Southern Lands Organization in Trorune | World Anvil

Southern Lands

The territorial range of the region known as the Southern Lands in the Salvae Empire encompasses the western border of the Gold Plains and stretches northward to the southern flowing river of the Broken Spine's Twin Rivers. The border edges along the southern Baltos Forest and stops at the southwest mouth where it exits into the Torrose, crossing over into the Raja'ri Territories.   The regional influence overlaps with that of The Steppes that influences the southwestern-most coast lines and cliff faces and those of the High Elves of Kasluma in the Baltos. This region is presently overseen by the Barons of Landow but will eventually fall to House Cahlan by right when the betrothal negotiations between Lord Cade Cahlan and Lady Olympia Besk of House Besk is finally made official and the argument be made to establish a Marquessate and finally bring the Southern Lands under a unified ruler, something that has not been seen in centuries and something that Lords Kasper Cahlan and Raydon Besk have been striving for, arguably, their entire lives.


The Southern Lands as of 985 ATS, and presently, is under a barony duopoly similar to Landow as Houses Cahlan and Besk are the highest-ranking nobility of the region.
Geopolitical, Province
Neighboring Nations