Vragh Arpad Settlement in Undinia | World Anvil
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Vragh Arpad

Originally called Vragh Akoom, Vaugh Arpad was set up as a forward base in his northern Frostmourn campaigns, before turning it into his regional capital.  


Military base

Built in 120 Blood as a giant fortified cathedral to Akoom, The original fort was a singularly military and religious base that housed the majority of Imp's forces. It was supposed to be used as the staging point for the invasion, Though the Imp was sent north with just a squad before this.  

Regional capital

With the north subdued, Imp used Vragh Akoom as his capital, building up the town into a more permanent settlement. Making it the gateway to the north, the city thrived off of trade. The city really hit its stride after Imp was elected prophet, under new management the city grew to its biggest in history. This era of prosperity came to an end when the North rebelled against the empire. The central cathedral was sieged and the city was abandoned.  

City of ash

Renamed Vragh Kega, the city became a ghost town for several decades, adventures came and went talking about strange noises from the cathedral in the center of town. In their goal to expand their territory, white and green kobolds invaded the city for Essurri. Focusing on rebuilding and revitalizing the city, it was still only a shadow of its former glory. The structures slowly became more damaged turning it more into a slum city. When the Chroma war broke out, only half of the city was occupied by the northern forces. In an attempt to even the odds against the approaching army from Skyhold, The Kobald chief threw open the citadel for the weapons inside. What was found was a horde of heavily armed undead who surged out of the city, destroying both armies. These undead were led by the last Fylkir of Frostmourn, now a Revenant sworn to restore order to the north.  

Kingdom of Arpad

In 300 Chroma, Arpad the spirit ward of the Inquisition led a party into the city to put the revenant to rest. Successfully burying it under the cathedral, Arpad commenced rebuilding the city and surrounding region as a defense against the growing undead to the north. As time passed paladins of Akoom returned to the region and acted as royal guards. The Akoom academy produces some of the most dedicated paladins and inquisitors. While the family also built a magic school, finally shaking off the stigma made by the Demon Prophet, producing clerics and shadow mages aplenty. The kingdom even produced a Prophet of Akoom and two head inquisitors in its short life. Though the city never grew to the size it was under the empire, it became the jewel of the north, once again acting as the main trade hub north.  

City of Shadows

As the fey age began, a portal to the Nether opened unleashing undead on the kingdom as a whole. In 118 Fey, the royal guard, army from Skyhold, and multiple paladins and inquisitors stood against the horde, to everyone's horror, the Revenant returned from the crypt leading a second army of undead. The battle turned into a slaughter with barely any survivors. Now again a city of the dead, the shadow Fylkir rules in the name of a long-dead prophet.  

Special buildings

While the city lacks proper districts of other cities it does have several notable buildings.  

Cathedral citidel

First and foremost a fortification, this massive structure also doubles as a church. Built up to the sky with ten massive towers circling it. The Citadel houses the cathedral of Akoom, royal palace, and military fort. Positioned in the center of the city it is the last Hope for the citizens, never having been conquered. The only times it has been 'lost' has been by either starving out the garrison or massively expensive magics to infiltrate it.  

Akoom academy

Once the most powerful academy in the known world, it tutored paladins from all walks of life producing the majority of Justiciars of the past five hundred years. With a heavy focus on duty, it is the only school never to produce an 'oathbreaker' despite the closeness of undeath.  

School of Death

The magical school in the city serves as the youngest of its kind in the world. despite this, it has already developed a reputation for producing great magic users and clerics more inclined to the shadow and necromatic arts.


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