Iskander Keyes Character in United Britannia and Hibernia | World Anvil
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Iskander Keyes

The hero of United Britannia and Hibernia

Iskander was one of the only Level One witches to exist; his contributions to magic are innumerable. His greatest accomplishment, however, is his completion of the Codex Magicae, a guide for young witches. He also authored a section on the source of magic as well as many other common magical questions that exist for present witches.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Iskander was born to lower class parents in the city of Ilyrium. For many years, his magical skill appeared to be average until he began his studies at the Academy. Once there, his magical prowess increased and he progressed much further than his classmates. Once he graduated from the Institute, he is famed to have authored the Codex Magicae, the most influential book in United Britannia and Hibernia. He eventually became a member of the Council as well as a member of a Murder of Crows.

Gender Identity





Like all witches, he had the standard Academy and Institute education. He also apprenticed with a Senior Librarian and quickly became a Junior Librarian after his graduation from the Institute.


Iskander was a junior Librarian (he eventually advanced to senior Librarian) but also aided in research in many other areas. Even in his last years, Iskander was still researching and aiding other witches in their research.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Iskander quickly rose ranks in his job (which was very difficult) and won numerous awards for his talks and conference participation. Iskander became accustomed to earning awards and took pride in his accomplishments.

Failures & Embarrassments

Iskander became a bit arrogant and would sometimes overstep elder researchers and scholars in his excitement to explore magic.

Intellectual Characteristics

Iskander had a photographic memory and learns languages very quickly.

Morality & Philosophy

Iskander's philosophy was to continue to learn more and to push more to reach his goals.
1329 1399 70 years old
Circumstances of Birth
A hero had been prophised by witches with psychic magic
Circumstances of Death
Died of old age
So dark, almost black
Long, shiny black hair, with a beard to match as he grew older
175 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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