Hgtoha Ethnicity in Tremanac | World Anvil


Hgtoha is a collective term for the tribes wandering the savage lands. Originally it applied only to the orc tribes, but as humans and half-orcs began to follow the same rituals and practices it become a term to cover all of them.


Major language groups and dialects

All of the tribes use orcish as a common language, but what is used within the tribes varies depending on where the tribe came from and if there are any major threats nearby which mean speaking anoher language (like giantish or draconic) is a matter of survival.

Shared customary codes and values

While the various tribes have their own traditions and follow different deities, they are united by several core beliefs.
1. Purpose of life
  • Life is a trial to prepare you for the battle to come.
  • The battle to come will require the greatest warriors.
  • Glory fades over time and only those whose deeds but can be kept alive by the songs of your descendants.
Success in battle is the only way to earn your place in the battle to come. No matter how great your deeds, if no-one continues to sing of them then you will not be chosen. So ensure that you have descendants and that they have reason to sing of you.  
2. Share of food
  • Survival relies on leadership.
  • Leadership requires strength.
  • Strength requires food.
If the leader is unable to lead the tribe will fall apart and be destroyed. He must therfore eat first. If the hunters cannot hunt, the tribe will starve. They must eat second. If the warriors cannot protect the tribes will be killed. They must eat third. Those who cannot lead, hunt, or fight eat last.  
3. Honour in battle
  • Honour comes from proving your strength.
  • Honour comes from facing your oponnent head on.
  • Honour comes from victory.
A warrior does not stoop to tricks that undermine a fight. A warrior does not share their honour. A warrior that fails loses more than their life. But honour can be regained and there is no worse dishonour than the destruction of the tribe.     While seen as cruel by the people of the southlands many of these beliefs were shaped by the harsh realities of life in the savage lands where beasts and the weather are constantly trying to destroy the tribes.  


The hgtoha are viewed as savages because of their preference for large heavy weapons like axes, hammers, or clubs. While some of their crafting may be below that of the southern lands this is more to do with a lack of resources than a lack of respect for good crafting. The choice of weapons is ultimately a practical one as warriors will most oftern be dealing with massive beasts that will shrug off the pinprick of a rapier or snap the blade of a saber.

Art & Architecture

The tribes are mostly nomadic and only settle in one location until the food runs out. When they do settle in an area they tend to construct buildings out of loose rock that is cemented together, unless they find a location which has an unusual abundance of trees. The low structures favoured by the tribes tend be dome shaped which helps them withstand the harsh conditions, and the hgtoha have developed extremely effective techniques for quickly constructing them.

Coming of Age Rites

A child is considered ready to start properly learning the ways of battle from the age of eight. Before they are allowed to begin this training though they must first pass the trial of growth. This trial involves consuimg a meal made from Burning Ants which the child is expected to collect themselves.
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Cover image: The party's camp by Tanai Cuinsear


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