Hillsbarrow Settlement in Urthe | World Anvil
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Nestled in the shadows of the looming Granite Mountains, the village of Hillsbarrow has been shaped by the relentless forces of nature and conflict. Founded over two centuries ago by settlers seeking the bounty of the land, the village's growth was stunted by harsh winters and scorching summers that tested the resilience of its inhabitants. The unforgiving climate, coupled with frequent bandit raids searching for spoils from the iron mine, left many buildings in ruin and the population in a perpetual state of recovery. Moreover, the nearby Elf-Goblin battle site has left an eerie shadow over the area, making superstitious locals doubly cautious of outsiders. Despite their hardships, the villagers have a fierce love for their home and erected a Sanctuary dedicated to Benjin, their protector deity, offering both thanks and prayers for their continued safety. The village does not have enough people to work the nearby iron mine, forcing the villagers to consider new means of survival as they cautiously welcome the rare traveler to their Tavern and Dance Hall, hoping for good omens rather than the ill winds that history has so often brought them.


Primarily human, with a few half-even residents.


Overseen by the town elder.

Industry & Trade

Iron is refined and converted to tools in the smithy, which are then sold to travelers and occasionaly stockpiled for mass sale at the town of Davin's Plain.


A Tavern, Smithy, Santuary of Benjin, Iron Mine, and Foreman's Hut.


Iron from the mine and fish from the lake.


Occasional Freeblades looking for a stopgap base from which to hunt threats in the nearby Cragmarsh.
Founding Date
1452 AD
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization