
dvàkvǔ = sewage
dvàm = rate
dvàm = rate
dvàpùd = advice
dvǎt = abolish
dvath = medium
dvàv = balance, poise
dvayzh = cone
dvàzhay = blouse
dve = when
dvezh = carriage, cart
dvǐ = operate, perform
dvǐdh = spring (season)
dvie = lazy
dviz = pin
dvo = custom
dvobmà = squirrel
dvou = runway
dvoy = present (time)
dvu = upset
dvù = intestine
dvǔ = comfort
dvǔdh = north
dvǔgva = near
dvǔkfek = tackle
dvǔm = nutrition
dvǔmǔ = closure
dvùn = beverage
dvùy = rag
e = but
eb = kid
ebjillath = well
ech = raise, elevate, boost, erect, bolster, reinforce, supplement
echnǎzh = flat
ed = mistake, error, defect
edhyouk = manner
efǔ = sausage
eg = franchise
egewdha = continue, keep, last, maintain, sustain
egij = rape, assault
ej = profit
ek = ribbon, tape
eldàr = jam
em = quiet, silent, shy
en = terminate
endùm = fund
enwǎd = similar
ep = drive, steer, cruise, navigate
er = tie, knot
erbàn = erupt, vomit
esma = bird
et = roast
etgach = plain
eth = cage, prison, jail
ethie = moan, sigh
ev = commission
evne = amateur
ew = sad
ewsà = rugged
ey = century
ez = village, suburb
ezh = material
ezlǐkoǔn = peer
fa = shoot, fire (detonate weapon), hurl
fà = class, lesson, lecture, sermon
fǎ = candy, vagina
fǎch = trousers, pants
fad = jelly, jam
fǎg = surface, skin
fàj = beg
fàk = camel
falgǎzey = above
fan = dine
fàn = lizard
fàp = broom
fǎp = tag
far = virgin
faràd = smooth, sleek
fat = cupboard, wardrobe
fǎt = pornography
fàtà = noise
fath = excellent, fantastic, wonderful, fabulous, terrific, superb
fàv = range, extent
fay = recognize
fay = thrust, propel
fày = officer, official
fayy = flood, tide
fe = market
fedh = whisper, murmur, mumble
fem = seizure
feth = huge
fev = device, apparatus, equipment, gadget, fixture
fi = drip
fǐ = key
fib = snatch, yank
fǐb = formula
fie = bite
fiebwà = prize, award, trophy
fiezh = sway
fǐglie = aunt
fǐj = knock
fiztǎj = back
fiztǎj pav = spine
fo = disease, plague, flu
fod = hoax
foi = actually
fou = tell, speak, express, mention
foǔ = thousand
foulrǔtwu = apple
fra = out
frà = elbow
fràch = root
fràd = courtesy
fràn = sip
fràrsùhlǐt = coffee
fràrsùhlǐt ta = cafe
frày = elk
frayp = skeleton, carcass
frersoth = current
frev = talent
frey = frown
fri = one
frǐ = girl, female, daughter
friev = matter
frǐk = file, record
frǐp = pub, bar (pub)
frǐr = alternate
fro = affirm, vow
froi = turn on
frop = swim
fror = frame, hull
frou = lease
frour = objective
froǔv = prostitute
frouy = from
fru = such
frù = prove
frǔ = coal, fuel
frudh = compile
frùj = germ, bacteria
frǔth = issue, concern
frùw = classic
fta = artillery
ftà = blink
ftamthàw = membrane
ftar = exploit
ftàt = acid
ftàv = lose
ftàw = upon
fte = boyfriend, girlfriend
ftech = compatible
ftey = perhaps
fti = full
ftǐb = dim
ftǐch = second
ftijà = scan
ftǐkà = tremble, shiver, vibrate
ftǐwma = series
fto = ambassador
ftod = impulse
ftog = liver
ftoi = be (temporary state), be (located)
ftot = civilian
ftoǔt = see, understand, watch, grasp, monitor, spectate, detect, perceive, distinguish, date, go out, clutch, grip, discriminate
ftǔ = reconcile
ftuch = protagonist
ftud = worship
ftǔdh = knob
ftukfag = prose
ftùm = sober
fu = stitch
fù = guess, speculate, estimate
fù = guess
fǔ = punish
fǔb = citadel
fùblad = middle
fùblad fà = middle class
fǔk = argument
funtim = maple
fup = head
fùp = temper
fǔsoth = louse
fùth = oxygen
fùw = company
fǔw = disaster, catastrophe
fwa = understand, comprehend, fathom
fwà = lick
fwach = shout, yell, scream
fwàdh = against
fwaj = tusk
fwàn = urge
fwap = subtle
fwàp = melt
fwàt = find, discover, encounter, uncover
fwǎth = effort
fwav = welcome
fway = bureaucrat
fwày = demon, goblin
fwayg = strip, reap
fwǎzh = certify
fwe = deteriorate, erode
fwepa = fly
fwey = surf
fwezh = arch, arc
fwezh kouy = rainbow
fwi = mean, vicious
fwǐ = room (of house)
fwǐdh = monopoly
fwie = church, chapel, religion
fwǐk = miracle
fwǐth = dominate
fwo = molecule
fwodh = thank
fwoirsǔgob = clause
fwoǔ = lot
fwoǔr = compartment
fwu = wax
fwù = cousin
fwǔ = section, segment
fwùt = faith
fwǔv = campaign
ga = industry
gà = lack
gǎ = old, antique
gǎ hi = junk
gab = mass
gàch = dump
gǎch = genetics
gaj = stay
gàj = estimate
gàk = soap
gan = lend, loan, invest
gar = study, learn
gàr = luggage, baggage
gǎr = vegetable
gǎt = building
gǎth = confident, certain
gàtsàr = gravity
gay = cotton
gay = bastard
gǎy = flavor
gayp = manual
gàysou = dignity
gaz = olive
gda = report, notify, inform, alert
gda = report
gdà = part, piece, portion
gdǎ = register, book
gdàr = expect, rely on
gday = suspect, assume, presume
gdayt = crumple
gdie = be (exist), be (permanent state)
gdier = step, footstep
gdij = combat
gdǐj = content
gdǐy = throne
gdo = import
gdoiz = loyal
gdoj = precede
gdou = raft
gdu = dinner
gdub = this
gdub = this
gdub klanubwà = tonight
gdùt = transplant
gdǔw = flash
gduy = help, assist
gduy = help
ge = many
gek = fork
gekfup = reign, command
ger = migrate
get = surpass, transcend
geth = blind
gev = create, found
gi = ready
gǐ = ramp
gib = panic
gie = will
gik = meeting
gǐk = lid
gǐlǐb = warm
gim = of
gǐm = bury
gip = crumb
gǐp = grave
giv = gossip
giw = lethal, fatal
gǐwug = ceiling, maximum
giy = premise
gǐy = predict, anticipate
glǎ = fish
glàv = distract
gledh = post
gler = kill, murder
glew = scoop
gley = borrow, hire, rent
glezyu = zombie
gli = sure
glǐ = distinct
glǐdh = granite
glie = obscure
gliej = god
gliezh = would
glǐw = external
gliy = license, patent
glǐy = billion
glo = neither
gloǔ = penis
gloushǔd = parcel, package, bundle, packet
glǔ = large, massive, immense, enormous
glunzǔzh = pedal
glùr = into
glùzh = rare
go = spit
go = saliva
goi = during
goiy = reception (of office or hotel)
got = pay
gou = execute
goǔ = prepare, train
goǔch = elaborate
goǔk = true, honest, innocent
goum = tailor
goǔn = roam, prowl, wander, migrate
gour = mural
goǔw = reptile
gra = interpret, translate
grà = necessary
grǎ = might
gràch = discuss
gràlna = row
gràlyǐ = smoke, cloud, fog, gas
gramzhǔ = insurgent, rebel
gran = record, register
gràp = afternoon
gràt = lyrics
grath = irrigate
grǎv = debate
gray = expression
gràyùyǔ = default
gre = than
grekàz = erase
gren = enjoy, appreciate
gret = embark
grez = fly
gri = previous
grǐ = blasphemy, heresy
grie = hair (of head), hair (of body), mane
griepoudshà = pause
grizh = tight
gro = curse
grod = export
groidhyǎr = cheek
gror = tribe, kin
grot = traffic
grou = cruel, nasty
groǔ = belong
grougoi = infinite
gru = stock
grù = sock
grǔ = change
grug = choir
grǔg = chemical
grǔj = emotion, affection, passion
grǔk = demise
gu = hang, drape
gù = body, corpse
gǔ = sweet, delicious
gǔ shmù = cake
gub = bring, fetch, deliver, carry
gǔensi = clan, kin
gǔhǐlfazh = critique
guj = rest, relax
gùj = die, expire
gùm = witness
gǔnge = dig, gouge
gut = sole, lone
gǔy = follow
guz = kit
gǔz = consolidate, incorporate
guzh = sign, signal, alarm, siren
gwa = about, concerning, regarding
gwà = absurd
gwǎ = second
gwad = punch
gwǎd = spank, slap
gwǎlwap = biscuit
gwàngthà = log
gwǎw = mist
gway = basically
gway = alibi
gwày = millennium
gwayy = wave (salutation)
gwe = vomit
gwew = cloth, material
gwi = anything
gwie = board
gwǐg = chest
gwǐp = bloom, blossom, flourish, sprout
gwo = descendant, offspring, heir
gwolge = gene
gwon = quit, give up
gwoǔ = install, set up
gwoup = one
gwu = try (attempt), attempt, try (test out), intend, aim
gwǔkshǔ = ancestor
gwùzh = wait
gya = edit, refine
gyà = experience
gyà = experience
gyagà = coral
gyam = favorite
gyàm = important, significant
gyap = rule
gyap = rule
gyay = information
gye = environment
gyek = impact
gyelsa = attach, stick
gyi = administration
gyid = spasm, orgasm
gyǐg = crunch, chew
gyo = display, show off
gyou = exotic
gyoǔ = exaggerate
gyoulàn = unit
gyoǔp = your
gyu = pea
gyǔd = grid, network
gyùp = light
gyùzh = slice, portion
ha = could
hà = cook (heat food), cook (prepare food)
hǎ = two
hàb = roar
habnir = calm, patient
hàch = discourage, inhibit, deter
hàchlej = volatile
hàd = cellar
hǎd = empty, vacant, naked, nude, tired (needing rest)
hadh = strict
hàdh = nervous
hadhyij = weird, strange, bizarre, peculiar
hàg = eye
hàg foulrǔtwu = eyeball
hàg gǐk = eyelid
hàg grie = eyelash
hàg kok = glasses
hàg pre = tear
hàhǎr = constitution
haj = elsewhere
hàj = seaweed
hǎj = seven
hak = arsenal
hàk = trivia
hǎlǐ = pronounce
hàlzhàtǔ = logo
hàn = tactic
hǎn = spur
hap = alone
hapà = shack
hapwà = require, oblige
hàr = journey, trip, voyage
hǎr = aroused (sexually)
hàrpa = humiliate
hasmà = clean, neat
hasmà = clean
hàsǔw = interview
hat = my
hàth = evidence, symptom
hàtmo = compass
hàttà = strawberry
haù = smell (emit odour), stink
hav = apart
hǎv = grow up
hàw = hang out
hay = remove, take out
hay = cabinet, drawer
hày = poison, venom
hǎy = bead
hayj = hawk
hayngath = intricate
haz = ahead
hàz = shrub, bush
hǎzh = saw
he = save (put aside)
heb = hop
hech = span
hed = police
hedh = core, nucleus, embryo
hento = shine, seem, glow, glare, radiate, sweat
hep = show, demonstrate, present
hepù = hail
het = must, have to
hev = floor, ground, bottom (lowest part), basement
hi = thing, stuff, matter
hǐ = query
hib = cylinder
hǐch = hill, mound
hie = picture, image, icon
hiech = say, express
hiedhi = pen, pencil
hieg = counsel
hiep = assume, presume, deduce
hieth = corn
hihlap = due
hǐk = intimate
hilwe = shuffle
hǐlyù = orchestra
hǐm = pinch
hǐshkǔ = glory
hit = explain
hǐth = puzzle, maze
hǐw = unless
hiy = work (be employed), work (toil), work (function)
hiy = work
hǐz = dress
hizhǎ = betray
ho = sit
hob = why
hod = fix, mend, repair, heal, recover
hoi = fact, evidence, contract
hoishkit = worry
hoit = gum
hoiyo = go
hoiz = blood
hop = test
hop = test
hor = luxury
hothǔàt = hurt, injure, harm
hou = thin (slender), slim, skinny
hoǔ = strategy
hoǔch = train
hoǔd = poultry
hoǔdh = boulder, stone
hoǔm = loser
houp = stab, pierce, prick
houp klǐt = dagger
hoǔth = vacation
houv = crisis, catastrophe
hoǔv = wife
hoǔw = draw
hoǔz = for (the purpose of)
how = paragraph, verse
hoy = chuckle, giggle
hu = group, gang, flock, herd
hù = because
hǔ = steal, rob
huàntep = service
huàntep = treatment
huav = agreement
huàz = perception
hub = scratch, scrape, rub
hùb = blow, kiss
hubiz = pressure
hublàch = arrival
hubwùyzhà = reflection
huch = drum
hǔchay = raid
hud = probable
hùd = felony
hudarshùt = advertisement
hudàt = choice
hudàt = election
hudvǐ = action
hufay = memory
hufay = recognition
hufay zà = remember
hufrù = proof
huftàv = loss
hufwàt = discovery
hufwepa = flight
hùg = lobby
hugar = study
hugoǔ = preparation
hǔgra = cover, muffle
hugràch = discussion
hugrǔ = change
hugùj = death
huhit = explanation
huhop = exam
huhoǔch = training
huǐfǐ = division
huitho = victory
hukla = growth
hukshouy = intervention
huktab = permission
hukwe = settlement
hukwǐz = reservation
hulwuth = reference
hùm = den
humǎt = conviction
humǎv = circulation
humlǎy = appearance (act of appearing)
humlenhǐ = entrance
humpin = destruction
humùk = question
hǔn = sea, ocean
hǔn pfà = shore
hunath = government
hùngzem = nickname
hunlǎ = behavior
hǔp = compare
hupǎt = movement, motion
hupfar = development
hupfoup = existence
huprǔ = completion
hupyǎth = cause
hùr = reef
hushmǐt = reversal
huskà = pleasure
huskaypcha = retention
hùt = relate, correlate
hǔt = clerk, accountant
huth = clip, snip, trim
hutshǐlfǔp = suggestion
hutup = conquest
hǔtwǔ = transcript
huut = hearing
huǔv = failure
huvyǎch = painting
huvyou = thought
huvyou = belief
hùy = scramble
hǔy = rinse
hǔzh = scatter
huzhe = defense
huzhietchù = husband
hùzhyǔ = deep
huzǐr = description
ǐ = who
ib = qualify
ǐb = intend
icha = courier
iche = compensate
ǐchlie = fry
id = wine
ǐd = food, meal, picnic, nutrition
ǐd = eat
ǐd shmǎrpa = menu
idh = prop
ǐdh = seduce, tempt
ie = woman, wife
ieb = perfume
iech = busy
iedhrǔ = pandemic
ieg = nerve
iej = scale (instrument for weighing)
iem = velvet
ien = regulate
iep = half
iepchà = vicious, fierce
iesi = sleep, nap
iesi = sleep
iet = enough
iey = factor, variable
ǐfe = around
ǐfǐ = divide
ig = live
ǐhi = destination
ij = weight
ǐj = teach, instruct, educate, coach, train
ik = hit, beat (strike), assault
ǐk = gain, earn
ǐlsǔ = ice
ǐlwe = recent
ǐm = pig, pork
ǐm byǔ = ham
ǐmàw = confess
in = lie
in = lie
ǐn = testify
ingiew = shelter, shack
ǐnoǔzh = case, situation, incident
inshe = summary
ip = homeland, motherland
ǐp = fort
ippie = diary, memoir
ǐpup = both
ǐr = focus, aim, attempt, intend
ǐroildhù = gradual
irputh = free
ǐshchaz = fence, barrier, hurdle
it = chord
ǐt = by (using the means of), by (using a route)
ith = suit, costume
itho = win
iv = attention
ǐv = appliance
ǐve = goose
ǐw = dream
ǐw = dream
iwbu = spread
iy = white, clear, transparent
iy = clear
ǐy = yes
ǐyep = connect, attach, combine, bond, attribute
iz = family (children and parents), family (realted by blood)
ǐz = illusion
izga = complicated
izh = spoon
ǐzh = handsome
ǐzhà = speed
ǐzma = passion
ja = garbage, trash, rubbish
jà = whistle
jǎ = carrot
jaadhyǔk = insurance
jachhàch = detention
jadh = vagina
jaech = elevation
jafwǎzh = certificate
jahoǔw = drawing
jahùt = relationship
jaje = excuse
jaktey = hate
jakwàbne = infection
jǎma = trip, stumble, slip
jamur = sewer
jan = finger, toe, hook
jan klet = fingerprint
janoub = position
jaout = organization
jàp = buttocks, ass
jǎp = pain, agony, distress
japfar = product
japfǔm = spelling
jaswe = knowledge
jàw = he, him, his, it, its
jay = feel (perceive, sense)
jay = feeling
jày = stand
jayd = beautiful, pretty
jazbàw = hold, clutch
jazhà = opening
jazhen = frost
jazhid = population
je = relieve, excuse, pardon
jechǔbmà = regard, deem
jek = show, play (stage play), exhibit
jem = blur
jew = usual
jey = bribe
jezh = stripe, strip
ji = greed
jǐ = right, correct, true
jǐb = lead
jǐdh = butter
jie = sour
jien = customer, patron
jǐj = yellow, orange, brown
jip = launch
jǐr = compact
jǐt = hobby
jiy = circle, ring, sphere
jo = deal, haggle, negotiate
job = nevertheless, regardless, even though
joch = purpose, reason
joi = burst
jou = dairy
joub = fatigue
joǔk = hedge, shrub, fence
joǔp = pollute, contaminate
joǔth = harass
jouy = holy, sacred
joǔy = then
joy = minor, petty
jozh = brag
jù = crystal
jùb = backward
jùm = cling
jùsàth = maybe
jǔshne = island
jǔsǐdhrà = terror
jǔv = drag, tow
juy = flaw, defect
jùy = look
ka = set
kà = job, role
kǎ = concept
kàch = tap, faucet
kǎch = halt, stall
kàd = ear
kàd nlà = earring
kadh = later
kàg = call (cry out)
kǎj = be (age)
kàk = chart
kǎm = lump, bump, knot
kàn = calendar
kàpvà = arouse
kàrjùy = size, capacity
kasgà = cauldron, kettle
kashmǔ = sibling
kàt = pest, bully
kǎth = fairy
kav = idiot, fool
kǎw = contempt
kay = listen
kay = quarter
kày = last (only remaining)
kǎy = gross
kaychko = back (of body), back (reverse side)
kaydh = label
kayth = alongside, as well as
kaz = resist, prevent, block, intercept
kàzh = affiliate
kàzhlat = guest, patron
ke = once
keb = scout
kedh = plus
kej = forehead, brow
kembeth = struggle
ken = spinach
keru = lung
ket = yacht
ketcha = fertile
kev = vine, flower
key = trailer
kezle = drill
ki = climate
kǐ = field
kǐa = nominate
kib = bee
kid = origin
kǐd = sentence
kidh = sweetheart
kǐdh = leverage
kie = community, colony
kietjay = stake
kǐgshǎke = finish, expire
kǐgshǎke = end
kijazh = grandmother
kin = visit
kin = visit
kǐr = mafia, mob
kith = depart
kiv = story, fable, narrative, novel
kiw = park
kiwàn = coherent
kiyǐ = trunk (of tree), stem
kǐz = sand, dust
kǐzh = embassy
kla = grow, flourish
klà = doll, puppet
klǎ = plate, tray
klab = abundant, lush
klach = independence
klàd = common, generic
klàdh = without
klanubwà = night
klar = so, very, really, quite, rather
klasgà = stubborn
klàth = safe, immune, exempt
klav = rough, raw
klàw = supply, arm
klay = underwear
klàyzhay = paralyze
klàzgieb = ask (request), request, ask (invite)
klàzgieb = order
kle = no
kleb = harbor
klej = invite
klem = orbit
klep = metropolis
kler = link
klet = mark, stain
kli = gold
klǐ = race, ethnicity
klib = slump
kliedh = want, crave, desire, lack, choose, miss (long for)
klǐj = conference
klǐlà = window, view
klǐr = wear, put on
klǐt = knife
klo = brass
kloij = camp
klot = umbrella
klou = laugh
klou = laugh
kloǔ = versus
kloug = crawl, creep, lurk
klozà = partner
klǔ = red, purple
klǔ mwǎ = fox
klùd = scared, afraid
klùj = disgust
klǔn = panorama
klǔpab = custody
kluy = sum, score
klùzh = owl
ko = lunch
kod = illuminate
koi = nine
koim = fear
koin = return, go back, replace
koin = return
koizlǔj = angel
kok = glass
kokaj = drug, poison
kone = date
korù = neglect, overlook
kot = bow
kou = response
koǔ = axe
koǔd = vanilla
koup = therefore, thus
kouw = liberty
kouy = cloud
ksha = spike
kshǎ = bat (winged mammal)
kshanùy = bore
kshàth = condition (requirement, stipulation), law
kshày = bucket
kshǎy = absent
kshayb = term
ksheb = decision
kshǐ = professor
kshie = shape, form, constellation
kshin = peak, orgasm
kshǐp = milk
ksho = future, destiny, fate
kshoi = pat
kshountap = approach
kshouthew = mission
kshoǔtrifshoun = stress
kshouy = interrupt, interfere, intervene
kshu = tin
kshù = passenger
kshǔ = before
kshǔp = keen, eager
kshǔzouglà = depressed
kta = good, superb, wonderful, right, competent, hot (attractive), nice, great, valid, moral
ktà = analysis
ktǎ = property
ktab = let, allow, permit, enable, tolerate
ktàblà = green, sick, fresh, blue
ktǎdh = face, confront
ktǎg = sauce
ktàtǔg = minute
ktàv = lever
ktày = pottery
kte = premiere
kted = hunt
ktek = dot, spot
kteth = viable
ktey = hate, resent
kti = practice
ktǐ = parent
ktoi = claw
ktoǔ = brush, brush (for hair)
ktoǔd = either
ktoǔp = stream
ktu = rail
ktǔ = weather
ktǔb = notice, recognize, detect
ktùdh = endangered
ktùp = resemble
ktǔw = screw
ktùy = four
ku = pick
kù = whole, entire
kǔ = source, origin, fountain
kùbjoup = result, outcome
kǔch = found, establish
kùj = shit
kùk = invade
kùnji = vary, differ
kǔp = doctrine
kùr = notable
kǔràb = pumpkin
kusà = badge, symbol
kǔth = hello
kutmǎ = share
kuv = demand
kǔy = protest
kuzh = coil
kwa = forward
kwà = like, love, admire, worship
kwǎ = well
kwàbne = infect
kwàd = spoil
kwǎdhroi = rebel, guerrilla
kwak = inherit
kwàk = host
kwan = pasture, prairie
kwàn = erection
kwànsied = break, crash, shatter, smash, tear, interrupt, collide
kwàr = gag
kwàt = brothel
kwaw = semester
kway = beak
kwày = location
kwaych = prince
kwayg = cave, tomb
kwaylmiw = giant
kwàzh = work (have desired result)
kwe = settle
kwem = hag (old woman)
kwet = puddle
kwey = embrace
kwi = dynamics
kwǐ = time, age, tense
kwǐch = pet
kwiechnà = coin
kwǐth = pillar
kwǐw = commute
kwiy = shrug
kwǐz = have, take, receive, capture, hold, carry, steal, seize, reserve, remove, deprive, take away, kidnap, must, have to, own, possess, include, gain, gather, accumulate, absorb
kwo = party, portion
kwoid = turtle
kwoit = graph
kwou = behind
kwoǔdà = idol
kwoup = refer
kwoǔz = defecate
kwouzh = tragedy, disaster
kwu = permanent
kwù = cabin
kwǔ = dust
kwùb = parsley
kwǔb = laundry
kwug = wary, reluctant
kwǔg = patriot
kwùm = honey
kwǔnyu = adventure, enterprise
kwuw = dart
kwuy = carve
kya = stop, brake
kyà = drought
kyǎ = inside
kyàwǎ = shy
kyay = technology
kyeg = thunder
kyi = trap, bait
kyǐ = beyond
kyie = sponge
kyiech = threat
kyiey = divert
kyǐy = close, shut
kyo = marathon
kyoi = toast
kyoilo = turmoil, frenzy
kyou = prey
kyoup = wipe
kyow = sword, blade
kyu = demographic
kyǔ = fake
kyùch = tease, flirt
kyuv = zero
lwa = bug, insect, beetle
lwà = pass, cross, occur
lwǎ = walk
lwàch = highlight
lwàk = rust
lwàlga = handcuff
lwàlwǔp = spontaneous
lwǎngkie = syrup
lwàv = scrub, polish, shine
lwàwey = manual
lway = abandon, desert
lwayntàn = throughout
lwǎze = hallway, corridor
lwe = possible, plausible
lweblà = practical, pragmatic, efficient
lwed = trigger
lwehouwà = crop
lwershǔ = tab
lwi = shed
lwǐ = letter (of an alphabet)
lwǐngmemzho = ridicule
lwǐtrà = ambiguous
lwo = grab, clutch, grasp, grip
lwoidshie = kiss
lwouth = damage, impair
lwouth = damage
lwu = discourse, rhetoric
lwù = hungry
lwǔ = dove
lwuth = point
lwùw = vertical
lwuy = tear, rip
lya = ever
lyǎ = bulb
lyabjàrsà = tornado
lyadi = cinnamon
lyak = habit, ritual
lyanday = nag
lyàt = castle, palace
lyay = skeptic, cynic
lyaygdaz = master, lord, boss
lye = only
lyer = tropical
lyeth = recession
lyev = lion
lyǐ = son
lyiet = fluke
lyǐg = silk, thread
lyǐgǎ = ancient
lyǐmlǐngǎ = trunk (large box)
lyǐoǔy = mansion
lyǐv = bake
lyǐw = pastry
lyǐy = ray
lyo = bankrupt, broke
lyouhà = taste
lyouswù = exact, precise
lyu = state (province, country)
lyǔ = least
lyùb = grim
lyǔv = apartment
lyǔw = imagine, devise, come up with
ma = road, pavement
mà = though
mǎ = turn, rotate, wind, weave, revolve
màb = patent
màchnà = note
màchnà zǎ = notebook
mǎj = beer
mak = intimidate
màk = clarify
makdi = magazine
màm = suck
mamàwmǐ = onto
mǎngù = soft, gentle
map = misery
mǎp = solve, figure out, deduce, deem
mar = acute
marshà = humble, modest
mǎt = convict, sentence
mǎv = circulate, publish
mǎw = restaurant, diner
may = instant
may = pear
mày = read
mayd = silver
mayn = command, supervise
mayw = amuse, charm
màzmie = mind, brain, soul
màzmie oug = psychology
mda = cartoon
mdà = sex
mdà byoungmà = pubic hair
mdǎlmǎ = subject
mdan = caution
mdàn = which
mdàn = which
mdàt = chaos
mdày = transport
mde = meat, flesh, fish
mdedh = tilt
mdev = peek, squint
mdǐ = justice
mdie = at
mdolwoi = tribunal
mdou = opinion
mdour = invest, devote
mdouy = hangover
mdù = egg
mdǔ = limb
mdukchay = universe
mdǔzh = tribute
me = owe
men = skid
mev = fight, attack
mev = fight
mew = dismiss, expel
mez = wave (ocean)
mi = strong, tough, sturdy
mǐ = father
mǐb = disclose
mǐch = awe
mǐchav = state, declare
miet = danger, risk
mikà = sew
mip = awful, terrible
mǐp = referendum
mir = nail
mit = sudden, abrupt, swift
mith = aboard
mǐthra = audience
mǐv = hammer
mlà = feel (sense by touch), feel (examine by touch)
mlàngkǐy = humor
mlat = divorce
mlàth = hug, cuddle
mlay = rope, tape, valve
mlǎy = appear
mlayj = comedy
mlazh = contribute, donate
mlàzh = bunch
mle = horn
mleg = thin (narrow)
mleldo = fat (component in food)
mlenhǐ = come, arrive, become (change into), get, enter, happen
mlev = give, deliver, donate, provide, cater
mlez = hatch
mlǐ = swamp
mlie = tooth, fang
mlie oip = dentist
mlǐngǎ = box
mliy = according to
mlǐy = land
mlǐy kǐgshǎke = distance
mloi = multiply, reproduce
mloug = mere
mlouy = sorrow
mlu = compromise
mlù = aware, conscious
mlùdnàz = mistress
mlum = cough
mlùtna = massage
mlǔv = mouse, rat
mlùvnǐ = dwarf
mo = blade, razor
mog = space, room (space)
moi = excrement, shit, sewage
moib = lesbian
mon = scar, crater
mou = trouble, problem
moum = casino
moumnoǔdh = thick, wide, broad, fat
moumnoǔdh ktoǔp = river
mouth = education
moy = nose
moy klǐlà = nostril
mpa = school, academy
mpà = architecture
mpahe = comic
mpàp = literature
mpǎp = chapter
mpàt = veteran
mpav = plant
mpay = mobile, portable
mpe = yet
mpechfà = vest
mpedh = accommodation
mpi = most
mpǐ = economy
mpǐb = marine
mpie = oil, grease
mpǐgày = cheer
mpin = destroy
mpisgouy = staff
mpǐt = rise, lift
mpo = foot
mpo biz = footprint
mpoi = pyramid
mpǔ = scope, extent
mpùp = easy
mput = update
mpǔy = characteristic
mu = damn
mù = shake, shudder, shiver
mǔ = six
mùg = salad
mùk = ask (enquire), ask (request), inquire, consult
mùlwǐ = alphabet
mùn = release, let go, let out, dismiss
mur = drain, reduce
muth = try (strive), work
muv = plot
mùw = tuna
mùzh = by (agent performing an action), by (author or creator)
mwa = comment, commentary
mwà = lock
mwǎ = dog
mwach = nod
mwàj = compliment
mwǎj = serial
mway = litigation
mwày = collar
mwe = dish
mweb = simmer
mwep = stall, kiosk
mwey = anchor
mwi = probe
mwie = pray
mwǐm = violence
mwǐy = lottery
mwo = succession
mwoǔ = almond
mwoǔm = choke, suffocate
mwoǔy = credit (of money)
mwow = barrel
mwu = cover up
mwù = tub, basin
mwùch = snow
mwùch = snow
mwùy = assassinate
na = three
nà = youth
nǎ = everyone
nàch = prestige
nǎdh = protection
nǎfpǐ = deserve
nàj = sequence, order
nakà = nursery
nàklǔ = saddle
nalke = screen
nan = object
nǎr = blush
nasà = violin
naszay = inject, implant
nàt = excerpt
nǎt = through
nath = govern
nàth = until
nǎth = astonish
nathrou = tense
nàv = decay
nǎv = chop
naw = dungeon
nay = with (accompanied by), with (using)
naydh = reject, refuse, vomit, veto
naygday = suspicious
naygùj = dead
naykǐgshǎke = final
naykwànsied = broken
naynyay = guilty
nayp = evaporate
naypùg = complex
ne = role, character, persona
ned = name, dub
nem = ring
nemwǎ = puppy
nen = revise
nep = vibrant
ner = hole, ditch, gap, crater, cavity, void, crack, well, armpit
neth = excess
newhǐrboib = kitten
nezmà = beard, mane
ni = adult
nǐ = stroke
nǐb = tomb
nǐd = confine
nie = sound
nieg = clothes, clothing, garment, fabric, textile, linen, napkin
niew = vein
nǐlmi = oyster
nǐp = peace, harmony
nirpàd = enrich
niu = secret, mystery
niv = strap
nǐvrandhǔ = frequent
nǐy = boy, son
nla = gender
nlà = loop, curve, curl
nlǎ = act, behave
nlǎch = sugar
nlap = heritage
nlàpwayzmi = gallery, exhibit
nlat = deploy
nlaw = recipe
nle = here
nlech = number
nli = imminent, pending
nlǐ = cull, extract
nlie = structure, network
nlǐy = footpath, sidewalk
nlǐz = revolution
nlo = combine
nloir = pedestrian
nlu = rude, crude, vulgar
nlù = agriculture
nlùdh = kitchen
nlùj = bust
nlukfan = suitcase, baggage, equipment
nlǔnzù = trillion
no = convert
nochǐr = emphasize
nochoǔ = sing
nodreglǐ = abuse
nodrù = excite
nofǔk = argue
nofùw = accompany
nogik = meet
nogǔhǐlfazh = criticize
nohoiz = bleed
noi = only, merely
noij = weigh
noilǔthà = colony, flock
noirpàk = knee
nokou = respond
noksheb = decide
noktà = analyze
nom = contain, include, involve, entail
nonǎdh = protect
nou = bid
noǔ = physical, tangible
noub = pose
noǔch = elf
noum = bell
noǔv = therapy
nouw = stain, contaminate
noǔwǔp = breed
nov = travel, run
noyab = authorize
nozli = repeat
nu = skirt
nù = mathematics
nǔ = become (begin to be), become (change into)
nuntoǔ = distort
nùp = splash
nùpyich = bureaucracy
nǔw = wedge
nuy = fuse
nùy = boring
nuzà = juice, blood
nwà = species, kind, type
nwàdyiey = riot
nwàkùngùch = thorn
nwàt = gentle
nwav = shooting star
nwavna = gauge
nway = current
nwày = robust
nwayp = early
nwe = heaven, paradise
nwech = salary
nwen = celebrity
nwenàt = less
nwerbǔ = priority
nwǐ = reason, logic, rationale
nwie = niche
nwǐw = announce, proclaim, affirm
nwo = team
nwodyo = satisfy, convince
nwon = exile
nwoǔ = jungle
nwu = triple
nwù = answer, reply, react
nwù = answer
nwǔ = receipt
nwùw = jewel, gem, pearl
nwùz = bother
nya = evening
nyà = sometimes
nyǎ = doubt
nyaj = drink
nyaj = drink
nyàp = hormone
nyat = graze (touch), scrape
nyàv = abdomen, midriff
nyay = blame, accuse
nyey = fluid, liquid
nyi = trend
nyǐ = bullet
nyie = poem
nyo = serious, obese
nyoi = step (one level of stairs)
nyoip = pork
nyou = rigorous
nyow = thrill
nyù = vote, elect
nyǔ = excel
nyùt = crest
nyùv = transfer
o = hour
ob = frog
obmi = glide, slide, drift, slip, skate, sail
och = deed
od = allergy
og = paste, cream, milk
ogat = quota
oi = new
oib = sob, weep
oibǔ = certainly
oich = never
oid = degree
oidh = usher
oigri = previously
oihdoi = layer, sheet
oihtǔn = funeral
oihud = probably
oij = calculate
oijew = usually
oik = kindergarten
oikfàr = hollow
oikwayt = cliff
oilmù = sanctuary, haven
oilyouswù = exactly
oimit = suddenly
oin = cult
oinaykǐgshǎke = finally
oip = doctor
oipà = clap
oipap = quickly
oipfe = simply
oipfoǔ = especially
oipoi = curious
oipyàr = clearly
oit = audit
oithyà = remains, remnant
oiw = article
oiyǐ = recently
oj = bracelet
ok = baby
olyik = switch
om = bend, lean
on = pour, flow
ongfù = street, trail
op = sneeze
or = search, look up, explore, seek
orshà = warrant
osǔ = spell (of magic)
ot = match (game), contest
ou = need (require), need (lack)
ou = need
oǔ = look, consider, glance, stare, study, examine, focus
ouch = flesh
oud = cold, crisp
oudh = prism
oufpiz = anxiety
oug = science
oǔg = discount
oǔhadh = item
oujam = dam
ouk = chase
oǔk = empathy
oum = audio
oǔm = temporary
oun = pity
oǔn = just, barely, hardly, only, merely
oungàwu = stack
ountap = close, dense
oup = cement
oǔp = magic
out = do, make, earn, organize, compel, induce, cause, set up, evoke, provoke, exacerbate
oǔth = disguise, feign, bluff
oǔv = military
ouw = monster
oǔw = spy
oǔwa = negotiate
ouy = escape, flee, dodge, retreat
oǔy = house, tribe
ouz = deaf
oǔzh = staple
ov = bud, spark
oy = iron
oylǐ = grave
oz = neighbor
pa = may
pà = wrong
pǎ = sap, glue
paà = extinguish, put out, squash
pàchoǔz = bracket
pàd = sense
pade = dancer
pag = spray
pǎg = rake
pǎg = criminal
pàj = per, for each
pǎj = jersey, sweater
pàk = policy
pakfà = detail
pàkfa = chef, cook
pàn = afford
pàn = farmer
pàngkow = build, construct, erect, assemble, manufacture, mold
pap = fast, smart, intelligent, clever, quick, swift
pàp = gown
papyǎ = town
pàr = security
pǎràj = wing
pat = trader
pǎt = move
path = challenge
pàth = innovate
pathu = poor
patta = backpack
pav = column
pǎv = offense
paw = vision
paybloǔmi = muscle
payblouy = gardener
paychoǔ = singer
paygler = killer
paygya = editor
payhiy = worker, employee
payhoup = needle
payhǔ = thief
payjǐb = leader
payjo = dealer
paykaz = shield
paykin = visitor
paykshàth = lawyer
paykshàth = ruler
paykted = hunter
paykwà = lover
paykwǐz = owner
paymàzmie oug = psychologist
paymur = drain
paymwà = locksmith
paymwùy = assassin
paynom = container
paynyie = poet
paypfab = florist
paypfoib = manager
paypra = employer
paypràw = author, writer
paypraydh = player
paypǔlà = artist
paypyap = runner
payswǎ = warrior
paythoi = vendor
paytiy = tourist
payvyǎch = painter
payw = appropriate, convenient
payyùv = stamp
payzhe = guardian
payzhwo = sailor
pàz = every, each
pǎz = across
pàzh = reform
pe = hair (of body), fur
peb = hospital, ward
peblayg = bow (weapon)
peg = midnight
pengzayt = disturb, disrupt
pep = driver
per = too, so, also, as well
pet = south
peth = prisoner
pew = retire
pey = topic, theme
pez = voucher
pfa = year, period, season
pfà = line
pfǎ = goodbye
pfab = flower
pfach = blunt
pfǎch = whatever
pfàchlàkwàn = mature, sophisticated, ripe
pfàda = depend, rely on
pfàdh = static
pfǎdhràm = whore
pfǎg = composite, hybrid
pfǎj = rookie
pfàksà = escort
pfan = passive
pfandà = fluent
pfangkezh = including
pfap = tax, tariff
pfàp = ground
pfar = produce, generate, develop, spawn, advance, promote, advocate, reap
pfasàdh = blanket
pfat = soon
pfàt = flag, banner
pfàtchoǔsma = chicken, fowl
pfath = warn, alert
pfaw = mill, laboratory
pfawkath = shrink
pfay = that
pfày = promise
pfǎy = dumb (speechless)
pfàykà = coffin
pfayw = princess
pfàzh = surrender, give up
pfǎzh = inflict
pfe = simple
pfebnǔ = armor
pfech = vehicle
pfedh = chance, odds
pfen = offer
pfen = offer
pfet = fine
pfew = forecast
pfey = selfish
pfezh = slow
pfi = avoid, dodge, avert, divert, deter
pfich = cute
pfǐch = trumpet
pfǐd = approximate
pfie = condition (requirement, stipulation)
pfiev = scrap
pfǐj = screw
pfikfu = unique
pfǐn = adopt
pfǐnnen = lime
pfǐr = happy
pfǐt = check, examine, confirm
pfǐth = benign
pfiv = random
pfǐv = tired (needing sleep), tired (needing rest)
pfiw = expert, specialist
pfiy = for (in favor of)
pfoch = withdraw, take out, extract, pluck
pfoi = chin, jaw
pfoib = manage
pfoich = they, them, theirs
pfolhù = ethic
pfoǔ = special
pfoǔch = sketch
pfoǔchàtmiezh = machine
pfoup = exist
pfoǔp = bottom (lowest part), buttocks
pfoǔy = towel, napkin
pfow = except, besides
pfu = claim
pfù = establish
pfǔ = in, within
pfǔb = block, cube
pfud = aggressive
pfùd = triangle
pfǔd = private
pfǔdh = locker
pfùj = complex
pfǔj = ball, sphere
pfùk = even
pfǔm = spell
pfǔnyaj = drunk (inebriated)
pfùp = reap, plow
pfǔp = whiskey
pfupǎ = reveal, expose, confess
pfùr = hotel
pfǔt = confirm, validate, verify
pfùth = funny
pfǔth = etcetera
pfuv = accuse, denounce
pfùv = empire
pfùw = separate, isolate, segregate
pfǔw = put
pfuy = cuff
pfǔy = diaper
pfùysich = steep
pfùz = goal, target
pi = cook (prepare food)
pǐblǔ = canopy
pǐdo = scare, frighten
pie = bless
piek = mattress, cushion
pǐj = teacher
pim = top (clothing)
pin = liar
pǐngbie = whisker
pir = rock, stone, mountain
pǐrshangat = loose
pit = rear
piw = haunt
pǐw = contract, pact
piy = touch, feel (sense by touch)
pǐz = difficult
pode = arrogant
pog = still
pohdàg = dusk
poi = whose
poig = fruit
poshoǔlvà = obey
pou = event
poǔ = call (refer to by name), dub
poǔb = nothing
poug = scientist
pra = use, utilize, manipulate, employ, recruit
pra = use
prà = up
prà = up
prǎ = seem
pràb = pure, authentic
pràgǐw = indulge
pràk = curtain
prǎlvùngmoiw = bunker
pran = census
pràp = bubble, foam
prarkǐ = outbreak
pràsou = taxi, cab
prath = ignore, overlook
prav = magnet
pràv = bounce
pràvroi = grandfather
pràw = write
pray = shrimp
praydh = play (have fun), compete
pre = water
pre pi = boil
prenme = rubble, debris
presǐ = darling
prǐ = layout
prǐch = cathedral
prǐcha = praise
prie = temperature
priey = total
prig = grain, cereal
prǐv = swallow, absorb
prǐy = robe
pro = mess, clutter
proiy = rattle
proiyma = nephew
proud = quality
proǔz = pledge, vow
pru = cow, buffalo
prù = that
prǔ = complete, achieve, accomplish
prùch = tenant
prǔch = civilized
prudh = chime
prǔmouzh = fraud
prǔr = cozy
prùth = much
prùy = shade, hue
prǔy = velocity
pu = task, chore
pù = earth, planet
pǔ = leave, depart, evacuate
pù mù = earthquake
pù oug = geography
pùb = race (competition)
pǔbrùd = limit, border, boundary, perimeter
pug = masturbate
pùg = confuse, distract, complicate
pǔhva = monitor, follow
pùj = former
pǔk = bulk
pǔlà = art
pumnay = formal
pùngǎw = militia
pǔp = servant, waiter
pùri = despair
pùth = backup
pǔth = option
puw = persist
pùwkǐ = candidate
puzh = orgasm
pǔzh = politician
pya = sample, example, prototype
pyà = also, as well
pyǎ = often
pyag = stereotype
pyap = run
pyǎr = murder
pyatgop = growl
pyǎth = cause, induce
pyaw = ban, prohibit, exclude, omit, restrict, veto
pyay = sensible
pyày = infant, toddler
pyǎy = bridge
pyazh = however
pye = wrist
pyeshchǐ = ditch
pyew = gasp
pyey = okay
pyi = far
pyǐ = moment
pyǐmà = city
pyǐt = worth
pyǐzhie = bank (river)
pyo = miss (not hit), miss (not take advantage of)
pyom = gesture
pyou = research
pyou = research
pyoǔch = peninsula
pyoǔn = moral, noble
pyoǔya = pump
pyu = slab, portion
pyù = linger
pyǔ = neat, elegant
pyǔdh = clue
pyǔdshe = family (related by blood)
pyùm = delicious
pyùth = clown
sda = fat, big, broad
sdà = cart, wagon
sdàbsǔ = fashionable
sdàch = prophet
sdǎk = rich
sdàp = string
sdàshmǐ = proud
sdǎva = lure
sdǎw = inspire, influence
sdayblǐ = expensive
sdaybloǔtǔtna = long
sdaybwǐ = furious
sdaybwù = healthy
sdaych = card
sdaychhà = central
sdaydvǔ = comfortable
sdayhàth = evident
sdayhoiz = bloody
sdayjǎp = painful
sdayji = greedy
sdaykli = golden
sdaymdà = sexual
sdaymiet = risky
sdaymiet = dangerous
sdaymwǐm = violent
sdaynà = young
sdaynà zhwànu = lamb
sdaynwǐ = reasonable
sdaypro = messy
sdaypyǐmà = urban
sdaysduy = distant
sdayw = bright
sdayzày = dirty
sdayzha = friendly
sdaz = powerful
sdi = breast
sdǐ = since
sdi tshafhà = bra
sdie = summon, call (request the attendance of)
sdij = heavy
sdǐth = forge, mold
sdo = benefit
sdou = refine
sdoufpiz = anxious
sdoǔj = what
sdoǔj = what
sdù = lettuce
sdǔ = anybody
sdǔdh = athlete
sduloǔ = ironic
sdǔv = guilt
sdùyǎj = program
shka = meal, feast, festival, picnic
shkà = pole, mast
shka zhoudh = holiday
shkàd = chasm
shkàrew = posture
shkav = ammunition
shkaw = eagle
shke = exclaim, proclaim
shki = support, bolster, reinforce
shki = I, me, mine
shki = support
shkǐ = tread, step on
shkǐn = nut, seed, semen
shkǐw = double
shko = edge, coast, fringe, mane
shkoymàm = barely, merely, hardly
shku = square
shkù = tunnel
shkùb = flush
shlà = mall
shlǎ = roll, revolve, rotate
shlad = furthermore
shlàj = twin
shlǎpoǔm = store, shop, business, enterprise, commerce
shlǎpoǔm fwǐ = office
shle = comply, conform
shleb = circus
shlech = powder
shlegdig = diagram
shley = spear, lance, pike
shli = atmosphere
shlǐ = there
shlǐp = respect, admire, worship
shlǐp = respect
shlo = lens
shloǔ = hover, linger
shlù = cannon
shlǔ = diamond
shlùchgùshe = right (direction)
shlǔp = on
shlǔw = illness
shmà = measure
shmàb = down
shmàb = down
shmach = surgery
shmàd = moss
shmǎrpa = list, catalog
shmàv = petition
shmay = horizon
shmaydh = how
shmaynnochǐ = round
shmaytǔ = vinegar
shmàz = receive, accept
shme = palace
shmevǐ = specimen
shmim = stupid, dumb, silly
shmǐp = continent
shmǐr = click
shmǐt = reverse
shmǐzh = fuck
shmo = save, rescue, liberate
shmod = fan
shmoir = teenager
shmu = explicit
shmù = bread
shmùd = present, introduce
shmùg = path, track, direction
shmun = waste
shmǔt = persuade, convince
shmùthyà = notorious
shmǔy = march
shmùzh = navy
ska = insight
skà = please, satisfy
skǎ = stalk
skàb = herb
skangmev = orphan
skap = spectacle
skàv = scandal
skàvoǔb = fresh, crisp
skàwar = everything
skay = meadow
skǎy = attic
skayn = clinic
skaypcha = retain
ske = sister
skenbe = array, spectrum
skeswà = fantasy
sket = supervisor
skew = cheese
skezh = evolve
ski = armor
skib = leather
skiey = criteria
skǐj = grade
skǐt = vampire
skǐy = attract, seduce, fascinate
sko = prefer
skog = liquor
skop = stunning
skou = name, title
skoǔ = technical
skoǔbjou = place, location, site
skoukchab = clash
skoǔv = gather, assemble
skǔ = lightning
skǔm = cleavage
skùsoǔ = spider
skǔt = plaque
skǔyaynshǎp = thorough
skǔzguy = child (young human being), child (son or daughter of any age)
swa = different, various
swà = away
swǎ = war
swǎ glǎ = shark
swàd = sharp, bitter
swadh = chat
swafù = fuzzy
swàn = thesis
swǎn = torture, violate, assault
swàr = align
swǎw = beam
swayv = applaud
swe = know (a fact), know (be acquainted with), comprehend
swech = arm, branch
swedh = for (a period of time or length of distance)
swey = lucky
swez = landlord
swi = tuition
swǐ = metal
swǐchlǔ = plant
swǐchlǔ zhǐy = medicine
swie = mail
swiy = vindicate
swizersà = outline
swoi = craft
swoksàp = compound
swoth = project
swou = segregate, discriminate
swoǔbmoit = dive
swouthmǔt = native
swu = wire, thread
swù = queen
swǔ = enforce, compel, impose
swǔd = emit, radiate
swùdh = adolescent
swushnù = regret, lament
sya = organ
syà = compose
syǎ = novice
syǎb = restoration
syach = mock, imitate
syàch = eel
syàg = bicycle
syàk = propaganda
syàm = precious
syay = course, life (lifetime), direction
syay = dew
syày = review
sye = ash
syi = canal, channel (of water), artery
syie = always, all the time, forever
syij = stew, soup
syǐjie = someone, somebody
syǐk = pasta
syiw = specific, definite, particular, distinct
syǐy = custom, tradition, ritual
syo = remedy
syoǔ = petal
syǔrkielhǔn = indicate, express
ta = buy, purchase, shop
tà = priest
tǎ = diameter
tab = bald
tǎb = dictionary
tabyǐ = critical
tàch = local
tàdyǐk = go down, descend, sink
tag = chalk
tagyelsa = sticky
tahento = shiny
talgi = shift, vary
talkoj = remind
tandàp = chick (girl)
tàp = crown
tǎp = major
tapsha = fit
tar = uniform, costume
tǎr = bill, check
taskǐy = attractive
tàt = draft
tate = careful
tàth = dull
tatsha = flirtatious
tav = chain, link
tàv = delay, postpone
taw = controversy
tàwsar = retrieve, bring back, fetch, recover
tǎy = marry
tàyeg = sling
tayow = offensive
tazh = instrument, apparatus
te = care
te = care
tebbǔ = blend
tedh = decade
ten = surge
tettùt = credit (recognition)
tez = volunteer, enlist
tha = man, father
thà = sort
thǎ = everybody
thǎb = acquaintance
thàd = weapon
thàm = not
thànshay = wrinkle, crease, kink (sharp twist)
thàp = habitat
thǎr = modify
that = shock, startle, stun, surprise, paralyze
thǎt = burger
thàtsa = speculate, wonder
thàv = form
thay = way, route, course, career
thay = massacre, genocide
thǎy = mule
the = off
thech = parlor, salon
thed = we, us, ours
thej = defy, violate, confront
thek = insist, maintain
thep = sufficient
thew = deliberate
they = no
thi = encourage
thǐ = breakfast
thǐab = bachelor
thǐdyùm = rat
thien = proverb
thǐk = stool
thim = decorate
thin = torso, trunk (of tree)
thith = code
thǐw = flake
tho = con
thoi = sell
thoi = sale
thoina = bat (club)
thot = clay, mud, cement
thoǔ = ink
thoǔb = ledge
thouchfǎk = folder
thoǔlvàv = third
thouy = if, whether
thow = galaxy
thoy = nowadays
thoz = pile, heap, mound
thu = capital
thù = wallet
thǔ = graduate
thud = brother
thǔd = car
thǔdh = vow, swear
thùebloǔv = oasis
thǔn = hire, rent, recruit
thupie = theory
thǔw = novel, fiction
thuy = dual
thǔy = rib
thuz = platform
ti = sneak
tǐ = as
tie = hip
tiek = duck
tik = hostile
tǐpwen = rigid
tiv = plane
tiw = blank
tiy = trip, tour
tǐz = acronym
to = fat (component in food)
toi = addicted
toiǔp = tumble
tou = appetite, lust
tour = goat
tovnit = top, mountain
toy = court
tsa = stump, root
tsà = popular
tsǎ = area, region, territory
tsab = skip, hop, skim
tsàk = prosecute
tsan = rifle
tsàr = remark
tsayp = compassion, mercy, empathy, sympathy
tse = spill
tsep = text
tsepvad = print
tsev = awake
tsha = flirt
tshà = integrity
tshǎ = together
tshàch = page
tshafazh = virus
tshafhà = lace
tshàn = inspect, examine
tshàngfuy = oval
tshǎsat = bang
tshaw = reduce, impair
tshayy = realize
tshaz = widow
tshe = cooperate, collaborate
tshej = blonde
tshekvich = pace
tshi = fun
tshǐ = copy, imitate, replicate
tshǐ jǐ = copyright
tshǐd = dash
tshie = carry out, implement
tshieth = radical
tshǐk = achieve, accomplish
tshǐlfǔp = recommend, advise, suggest
tshǐlsie = predecessor
tshǐp = phrase
tshǐv = wink
tshǐy = mug
tsho = pretty
tshoi = mint
tshoik = resource
tshoiw = bully
tshopi = pirate
tshou = treason
tshoǔ = spare
tshouj = echo
tshoǔk = eventually
tshù = first
tshǔ = feather
tshǔb = exercise
tshùj = any
tshukep = miniature
tshǔmày = bow (decorative material)
tshǔn = potion, elixir
tshǔt = foil
tshǔth = siege
tsi = out
tsǐ = carry, lift
tsiedjoǔ = add
tsiej = vase, urn
tsǐgiy = pregnant
tsit = frustrate
tso = embed
tsoi = sun
tsoim = other
tsoivmu = bass
tsoup = scene
tsoǔth = ally
tsu = hierarchy
tsù = equal, equivalent
tsuch = contact
tsǔj = figure
tsǔp = opposite
tsǔr = drown
tsùy = east
tu = foster
tù = wash
tǔ = meanwhile
tup = conquer
tùt = creek
tǔt = port
tùtgoi = enemy, villain, rival
tùtrǐ = engine, motor
tǔv = cool (slightly cold)
u = game, sport
u = you, yours
u = our
ù = last (final), last (previous)
ǔ = hand, palm (of hand)
ǔ = you all, yours (pl)
ub = ticket
ùb = king, emperor
ǔb = wall
ùb yiy = realm
ùch = general
ǔch = salt
ǔd = live
ǔd = life (living organism)
udh = vague
ùdh = improve, enhance
ùhem = air, atmosphere, weather
uj = ten
ùj = tangle, ruffle
ǔk = to, towards
ukàz = twist
ǔkfu = jaw
ukwe = crazy, insane
uloǔ = irony
um = legend, myth
ǔm = collect, congregate, deposit, gather, accumulate
ǔmàsvàd = hurry
ùn = mix, blend, combine
ungàngkie = ceremony
ungazh = smile, smirk
ǔngǐt = side
ùngyà = awkward
ǔnjǔ = tea
ǔnshàk = ant
ùntoǔnnù = foresee, anticipate
ùnyit = real, authentic
up = increase, expand, raise, extend, gain, exacerbate
ùp = apply
ǔp = effect
ùr = slash
ǔr = faint
uràp = wild, primitive
uràp mwǎ = wolf
ǔray = flexible
urkàg = invent
ǔrsǔth = despite
ùsga = annoy, agitate, exacerbate
ushche = start, begin
ushche = start, beginning
ùshmǐdh = ornament
ǔsoǔ = spin, swirl
ùsze = wrestle
ut = hear
ùt = filter
ǔt = like
uth = media
ùth = dawn
ǔth = nobody
ùtna = version
uv = mirror
ǔv = fail
uw = carpet
ùw = pistol
ǔw = thumb
uy = start, celebrity, beginning
ùy = border, boundary, margin, verge
ǔy = value
ǔy = value
ùyàgǔt = cry, weep, mourn
uz = champion
ùz = hat
ǔz = evil
uzbay = post
ǔzh = politics, diplomacy
ùzou = wrap, fold
vyà = restrict
vyǎ = hundred
vyàb = illustrate, manifest
vyǎch = paint
vyak = amount, quantity
vyam = pick
vyath = false
vyǎv = same
vyǎv sdaymdà = homosexual
vyawmǎch = sniff, inhale
vyay = urine
vyày = committee
vyayb = somewhere
vyaz = arena, stadium
vye = several
vyeg = front, facade
vyek = fiber
vyey = station
vyi = breed
vyǐ = elusive
vyie = sponsor
vyiej = coincidence
vyǐj = fan (enthusiast)
vyip = west
vyoi = noon, midday
vyoib = affect
vyou = think, consider, believe, ponder, meditate, trust, rely on, assume
vyoǔ = coconut
vyouch = clutter
vyoulrǎj = pot
vyù = drama
vyǔ = or, either
vyǔkà = progress, breakthrough
vyǔp = male, guy
vyùshie = piece, member
wha = define
whà = sick, ill, unwell
whǎ = arrow (weapon), arrow (sign)
whàblà = surplus
whaj = trick, deceive, bluff
whàk = enthusiasm
whàwbu = imitate, mimic, mock
whày = assign, elect, allocate
whàz = tone, pitch
whe = judge
wheb = charity
whi = steel
whǐ = temple, church, shrine
whiedh = archipelago
whǐrboib = cat, vagina
whǐw = institute
whǐy = crab
who = trial
whou = trauma
whù = smell (sense with nose)
whǔ = history, past
whùb = gay, homosexual
whùd = congregate, rally
whǔm = graphic
whùz = bargain
yà = about
yǎ = bite
yab = authority
yàb = forefather
yàchǎ = butt
yàdh = asteroid, comet
yàhtaj = platter
yaj = paradox
yak = straight
yǎk = axis, axle
yànge = complement
yap = able, capable
yàp = soldier
yàr = shovel
yǎr = cherry
yàt = eclipse
yǎt = stalemate
yav = gamble
yaw = base
yay = scrutinize
yayǎch = attitude
yaym = rabbit
ye = pocket
yeg = hazard
yelga = black
yew = skilled
yezya = dare
yi = cigarette, cigar
yǐ = late
yǐdh = big, large
yǐdh jezh = tiger
yǐdh kwà = romance
yie = budget
yieb = wet, damp, moist
yieli = amend
yijuk = archive
yǐt = gas
yith = well, fountain
yiw = space (outer)
yǐw = biology
yiy = country, nation
yo = wind, breeze
yog = flour
yoi = medium
yoidh = crate
you = almost, barely
yoǔ = stay, remain
youbsievnàw = mouth
yoǔg = winter
youm = world
your = experiment
yoǔt = activity
yow = insult, offend
yu = bottle
yu = your (pl)
yù = skin
yǔ = eight
yùch = fetus, embryo
yuj = replace, substitute
yuklolja = present, gift
yuklolja hi = souvenir
yum = float, sail
yǔmǐch = defeat, beat
yun = swipe
yùo = desperate
yup = pave
yùv = stamp
yǔw = joy
yǔz = wake, wake up, get up
za = torture
zà = get, obtain, acquire
zǎ = book, manual
zàdh = hiss
zàj = foliage
zàldǔth = copper, bronze
zamoǔ = ago
zàp = lava
zǎp = dictionary
zàth = control
zàth = control
zǎth = torch, candle, lamp
zaw = rumor, scandal
zay = direct, conduct
zày = dirt, mud
zayr = gravel
zàz = send
zba = tomorrow
zbà = moon, month
zbach = dial
zbǎdhrà = cup
zbàshkǔg = quilt
zbǎt = dispose
zbay = talk, speak
zbay = bow (greet)
zbayzmiv = wizard, witch
zbe = wound, trauma
zbez = loaf
zbǐ = already
zboiùp = vanish, disappear
zboǔ = democracy
zboǔw = hood
zbu = heel
zbǔ = admit
zbǔkar = jar, vase
zbun = downtown
zbùth = debt
zbùz = complain
ze = direct
zep = toy
zha = friend
zhà = open
zhǎ = surround
zhadh = vulture
zhǎg = accurate, specific, particular
zhǎje = peach
zhar = mountain, hill, slope, slant, dune
zhǎth = snake
zhàv = hum
zhay = heart, life (soul), spirit
zhày = crust, bark (of tree)
zhe = defend, secure, guard, resist, justify, patrol
zheb = harvest, autumn
zhedh = dangle
zhek = stiff, stubborn
zhen = freeze
zhethdǐn = discharge
zhew = ignorant
zhi = look out, watch out
zhǐ = leap
zhid = inhabit, populate
zhie = wise
zhieb = venue
zhien = knight
zhǐp = hay
zhit = firearm
zhǐy = cure
zhǐza = rice
zho = fade
zhoi = news
zhop = arrange, organize
zhot = perch
zhou = count
zhoǔ = pink
zhoudh = day, date
zhov = tongue, dialect, voice
zhu = bed, lounge, couch, sofa
zhù = sore
zhǔ = flame
zhug = peasant
zhuk = mat, rug
zhùp = smack, snap
zhut = premier
zhǔw = embargo
zhuy = calf
zhǔysouw = cork, plug
zhwa = fair, just
zhwà = concrete
zhwǎ = small, little, short, low, narrow, brief
zhwǎ fà = lower class
zhwàb = investigate, examine, interrogate
zhwǎg = nature
zhwànu = sheep
zhwǎp = envision
zhwat = crush, grind, squash, cram
zhwàth = incentive
zhwaw = birth
zhwǎw = examine
zhwày = basic
zhwayt = yogurt
zhwi = penetrate
zhwǐ = volume
zhwiv = pepper
zhwǐv = polite
zhwǐz = spouse
zhwizhlu = split, divide, crack
zhwo = boat, canoe
zhwo = sail
zhwu = survey
zhwù = bag
zhwuk = address
zi = army, military
zǐ = fall, drop, collapse, stumble, limp
zid = dry
zǐd = twilight
zie = spring (coil)
zieyù = instead
zǐfpàw = burn, ignite, light
zin = memorial
zip = mourn, lament
zǐr = describe
ziǔ = capsule, tablet
ziy = spend
zlà = activate
zlǎ = shirt
zlalloij = obsess
zlat = snap
zlayse = phone
zlaz = seat, chair
zle = hose, pipe, vent
zley = roster
zli = repetition
zlǐd = shell
zlijǐ = where
zlǐmthǐdh = stand
zlǐt = battle
zlǐy = nest
zlout = zoo
zlu = identify, point out, establish, diagnose
zlǔ = bean
zlǔkwie = soil, dust, clay
zlùn = anyone
zlǔw = uncle
zluy = nowhere
zo = planet
zod = agency, ministry
zoi = crowd
zoǔ = niece
zoǔp = patient, victim
zouy = pulse, rhythm
zoy = door
zub = strive
zùd = leaf
zùlǎ = vibrate, shiver
zǔnyà = hope, wish
zǔnyà = hope
zǔv = camera
zǔylà = today
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