Orc Species in Urban Arcana | World Anvil


Shadow Kind

There are some that were born in the Mundane world, but more of the second generation are half orcs then full blood orcs. They are raised within the clan and usually feel the strong bond of the clan. Most would return to the Shadow Realm with their people. Where the clan goes, the orc will follow.  

Life in the Tribe

Orcs survive through savagery and force of numbers. Theirs is a life that has no place for weakness, and every warrior must be strong enough to take what is needed by force. Orcs aren’t interested in treaties, trade negotiations or diplomacy. They care only for satisfying their insatiable desire for battle, to smash their foes and appease their gods.  

Booming Birth Rate

In order to replenish the casualties of their endless warring, orcs breed prodigiously (and they aren’t choosy about what they breed with, which is why such creatures as half-orcs and ogrillons are found in the world). Females that are about to give birth are relieved of their other roles and taken to the lair’s whelping pens, where they are tended to by Luthic’s followers.   In the Shadow Realm: Orcs don’t take mates, and no pair-bonding occurs in a tribe other than at the moment when coupling takes place. At other times, males and females are more or less indifferent toward one another. All orcs consider mating to be a mundane necessity of life, and no special significance beyond that is imparted to it.   In the Mundane World: While orcs in the Mundane world still don't consider mating anything more then a mundane necessity of life, it is one that is much more difficult to accomplish in the Mundane world then it was in the Shadow Realm. Because of this, once a male orc finds a female that is agreeable to mate with him, he will claim her and guard her jealously. This is to ensure that he can breed with her again in the future. This often results in human females being brought into the clan.   Orcs in the Mundane world tend to live longer then their Shadow Realm counter parts, with more of them reaching the 40 year mark. There are even those that live as long as 50. This is because their world is not as war filled. However, there is just as much illness in this realm killing them. While the orcs still have their war like nature, they do not have the numbers to engage in a meaningful war with the Mundane races and thus are forced to survive by other means. Often they take on jobs that are manual labor or high risk work that humans tend to shy way from.  

Raising Mundane Orcs

Because of this, orcs and half orcs born in the Mundane world are raised very differently then those in the Shadow Realms. Their elders are still harsh towards them, but there are no wars to prepare for. That being said, their young are often given tests of strength by being expected to start working at young ages and to carry their weight in the labor. They are all taught the skills of combat and competition between the individuals of the younger generations is just as fierce as it was in those preceding. The presence of human mates within the clan (mostly females) has given the young a slight touch of maternal love that they would otherwise have lacked. But that is mitigated by the orcs around the humans who do not tolerate much in the way of affectionate gestures. Weaker children are no longer discarded. They can not afford to lose the numbers nor can they afford to draw the attention of the legal system.   Thus, with each generation of orcs, they are changed for having been within the Mundane world. Their culture slowly takes on more of the human qualities and their people are no longer as filled with rage.
Genetic Descendants
Shadow Realm
Related Organizations


Author's Notes

Characters created in Hero Forge. Top right image take from D&D Monster Manual.

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