Ybeli Empire Organization in Underoverse | World Anvil
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Ybeli Empire

The Ybeli Empire is a prosperous, diverse, and complex nation united by the first Ybeli King Gaius. Originally much smaller and based farther north away from the coastline, Ybele spread as an empire does, growing outwards until reaching the coast and covering territory making up a good portion of the crest harboring the Lenoir Sea. Originally, the area was quite blighted and lacking in proper land to reside on due to mysterious circumstances, but this changed and the area was soon ripe for the pioneering and colonizing after Gaius, blessed by Mytera, terraformed the area and grew lush forests, creatures of many kinds, and inspired many to move to the area and cultivate it in the form of farming, homesteading, commerce, and more.
As of 1802, Ybele is a flourishing, bustling empire despite it's recent disputes and major uproar in 1800 due to attacks primarily founded by the Ophiucus Order and resulting in the siphoning of power away from the throne alone. Though tensions are high in relation to certain groups and militant ordeals are still present and active around the country– such as an ongoing headhunt for members of the Forgotten Rogues– the Ybeli Empire overall continues to persist and remains a place of interest for new technologies, the arcane, pilgrims searching for various temples of worship, druids and nature enthusiasts, and many more.


For a millennium Ybele was a typical empire in it's organization– an Emperor, followed by the royal family, the emperor's advisors, and others of the noble hierarchy such as archdukes, dukes, viscounts, and so on. However, as of 1800, the structure was challenged by internal corruption and certain factions within the empire expressing a deep disdain for the royal legacy and it's past and present actions or lack of action. As such, the government is in flux and primarily, for all that is known, exists with the emperor and prince still as important and very powerful figures, but with a more direct, elite council of representative figures that help to sort out national issues, laws, and disputes. Some examples of said council's members are as follows:
Position Individual Representing
Emperor The Empire
Prince The Empire
First General The Empire
Representative/Archduke Inoor Velenin Old Thabes, Velenin
Representative Aratus The Ophiucus Order
Representative Thorin Redbeard Throgengard
Representative/Sovereign Leader Laimani
Representative Glauca – Serinadi


As an expansive empire, Ybele harbors many different cultures over it's many miles of territory. It's larger, central cities tend to be relatively diverse and with a rainbow of religions, cultures, and customs depending on where one goes and if one knows where to look. However, it is common that Ybele's cities are seperated by their cultures– Laimani, for example, being a very separate and specific Moon Elf culture from the rest of the nation, or Serinadi being an extreme version of popular Lumosian traditions and conduct as a Sun Elf-centric stronghold. At the empire's center, deep in the forests, there is a strong druidic presence with seemingly ancient traditions in the realms of nature, the feywild, spirituality, Myteran teachings, and life as a whole.
There are many other cultures that could be pointed out within the Ybeli Empire, such as that of Goliaths to the north in Velenin, Sahuagans off the coast of Vejanacci, Elmsbraean descendent elves in the north in Elewyn, and much more.


  • Large military force including royal troops, cavalry, naval vehicles, a basic royal arsenal, the Thaban Rangers, the Ybeli Magi, etc.
  • The Palace of the Ybeli Emperor in Thabes
  • Precious metal mines in Throgengard
  • Warforge factories in Falvatae
  • Arquess Weapons in Old Thabes

Demography and Population

Ybele's full population estimated to be about 1,650,000, as it is a very large country with much territory taken over the years involving already existent civilizations.
Location Primary Races Population* Classification
Thabes Human, Elf (Moon, Sun, High, Wood), Half-Elf, Dwarf ≈440,000 City-State
Old Thabes Human, Elf (High), Tiefling ≈320,000 City-State
Throgengard Dwarf, Dragonborn, Kobold ≈300,000 City-State
Serinadi Sun Elf ≈200,000 City-State
Laimani Moon Elf ≈200,000 City-State
Vejanacci Human, Elf (Moon, High, Drow, Sea), Dwarf, Tiefling ≈185,000 (*residents only) City
Gaiadan Wood Elf, Human ≈3,000 Town/Area
Elewyn Wood Elf, High Elf, Eladrin ≈2,100 Town
Velenin Goliath ≈1,050 Village
Raven's Hamlet Kenku ≈1,000 Village
Valley Town Human, Halfling <1,000 Town
Falvatae Warforged [disputed] ???

Foreign Relations

Sovereign State of Kankou; Friendly Relations and Active Trade.

Trade & Transport

The Ybeli Empire is known for it's ahead-of-the-times system of locomotives and traintracks that cross the country and connect the empire's popular cities and trade hubs.
Founding Date
777 BE
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Provisional government
Economic System
Mixed economy
GP | SP | CP
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities

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Cover image: Night Train by Marcin Wolski

Terraformation | Reign of Emperor Gaius

777 ACE 870 ACE

The creation of the empire known as Ybele by Emperor Gaius, using the Gaia Staff to terraform the lands to be abundant and fertile, blessed by the goddess Mytera. The nation was smaller at this time than what is mostly known to be Ybele and at the time was nearly landlocked, having a country to the south of it known as Lenoir.

  • 798 Terra

    Ybeli Raid of the Ophiucus Temple
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Temple of Ophiucus, home of the Ophiucus Order was raided under controversial circumstances lead by the first emperor of Ybele, Emperor Gaius. In the bloody massacre of the mountain temple, the members of the order were taken out one by one, leaving only one to eventually survive– he who is known as Aratus.

  • 870 Terra

    Gaius Ascends to Fey Deityhood

    Emperor Gaius ascends to an immortal form, blessed by the life goddess Mytera. He becomes intertwined in "Mytera's Tree," in a seemingly catatonic, yet present state. He is categorized as a great fey and a minor deity.

  • 870 Terra

    Scattering of the Gaia Slates
    Diplomatic action

    Emperor Gaius hid the the Gaia Staff in an undisclosed location nearly impossible to find– in order to do so, in case of major national emergency Gaius scattered seven slates across the empire, when brought together forming a map to eventually find the location of the staff and activate the trials to determine ownership of the staff. Over the years the slates migrated with their keepers or through other, less solid means.


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