Pottu Tradition / Ritual in Uthilith | World Anvil
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"A single white gemstone is set in the center of her forehead - no larger than a drop of ink - pulses with magic as she turns her gaze upon you.”
The pottu is a small dot set between a person's eyebrows, typically worn by femme-presenting individuals who worship either Ciden or one of the four minor seasonal gods (Verna, Notus, Melancholia, or Polaris). Generally, it is created by placing a drop of fruit-based pigment onto the forehead, but variations on the pottu include adhering jewelry to the location, tattooing the pottu, or having it magically fastened to the point. Some very affluent worshippers - typically of Polaris - will commission the pottu to contain a spell of some kind.   A pottu serves as an individual's prayer for good weather, bountiful harvests, and a comfortable season.
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