Riverpaw Clan


There are three families within the Riverpaw Clan that are notable for the amount of power they have. The primary Matriarch line (Line 1 below) is that of Gnara Riverpaw. She is the Matron of the clan and thus anyone considered a part of her line holds the highest ranks within the Clan.   The second most powerful family within the clan is considered the secondary Matriarch line (Line 2 below) and is that of Keska Grimfur. She is the Dreadhowl, which is the war leader for the Clan. Thus anyone considered a part of her line holds the highest rank within the Clan. Should Gnara die without an heir, then next in line to take control of the Clan is Keska.   The third most powerful family within the clan is considered an important Matriarch line (Line 3 below) and is that of Dagrun Stoneclaw. Her power comes solely from the strength of numbers. She has been blessed with three daughters who have been blessed with daughters, making her line strong.  







Gnara Riverpaw Bloodline Family Tree


Keska Grimfur Bloodline Family Tree


Dagrun Stoneclaw Bloodline Family Tree

  Gnolls have a matriarchal social structure. Relationships between female gnolls in a clan are also hierarchical and are typically stable for many years. Offspring inherit a social rank below their mothers. Thus, clans are made up of multiple female-led lineages, or multiple “matrilineal kin groups”. These kin groups are organized by how the oldest females relate to each other.    Female gnolls lend their social rank to their mates whom they tend to stay connected with for the duration of the time they are raising their cub. If they then choose a different mate or decide to be unmated for a time, their previous mate looses the lent social rank. However, they do not return to their previous rank but rather drop to being a rank below that of their cub if it is a female or equal to their cub if it is a male. Because female gnolls usually choose males of the lowest social rank for mating, this elevation of their rank makes it less likely that they will be mated with again.   Though gnolls develop long-lasting relationships with their clan mates, clan members spend most of their time alone or in smaller groups. However, they come together to help each other hunt large prey and defend their kills from other races or clans. After working together to bring down a large prey, gnolls then enter what looks like a competitive eating contest. Gnolls eat rapidly, taking in as many calories as possible. During feeding, higher ranking females, their cubs, and adult offspring have first dibs, showing where social dominance hierarchies are most important: access to food.   Higher-ranking female gnolls start breeding earlier, live longer, and produce more surviving cubs. Their longer lifespan and larger kin group makes for a larger social web. They have more kin members to rely on, and thus, have better social support. It is this social support that ensures their high rank. When a female faces a challenge, she calls upon her social group to help her over come that challenge. Thus, having a larger family equates to having more power.   Female gnolls stay in their birth clan and produce offspring there, while males must break their social network to reproduce. Social rank determines food access, giving higher ranking gnolls more calories and increasing their fitness. Increased fitness allows higher-ranking females to have longer lives and produce more surviving cubs, surrounding them with a larger kin group. A larger kin group provides those gnolls more social support. Social support helps gnolls win challenges with other gnolls, solidifying social hierarchies.   Gnolls have placed a very strong value on the family, respecting blood ties perhaps more than any other aspect of a relationship. Though gnolls within a clan will commonly fight with each other for dominance, these battles are quickly forgotten after their resolution, and in most situations, gnolls of the same bloodline are loyal friends and allies to one another.   This loyalty to family is particularly obvious during combat, either with rival gnoll packs or other races. Gnolls who fight side by side regularly throw away personal glory in order to help their brethren. Perhaps most surprisingly, when a gnoll has been separated from clan and family their instinctive need for such blood ties has lead them to form a surrogate clan from those whom they choose to befriend. To these unlikely allies, the gnoll has been as loyal and faithful as they would their own brothers or sisters, embracing the outsiders as if they were family.   Fierce and feral, gnolls are true creatures of the wild; they oft prove uninterested in conquest and very seldom seek fortune or glory. Instead, gnolls are driven by instinct and impulse; they revel in the thrill of the hunt and often take great pride in their predatory nature. They tend to seek out means of proving their abilities to their allies and, being boastful scavengers, often commemorate these pursuits by claiming trophies, be they simple mementos or the bones of their foes.   Owing to their animal ancestry, gnolls inherently favor wild, wayfaring lifestyles. Some practice related trades- such as leatherworking and herbalism- or take up animal husbandry, training pack animals and taming dangerous beasts. Though most gnolls seldom approach anyone outside of their clans, some more enterprising hunters might be willing to offer their services to local people as trappers or trackers.   Gnolls have found an affinity for hyenas and giant hyenas, who many see as their brethren and whom they have kept as pets or for hunting. Other then these, they generally do not keep animals as pets. They generally find this to be displeasing, considering it a form of imprisonment that isn't tolerated. This view is largely from having been kept as pets themselves. Since hyenas are seen as being of their own kind, it is only natural and appropriate that they would be brought into their homes. However, these hyenas are not raised as property, but as the lowest ranked members of the clan. As such, they are given the choice as to who they interact with and whom they assist with hunting. Regardless of which gnolls they favor, hyenas cannot rise within the social ranks unless they have been magically awakened and performed notable deeds.   Due to their excitable, dominant, and impulsive nature, the gnolls are commonly known for their shameless lack of civility. They tend to be blatantly direct in their speech, seldom wasting time with spoken pleasantries or other such courtesies. Though gnolls are instinctively social creatures, and can prove quick to follow the leads set by their allies, their often-assertive attitudes can make even their most well-intentioned words come across as uncouth and menacing.

Public Agenda

The gnolls are working to establish and strengthen their first clan within the Mundane World.


The clan was established  by Gnara Riverpaw and Keska Grimfur.

Technological Level

All of their technology is borrowed. They lack the infrastructure to create anything beyond the very basics.

Foreign Relations

As a new clan, they have not yet established formal relations with other organizations. Mostly, these matters are based upon either Gnara's relationships and influence of that of Keska.

Trade & Transport

Their primary source of income is through working as mercenaries for other Shadow Kind groups. Gnara also brings in trade through the creation of magical items.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
The Gnolls
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Barter system
Legislative Body
The Matron
Judicial Body
The Matron's blood line
Executive Body
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Species


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