Henarria Organization in Ugaron | World Anvil


Hennaria is the semi-autonomous hill region in the southeast of the Gildam Confederacy. The Hennarians are pastoralists and warriors that serve as the ground forces in the wars fought by the Gildam Confederacy, whose seamen are ill-suited to fighting on land.


Hennaria has always been a pastoral economy with hardy and free herdsmen and warriors. The area was conquered by the Republic of Fulton, and was called Trindad. Fultar sent colonists to populate the area, largely integrating the local tribes fold and exterminating the local orc and hobgoblins. In the centuries following the Guar Conquest and Arrival of the Great Worms, the area was repeated conquered and broke free from invading Celts from the northeast and orcs from the Posprey Swamp. A few hundred years ago, a Kozar group, the Hen, rampaged and ravaged much of the Celtic lands, especially the Venebones and the Uolcae. The Hen were expelled from the Nation of Galletica, but never defeated, and instead they rampaged Northern Fultar and eventually colonized the Trindad Hills, which are now named the Hennar Hills.   The Hen ruled over the remnant Fultonian population, eventually absorbing them into their society.   Continually threatened by the Celts and orcs, and lacking skilled crafts fold or industry, the Hen forged a mutually beneficial alliance with the Gilldam Confederacy. The Hen became largely dependent upon the Gilldam Confederacy for their goods, weapons and jobs as warriors in the Gilldam navies, and eventually rebelled from the yoke of perceived Gilldam oppression. This rebellion was two hundred years ago, and it spawned a two generation long war, which led to Gilldam's official conquest of Hennaria. The seabased Gilldam found it difficult to rule the hills, and eventually Gilldam ruled through local proxies and extended its influence through closer economic ties. Gilldam also imported immigrants from areas it conquered or control, which further diluted the independent spirit of Hennaria. Today, there are strong ties and loyalty between Hennaria and rest of the Gilldam Confederacy as they see each other as essential to their mutual survival in a violent world besieged by enemies at all sides.   The Hennarians also trade and make war upon the Galleticans, particularily the Albae tribe immediately to their east, and serve as mercenaries for the various Celtic tribes, including the town of Mawatt.   The Hennarians interactions with Northern Fultar is primarily limited by geography in that the hills between Norhtern Fultar and Hennaria are steepe, not easily tranversed, and inhabited by orcs and goblins.  However, they do have limited direct trade with Fultar and conduct limited raiding.  In recent times as Fultar has gained in power and influence, Hennarian raids have been severely punished, which has pacified many of the local pastoralists.


Henarria is a small, about fifty mile oblong shaped area of the Hannarian Hills. To the immediate east is the Celtic town of Olbat and the Venebones tribe of the Nation of Galletica, to the south is the Tesser River Valley and its associated woodlands and to the west are the Gilldam towns of Hania and Trindad, including their fertile farmlands (the only fertile farmlands in all of Gilldam).


The Henarrians chief god is Kozzal, the great warrior sky god. They also worship and honor the gods of the Fultonian Religion, most prominently Tya Nehru, Hecate and Ram Kor. They recognize the worth of Hantithenus and make sacrifices to him as the most honored god the Gilldam towns. The gods of the Celts and the fairies are seen as lesser beings worthy only of enslavement and death, and, thus, Ohgma receives no honor.
by Dominik Kasprzycki
by Albert Kretschmer, Costumes of All Nations
Neighboring Nations
by www.firstlegionltd.com