Adrimor's Reach Building / Landmark in Trorune | World Anvil

Adrimor's Reach

Above the crashing tides and jagged coasts, carved into the very bedrock of The Steppes' coastal ridges of the southwestern Salvae Empire overlooking the vast expanses of the Torrose is Adrimor's Reach. The seat of power for Tormund Moss, Baron of the Tides, and the current patriarch of House Moss, where they have ruled since the years during and after The Southern Expansion when the Brotherhood of the Silver Shields marched southward for conquest and glory in the name of the newly seated Twenty-first Emperor, Lazarus Volker, lost-heir of the Eighth Emperor Roland Voloken.   Adrimor's Reach is one of the major naval ports for the Empire on the western side of the continent as the waters near the Raja'ri Territories tend to be far more rough and lawless than the waters near Arine or on the eastern seas controlled and patrolled by the Giamelan Navy. The Moss's naval fleet is protected by the tides themselves with the fleet being sheltered in the Gnashing Maw Grotto.
Founding Date
693 ATS
Owning Organization
Characters in Location