Davin's Plain Settlement in Urthe | World Anvil
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Davin's Plain

Forged in the fires of necessity, Davin's Plain was once a humble farming village named Davinton. However, as the shadow of war grew across the Volkardian territory, the kingdom's need for armaments turned the village into an industrial powerhouse centered around it's foundry. Two hundred years ago, a great fire consumed much of the original village, but from the ashes rose the modern foundry and with it, a new era of prosperity. The Burning Festival is an annual event commemorating this fiery rebirth. Despite its prosperity, the town has been marred by espionage and sabotage, especially during times of conflict. Due to this, the residents have become wary of newcomers, fearful they might be spies or saboteurs.


The town is overseen by a Mayor and protected by a town watch.


A simple stacked stone wall surrounds the town.  The town watch is the primary means of defense and law enforcement.


A central foundry with two smithies dominates the town. Two general stores offer goods to visitors and residents alike. The town boasts an herbalist of fine quality, a fine weaver, and an exotic botanicals vendor. A textile mill specifically used for the production of official uniforms of the kingdom can also be found here.   A high-quality tavern known as the Dancing Duck is a major hub along with an opulent inn known as the Bright Lady's Lamphouse. Near the bright lady an high-end bathhouse can be found.   Near the market square, a mercenary for hire named Brogdon Hunter operates independently of the Freeblades, often for higher prices for more reliable results.


There are no official districts, however due to overcrowding approximately 20% of the residents live on the outskirts of town.


The original settlement of Davinton was originally founded by farmers originating from the Hassythian Empire who had escaped and were seeking out sanctuary with the Wood Elves.  Their caravans broke down at the spot of the current town's market square and while they were attempting to repair their damages, they noticed the abundant amounts of flax and wheat surrounding them. Feeling lucky, the group camped at the spot for several weeks, during which they dug a well which supplied more than enough water for the entire group.  They decided to take a chance and settle on the spot, thanking Shira for her blessings of luck (hence the altar in the market square).

Points of interest

An altar dedicated to Shira overlooks the market square, which also hosts a nearby ampitheatre for performances.

Natural Resources

The farmland surrounding the town consistently produces ample amounts of flax, which is then exported and traded for other necessities. Subsistence crops are also grown, which keeps the town independent of assistance from the Kingdom.
Founding Date
142 BSA
Location under