Ember Tusk Clan Organization in Urban Arcana | World Anvil

Ember Tusk Clan






A gerontocracy is a form of oligarchical rule in which an entity is ruled by leaders who are significantly older than most of the adult population. In many political structures, power within the ruling class accumulates with age, making the oldest the holders of the most power.


Much has changed in the orc culture while they have been in the Mundane world. The orcs are a proud people. They are slow to trust, but are very loyal once that trust has been earned. orcs in the Mundane world still don't consider mating anything more then a mundane necessity of life, it is one that is much more difficult to accomplish in the Mundane world then it was in the Shadow Realm. Because of this, once a male orc finds a female that is agreeable to mate with him, he will claim her and guard her jealously. This is to ensure that he can breed with her again in the future. This often results in human females being brought into the clan.   Orcs in the Mundane world tend to live longer then their Shadow Realm counter parts, with more of them reaching the 40 year mark. There are even those that live as long as 50. This is because their world is not as war filled. However, there is just as much illness in this realm killing them. While the orcs still have their war like nature, they do not have the numbers to engage in a meaningful war with the Mundane races and thus are forced to survive by other means. Some have joined the ranks of the military but most have taken up manual labor and high risk work that most humans avoid. A good portion of the clan work for the Ember Construction Company. Most orcs will put the clan before anything else because this is the only group that they have been fully accepted into.   orcs and half orcs born in the Mundane world are raised very differently then those in the Shadow Realms. Their elders are still harsh towards them, but there are no wars to prepare for. That being said, their young are often given tests of strength by being expected to start working at young ages and to carry their weight in the labor. They are all taught the skills of combat and competition between the individuals of the younger generations is just as fierce as it was in those preceding. The presence of human mates within the clan (mostly females) has given the young a slight touch of maternal love that they would otherwise have lacked. But that is mitigated by the orcs around the humans who do not tolerate much in the way of affectionate gestures. Weaker children are no longer discarded. They can not afford to loose the numbers nor can they afford to draw the attention of the legal system.   Thus, with each generation of orcs, they are changed for having been within the Mundane world. Their culture slowly takes on more of the human qualities and their people are no longer as filled with rage. There are orcs who believe this to be a loss, but most orcs are simply living in the present without judgement comparing their lives with the past. They generally believe that they are a people who have been burned by a great fire and are now struggling to pull their people from the ashes. Most take pride in the fact that the orcs have survived within the Mundane world and have made a place for themselves within it.


The Orcs do not keep an accurate history. There is no adequate record of the orcs within the Mundane world. The orcs highly value the present moment and do not spent much time thinking about the past. When speaking of the dead, they refer to "the Ancestors" and "the Heroes" if they are not speaking of individuals within the Living Memory. Once things fall out of living memory, it generally also falls out of orc history.  

What is Known

One must take the orc's "known" history with a grain of salt. Their history is passed through the oral tradition and often embellished with details for better story telling.

The Calling

Some time after this most recent Shadow Era begun in 2134 an orc, The Wise One, decided to establish a new clan within the Mundane world. He paid a great wizard to use magic to send a summoning spell out to all those with orc blood in their veins. Anyone who answered the call was welcomed into the new clan, regardless of their appearance. It was felt that if they could hear the calling, they were orc enough. Orcs from all over the world answered the call. Many of these orcs were descendants from previous Shadow Eras. Most were more human than orc. Any orc that came through a rift was also welcomed into the Mundane clan.  

The Ember Tusk Clan

Thus is it important to understand that this clan is still young. It's foundation is within the Living Memory. But unlike most of the Shadow Kind organizations, the Ember Tusk Clan is comprised mostly of people who were born and raised within the Mundane world. Thus, they are not strangers to this world. However, those that answered the Calling were all individuals that did not fit in well within the Mundane world, often inheriting strong orc traits that makes living with humans difficult.   The Clan Chief was appointed by the Wise One. Before the death of the Wise One, he appointed another to serve as the Wise One after him. He also appointed a War Master. Together, these three rule the clan. It is clear that the Wise One did not choose just an individual for these roles, but blood lines. Thus, these roles within the clan will now be inherited by the first born of each.  

Making Their Way in the Mundane World

Like all those that are pulled from the Shadow Realm, the orcs have had to find a way to survive in a world that is very different from the one they originated from. They could no longer live the life style of war that they were accustomed to. However, being strong and enduring creatures was still their greatest attribute. They capitalized upon this and have established a Construction company: Ember Construction Company. This company is new, but is doing well. The orcs are also well known within the Shadow Kind underground to be good at keeping things behind the veil and they are often hired for this type of work.


On Monday. September 27, 2146: Team 8 found and cleared out a dark gnome work shop that was pulled from the Shadow Realm. The orcs have since laid claim to this location and are now building a settlement of their own around the site.


There is no formal military for the orc clan. However, all of the clan member are taught how to fight and how to defend the clan. Thus, the clan serves as its own military.


Most of the orc clan children are home schooled by the human mothers. There are those individuals that have a more human appearance that attend the public school system.

Temper us in fire

Alternative Names
The Orcs
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Legislative Body
The Clan Chief, The Wise One and The War Master are responsible for creating the law within the clan.
Executive Body
The Clan Elders are the judge and jury for the clan. They will decide the fate of any clan member who stands accused of breaking clan laws.
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Species
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