Gamō Torasaburō Character in Tsuwamono | World Anvil

Gamō Torasaburō

Bucket-Quaffing Namahage

Head of Castle Security Gamō Torasaburō (a.k.a. 蒲生 虎三郎)


Gamō Torasaburō has been a samurai for all of his adult life, but he always felt like something was missing. Battles with other samurai were boring affairs. Lining up in rows and shouting orders, it all seemed just too formal and precise. There was no primal joy in the fight, no chances to really let loose and fight like the beast he knew himself to be. This all changed when he met General Baby Huey.   The Oni General, a legend among the Hashinara, was collecting a unit of his own specialized soldiers, the Tea Bucket Men, as he called them. Rumors had it that they would be trained further than human limits could take them, trained until they became as strong as Oni themselves. Torasaburō knew that he had to get in on such an opportunity, and he waited a full night in a vigil outside of Baby Huey's quarters to ask for a chance to join. Impressed by this burly human's resolve, the General was all too happy to take Torasaburō on, and thus his training began.   Finally having a chance to let his strength break free, he excelled at anything Baby Huey put him to. Hefting rocks, running back and forth with squads holding trees, nothing was too difficult for Torasaburō. He would rush into any task until he either succeeded or collapsed unconscious. It was then that Baby Huey, keen commander that he was, started to notice a problem. If Torasaburō kept training at this pace, always outdoing all of his peers, not only would it be bad for morale, but it was inevitable that the man would self-destruct. The General took his charge aside one day, and explained the situation as only an Oni of his stature could.   "Training. Good. But, training too hard. You not weak, but you training tired. Barely able to swing weapon mean you training to barely swing weapon. Rest and train when able to swing hardest. Look at Oni at Mount Ōe. They not train when time to eat and rest. Go. Eat. Rest. Be stronger."   Torasaburō was stunned. This was all he had ever wanted, a chance to cut loose and really let his body do what he knew it wanted to, and General Baby Huey was telling him not to. He returned to his camp in frustration, grabbed a bucket, and filled it with sake. For the rest of the night, he quaffed bucket after bucket, until his belly bulged with the liquor and he collapsed into a drunken stupor. The next day, he did not report for training, and Baby Huey found him passed out under a tree, reeking of alcohol. Pulling Torasaburō to his feet, the General slapped him awake and challenged him to a duel right then and there.   Of course, the drunken samurai was a complete mess. He could not keep his balance, had a splitting headache from a hangover, and, moreover, he really had to relieve himself. Barely holding back, Baby Huey trounced him, leaving him bloody, bruised, and barely conscious. There, in the hot midday sun, Babs asked Torasaburō if he felt like a warrior, and he finally understood.   From then, he continued with his training, but with a new temperance and moderation that made his efforts even more successful than before. Finally given a bit of much-needed rest, his body truly went to the task of building his muscles and endurance. Soon, he was able to wield a mighty iron tetsubō without issue, and then graduated from that to wielding it in one hand as he warded off attacks with the other. The other Tea Bucket Men found him impossible to defeat in their regular duels, and, by the time the group went to Mount Ōe for specialized training, he was at the top of the squad.   Here, soon after their first day training with the true ogres, General Baby Huey gifted Torasaburō with his own unique armor. Detailed like a fierce Oni and decorated with tufts of wild hair like a Namahage, the heavy metal plates of it gave him a violent aspect that matched his wild fighting style. Now, claimed Huey, he was a true Tea Bucket Man, and had graduated even the command of the General himself. It was time for him to take a step out into the world of honorable warriors, and seek a post as officer under the Hashinara. Proud beyond belief, Torasaburō left the mountain in search of his new place as a leader of men, though he would never forget the towering red man who so influenced his rise to glory.
General Rank
General Type
Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Certified Tea Bucket Man
  • Head of Wakigami Castle Security
  • 桶仰ぐなまはげ: Bucket-Quaffing Namahage
Year of Birth
1531 28 Years old
Current Residence
Wakigami Castle
White, ponytailed
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
430 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Character Portrait image: "鬼美濃”原虎胤 by 木志田コテツ


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