Ballad of Ulaan-övs

The Ballad of Ulaan-övs is a short song that retells the events of the Battle of Ulaan-övs, where Khojin Sharisar's force of tribal horse warriors defeated the combined forces of the Kingdom of Castar and the Union of Mishtoon. The result of the battle was the formation of the Kingdom of Sharisar, with Khojin Sharisar at its head as the first Queen.   The ballad is often sung as a drinking song, and is a frequent favourite when the nomadic caravans of the Sharisians converge on the capital Uighurtai for the celebration of Midsummer.  
When Sky was clear and sun was bright,   Where Övsnii Sea meets mountains old,   Both sullen Dwarves who shun the light,   And men-at-arms from Castar’s fold   Did march their forces in our sight,   To steal our land, they were so bold.   Our elders came to face their blight   To show as slaves we are not sold,   And Khojin, warrior queen of might   Did lead our horsemen to the fight.     And many a warrior fell that day   As horns of war did call and bray,   And none could stop our warrior Queen,   Never again will her like be seen!     The sound of hooves did thunder round   And light from spears did gleam and shine,   Our fearless warriors did astound   As Sharisian charge did break the line.   The foe were slain and, to the ground   Their corpses all we did confine.    The wrath of Khojin was unbound   As left and right she slew the swine.   Not a single foe there could be found   Who did not flee and turnaround.     And many a warrior fell that day   As horns of war did call and bray,   And none could stop our warrior Queen,   Never again will her like be seen!     Long years have passed since that great day   Now, none do dare our strength to match   And for their hubris our foes did pay,   As Khojin did them all dispatch.   And we are left to sing away   To tell the tale under the thatch,   For all should know of this great fray,   So come on in and lift the latch.   For even when we're old and grey   We'll shout her name and drink away.     And many a warrior fell that day   As horns of war did call and bray,   And none could stop our warrior Queen,   Never again will her like be seen!

Cover image: by Chris Pyrah


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