Branwyn Vetus-Ignis Character in Ur, The Nexus City | World Anvil
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Branwyn Vetus-Ignis

Sphere: Divine   The Liberti Conclave is in a constant state of flux, with its demi-god members changing their ethos, their alliances, and even their names, with the shifting of the Maelstric tides. So to is the church of the Liberti Conclave ever changing, with countless sects, dogmas, and religious practices springing up and falling out of fashion. Despite this religious turmoil, one thing many in Ur agree on, is that Branwyn Vetus-Ignis is the embodiment of this church within Ur.   For almost a century Branwyn Vetus-Ignis has publicly preached messages of self determination and an end to inequality and oppression. Within the last few decades this rhetoric has become increasingly opposed to the rule of the Council of the Orders and calling for self rule by the people of the city, a stance that has won many hearts amongst the middle and lower classes, but complicated matters with the Orders themselves. Branwyn has organised outreach programs, poor houses, civil engineering works, a crude benefits system, a public defender's office, a short lived workers union, and countless other eclectic ministries throughout their lifetime, all in the name of the Liberti Conclave, though most tend to fall into neglect after only a few years.   Those that work in these ministries often choose to bear the icon of Branwyn Vetus-Ignis upon their clothing (three white circles above a white crescent on a grey background, a stylised image of coins dropped into an open hand, representing charity) to denote themselves as followers of Branwyn's teachings and of the Liberti Conclave. Branwyn Vetus-Ignis has picked up many monikers over the years that are still in use in parts of the city, Branwyn Dove, Big Bran, the Agitator, or Bubbles (a misinterpretation of their icon, common amongst the cities poor), as well as some less pleasant ones used by the Orders that Branwyn works against.   Leading the worship of the Liberti Conclave is all but a contradiction in terms. When your message is that of self choice, it is difficult to tell if people are truly choosing their own actions, or are just doing so because you told them to.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Neutral (They / Them / Their)
Divine Classification
Living Saint
Current Location
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