Fish Pan Geographic Location in Under an Iron Sky | World Anvil

Fish Pan

It looks like a fish crossed with a frying pan. A fish pan!
  A constellation that looks like a smaller version of the Little Dipper with a smaller handle. At the end of the handle is two lines that make it look like it has a fishtail. The constellation used to be called the Little Fish, but now it is called the Fish Pan. The name change happened when people kept calling it the wrong thing. The Wild Ones of Miyla still call it the little fish though.   This set of stars is used to measure time by the Wild Ones. It means a lot to them, but they have never told a living soul. The Wild Ones are known for keeping their secrets. But it is believed that the stars are a picture of a helpful fish trying to show mortals when to plant. The Wild Ones also have a few holidays that seem to go with the stars and a handful of folk stories. The fish also appears in their artwork.   The folk stories about the stars are similar in the way that they talk about how the stars move across the sky. The fish jumps out of the lake and is then captured by a man who had never seen a fish before. He takes the fish to his elven wife and asks her about it. She tells him that it is a fish and that a long time ago her people use to hunt them. Thinking quickly the fish told the couple that he would tell them how to hunt fish again. If they agreed to let him go. The husband quickly agreed and let the fish go. The fish didn't tell them how to hunt fish though, breaking its promise. The elven wife then cursed the fish to forever swim the tight sky. The goddess of stars answered the curse and put the fish in the sky. The goddess then taught the couple how to fish. The goddess then also took away the fishes' ability to speak.   That is why druids can't turn into fish. It is believed that when fish became mute man was not allowed to turn into a fish. This was to stop the fish from learning how to speak again.