Mirogoh Gnasher Character in Urban Arcana | World Anvil

Mirogoh Gnasher

Fang Mirogoh Gnasher

Physical Description

Special abilities

Arcana +10, Athletics +11, History +10, Perception +9, Intimidation +10

Specialized Equipment

He carries an Adamantine Sixblade. This is a strange and powerful weapon that most are unable to wield. He has mastered this weapon as a means to self himself apart from other warriors within the clan. This weapon alone has the power to intimidate and subdue.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He was born within the Tiger Mountain State Forest here in the Mundane World. The Mudane Riverpaw Clan is the only clan he has ever known. Before he was with them, he was a solitary gnoll who roamed the forest. His mother was from the Shadow Realm and gave birth to him here in the Mundane Realm. He did not know his mother well as she died young and he had to fend for himself for several years before he found the Riverpaw Clan. Finding this community gave him a home, a purpose and a sense of safety that he never thought he would have.

Gender Identity





Informal education within the Gnoll Caves. Trained with fighting.


Serves the Clan as a hunter and warrior.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He has been competing in the Shadow Pits and has won most of his fights there. While he has never been in battle, this has proven that he has the potential to fight well for the Clan.

Intellectual Characteristics

He puts his own needs first while remaining within the law of the Clan. Being within the Clan is the safest place for him to be and thus he does what he must to remain there. He also does what he can to climb the social ladder and gain power. He believes that keeping the clan strong and intact is also what will keep him safe and strong. Clan strength is personal strength. This often means that serving his selfish interests results in him supporting the clan. However, it also means that he is more likely to take risks with the safety of the clan or with individuals within the clan. For him, it is more about maintaining the power of the whole that serves as a powerful shield for him rather then protecting the individual people within the clan.

Morality & Philosophy

Might is right. Those who wield the power create destiny. The strongest are those who choose their destiny and shape the fate of the world. Gaining power means that you gain personal freedom.


Let no one see you breaking the law. Going outside of the law is the fastest way to loose power within the clan. Thus, the clan law is absolute.

Personality Characteristics


To gain enough power within the Clan to be able to over throw the Matriarch. It's the only way he will be allowed to rule. He seeks ways to manipulate the other clan members to support him in this. He is angry that the tradition is to give females power rather then to give it to those that are the most powerful. Thus, he must use political sway to undermine Gnara and to convince others to support him as a leader. He is not interested in being a powerful mate. He wants to lead the clan.


Social Aptitude

He presents himself as being completely loyal to the clan in all things. Every time he makes a move he will frame it as being for the clan. This often makes him come across as a lawful good character.


Gnara Riverpaw


Towards Mirogoh Gnasher

Mirogoh Gnasher


Towards Gnara Riverpaw

Lawful Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
2137 10 Years old
Tiger Mountain State Forest
Gnara Riverpaw (spouse)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
7' 2"
Aligned Organization
Related Plots
Known Languages
Common, Gnoll
Character Prototype


Author's Notes

Character images created using Hero Forge

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