Legault Mureiy Character in Underoverse | World Anvil
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Legault Mureiy

Handsome, Dedicated, Looks Good in a Suit

Lieutenant Commander Legault Mureiy

A true Therranian, Legault is a strong-willed, headstrong, and adventurous young man who isn't capable of sitting on the sidelines when things get rough. Born to a willful, independent Therrani artisan as his mother and the unfaithful, charismatic king of Areya as his father, he was immediately torn between two worlds and for much of his life he tried to pursue proving and securing his royal blood in order to tie the two together and get what he seemingly deserved. He certainly did not let the abandonment of his father get to him, however, as he pushed forwards in life full-force using it as a drive to his exploration and progression. Through many ups and downs on this path and others that stemmed from it, he eventually rose to power as Lieutenant Commander of Areya's new government in 1505, as well as being the representative to the government for his home town of Therrani.
Before the events of mid-late 1505, Legault would be considered by all who knew him as roguish in his governmental standpoint, moving from place to place and effort to effort without very many attachments lingering– making him a bit of a heartbreaker who never stayed in one place, and being so self-willed that order was more of a secondary thought, if any. Over the course of the government's re-establishment and the more he was immersed in his promotion, the authority and prowess of the position swayed him towards having more of a respect for keeping order and diplomacy. Though still strong willed as ever and still somewhat restless with a rough fighting spirit, he is currently more visibly efficient, authoritative, and confident in his ability to lead by way of charismatic execution.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Legault is an athletic young man with a resilient muscled build, bronzed skin with a number of battle scars, dark umber hair that falls over his shoulders, and handsome chiseled features. He is tall and well-proportioned, very roguishly attractive, and is commonly seen wearing a lieutenant's uniform or the combination of a high-collared jacket, partially unbuttoned dress shirt, and basic black pants with a scabbard at either side.

Body Features

Tall, built, with well-maintained muscle from various athletic activities and an overall active lifestyle. He has scars varying in severity across his body from battles and skirmishes, mostly across his extremities, chest, and back. He has broad shoulders, defined muscle structure, and a toned waistline. Significantly strong, but more prominent is his stamina and resilience.

Facial Features

Striking bright golden eyes are a trait passed down through the Bestla bloodline ever since King Argolmir was granted divinity. That is the first thing evident on his face, though the entirety of his features are also quite striking. He has a strong jawline and more angular features than not, though they are complimented by a rougher aesthetic and a defined, bold facial shape. To further that rougher aesthetic, he tends to maintain a neatly kept portion of stubble around his chin that gets darker and more filled in towards the angle of his jaw. His hair is dark umber, appearing convincingly black in low lighting. However in sunlight it is a dark brown with tones of both raven and auburn with rare singular strands of gold from his celestial bloodline, only notable due to the contrast with the average color.

Identifying Characteristics

• Bewitching golden eyes.
• Very, very roguishly handsome.
• Long dark hair, kept up in formal settings and down when casual.
• Lieutenant's uniform, adorned with a few badges and icons, somewhat imposing and very well kept

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Born in 1482 in Therrani, and raised there as a well known local and charismatic casual folk hero, Legault was restless over his father's bloodline– his father, the king, not giving any recognition, benefits, or the proper bloodright to his bastard children. The more he matured and the more frustrated with the he became, the more he ventured through the Therrani area and the country in general, looking for some kind of proof of his bloodline or legitimacy to put to his name.

The Tomb of King Argolmir Bestla

In 1505 he followed a lead into the mouth of a discreet, yet cavernous tomb of the first king of Areya, Argolmir Bestla. As soon as he approached the haunting structure, he was approached by a small group of adventurers looking for the same legendary item and pursuing the same lore– for different reasons, of course. They were hesitant to friendliness at first, possibly due to other bouts with strangers and hostility from those lurking outside of creepy, 100-something year old tombs, and so was he due to having a dead set goal in mind, and being so close to achieving it that he didn't want to waste time fraternizing. They agreed to traverse as one group, crossing the bridge over the issue of who takes King Argolmir's crown (a crown said to be the prison holding the entirety of King Argolmir's soul and his celestial power) when they get to it. The group was eventually learned to be Reeza Szanto– a wizard, fellow Therrani native, and small time magic shoppe owner, Clementine– an actual hummingbird given sentience and a knack for spontaneity, and Leon Ko– at the time only known to be a pragmatic, softspoken young man who bashfully stumbled over his words nearly every time Legault spoke to him.
After the group nearly died a few times during the tomb's many deadly tests, they rested for a while, sleeping in shifts. His shift was shared with Leon, who ended up being easy to talk to, and the two talked quietly of their reasons for getting to this point, about what they do and who they are, eventually broken by Leon admitting to seeing a ghost in the corner of the room, able to see through the veil as a strange Kyorian trait and too immersed in conversation to have brought it up earlier until being too anxious to ignore it. A strange beginning, but nonetheless this sparked a connection that'd be very significant to his life, effecting it progressively more from then on out. There's no way he could have predicted that one day he'd propose to the same reserved, foreign boy.

The Maddening

King Argolmir selected only his own blood to bestow power upon– as such, Legault claimed this power and got what he'd been looking for all along: recognition of his royalty, and the power that comes with. Throughout the course of a few days it came to fruition that this power wasn't without a price, and his personality began to change at a frightening pace– becoming less classically charming, less reasonable, more argumentative, and slowly filling with an unexplainable anger the more the powers kicked in. The effects were shrugged off for a while, as the power was beyond strong and absolutely stupefying– but the overbearing, unadulterated power changed its effects from being a boost to his already existent aggression, to being terrifyingly violent and maddening. With a tough decision at hand, he confronted Leon about the issue, worried that if he didn't have a heart to heart soon, the madness would overtake him completely, his hunger for power would surpass reason and he'd be unable to have one at all. Deciding against keeping Argolmir's power, the two followed the ritual necessary and released Argolmir's spirit from the crown, separating it from Legault and draining him of celestial power and madness alike. His charm and beguiling character returned to it's natural state in the process, returning him to his handsome, but typical and mortal self.

Areya's First Lieutenant

Areya, disorganized and without a king, restructured it's government towards the end of 1505. Legault was appointed Lieutenant Commander and Representative of Therrani during the change of power and thus began a military-centric career, becoming essentially the most powerful political figure in the country overnight. Struggles in the north with the undead, west with the Yuan Ti of Psellus, and center with the city of Stezan determine him currently quite adept at managing the country and it's firepower.


In the summer of 1506, Legault proposed to Leon. Though quite fast after only dating for around a year, he contemplated the question for a while and came to the conclusion that it was what he wanted. As someone moving around a lot, the feeling of being showered with affection and domestic tenderness every time he returned was enough to realize that the feeling had become a necessity in his life. Leon had become visibly anxious over him being gone so often; Leon is a very independent person, but the fear of losing him over time to distance and the possibility of finding someone better ate at him. Adding those things together he popped the question– on a visit luring him to the beach near the Shoppe, surprising him tux-clad with being in town in the first place, and asking by candlelight and ocean ambiance, of course. A cliché, of course, but Leon is the romantic he is, and as such he said yes immediately.
Legault Mureiy and Taesun Leon Mureiy were wed on November 17th, 1506, by the sea and the redwood-decorated cliffs of Therrani. The day before the stars fell.

Gender Identity

Male; he/him.


Bisexual / Biromantic


• ≈1500-1505: Small-Time Bounty Hunter
• 1505: Adventurer
• 1505-Current: Lieutenant Commander of Areya
• 1505-Current: Representative of Therrani on the Areyan Senate

Accomplishments & Achievements

• Folk Hero of Therrani (≈1500)

• Proves Royal Bloodline through King Argolmir's Acceptance (spring 1505)
• Survives and Avoids Potential Insanity Via King Argolmir's Power (spring 1505)
• Fights off and Prevents Yuan Ti from Attacking Qinesc (spring/summer 1505)
• Helps Win the War Against Ramiel and Reshape the Areyan Government (summer 1505)
• First Areyan Ruler to have Diplomatic Relations with Goblin/Orc Tribes Surrounding Stezan (fall 1506)
• Married Leon Mureiy (fall 1506)

Morality & Philosophy

– Power is not worth it if it destroys you or who you love, nor is it if it changes who you are.
– Take risks for who you love. Especially when they are in danger.
– The country is stronger with a military behind it keeping unity and protecting from threats inside and out.
– People need a strong leader to keep them safe and well run.
– Vengeance out of love and loss is human and inevitable.
– Fight for what you want and keep pursuing it until you get there.

Personality Characteristics


– Maintaining Areya and it's unity for the good of the citizens within it. To be a strong leader and to defend the country, along with those he loves.
– To get home safe to his loving husband.


Contacts & Relations

– Caligo Apricol ; Friend, second in command.
– Reeza Szanto ; Friend, occasional advising strategist, sort-of sister in law.
– Clementine ; Friend?, literal bird, fun at parties.
– Kyle ; Client, hired soldier, first speech at his wedding for some reason.

Family Ties

– Noémie Mureiy ; Mother, raised him singlehandedly for much of his life, close relationship.
Grenef Holt ; Step-Father, helped raise him in his late teens, deep respect.
Taesun Leon Mureiy ; Husband, newlywed. Trusting, loyal, and loving till the end.

Social Aptitude

Very confident and charismatic. He is able to clearly and efficiently lead and inform crowds, command soldiers, and strategize with others. He is very charming and tends to be quite beguiling an influence with his words, character, and appearance. Legault harbors a strong ego, strong enough to verge on narcissistic a portion of the time before someone or something humbles him a bit. His ego seeps through in his subtle, underlying feelings of entitlement towards leadership roles due to royal and celestial blood, and in response to Leon's constant doting and adoration over his appearance and being swept away at any heroic traits or actions. Needless to say, he likes the attention and authority such behavior brings him, though he wouldn't easily admit it.


A moderate, rougher baritone spoken with a tone of confidence and smooth in the ease that he forms his sentences and executes them. His tone is deeper than higher and doesn't tend to modulate very much until he is angry or excited. He speaks Common and his accent is that of a typical local of Port Therrani. A typical middle class vocabulary, and his accent holds a slight swarthiness or hint of influence from other cultures over the years it accumulated, attributed to Therrani's major port and it's international trade. His voice becomes far rougher when angry, and can verge on strident and profane depending on the severity. On the opposite end of things, his voice becomes far smoother and eased when being empathetic, intimate, or consoling.


Legault Mureiy

Husband (Vital)

Towards Leon Mureiy



Leon Mureiy

Husband (Vital)

Towards Legault Mureiy




An adoring newlywed couple. They are very trusting of one another with anything, down to life or death decisions. They met in the spring of 1505, began a romantic relationship in the summer of 1505, were engaged in the early months of 1506, and were wed on November 17th, 1506.

Nicknames & Petnames

Leon calls him Gal in casual situations, which he picked up from Legault's mother. In serious, meaningful, or intimate situations Legault will use Leon's given name, Taesun.

Relationship Reasoning

They met during a quest through a tomb for the same legendary item. After that, Leon helped him through the struggle with Argolmir's power and it's resulting symptoms of unruly anger and insanity, being there for him in his decision and seeing it through. That trust and care lead to a much closer bond, which eventually sparked a relationship.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

– Members of the new Areyan government.
– Jealous, protective types.
– Take risks out of love or passion
– Have experienced the effects of raw celestial power and both are currently still alive to tell about it, which is... rare.
– Both like the beauty and serenity of forests for their own reasons.
– Work oriented.
– Intimidating fighters in battle.

Shared Secrets

– Leon accidentally admitted to the team having Sylvester's Deck of Many Things, and that he used it once and acquired two wishes via the Wish spell. As such he freed Lazarus and inherited her raw celestial power. Legault did not take this well at first, and had to be calmed down and reasoned with in order to look it over.

Shared Acquaintances

Reeza Szanto, Clementine, Kyle, Caligo Apricol, Sprout, Chad

Legal Status


Legault Mureiy

Colleague/Friend (Important)

Towards Caligo Apricol



Caligo Apricol

Colleague/Friend (Important)

Towards Legault Mureiy



As the main two officers of the new Areyan military, they depend on each other to make sure everything is managed and nothing is left overlooked. They are friends outside of that, tending to resonate on a certain level due to some common leader-to-leader understanding of one another.

Relationship Reasoning

Highest ranking military officers. Without much structure other than what is made themselves, the two have to work together quite often.

Shared Acquaintances

Leon Mureiy, Reeza Szanto, Clementine, Representative Senate of Areya

Legal Status


Neutral Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Lieutenant Commander Legault Mureiy
  • Representative Legault Mureiy of Therrani
  • Areyan Senator Legault Mureiy
  • Legault Mureiy, Illegitimate Heir to the Areyan Throne of Bestla
Year of Birth
1482 ACE
Circumstances of Birth
Bastard child of the Areyan king, Seere Bestla
Therrani, Areya
Leon Mureiy (Husband)
Current Residence
Therrani, Areya
Golden as proof of royal blood
dark umber
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
light tan, bronzed
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Promise me. The moment you start to turn you'll call it quits."

"Is it worth it, Leon? All that power?"

Clementine, calling upon allies for war: "Okay; goblins, orcs, and now you're here... What about the military? And Legault? I'm sure he's not happy about all this." Chad, recalling the lieutenant's response and reliving the intimidation: "He's pissssssssed....."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
• Common; fluent.
• Sylvan; a handful of phrases from Leon's use of them.
Ruled Locations

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