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Haspanic (HAHS-pahn-ick)

Haspanic is the main agricultural planet in the IPA. It was one of the last planets to join the alliance after the Polaris Collapse and the Free Day decree.
"I'm from Haspanic," she finally said. "It's a farming planet.
— Uprise


Haspanic's natural geography is comprised mainly of rolling plains and periodic lakes. Most of the plains have been transformed into either farmland or housing strips and the lakes have been turned into reservoirs to water the fields. There are still sections of the planet that have not been terraformed in any way, mostly in the far north and south of the planet. The roads connecting housing sectors to farmland were once made with packed dirt but are now paved with asphalt and tarmac.   Haspanic is categorized into six agricultural sectors, each with a specific type of plant and each broken down into more sections. The orchard sector is split into cherry, apple, pear, peach, fig, citrus, pomegranate, apricot, plum, almond, and gooseberry. The roots sector
by Lilliana Casper
contains over ten root vegetables in carefully cultivated rows. The grain sector, the largest sector on Haspanic, stretches for hundreds of kilometers across the middle of the planet and is separated into wheat, corn, oat, and barley fields. The bush sector is located closer to the south and contains blueberry, raspberry, strawberry, blackberry, and mulberry bushes as well as many others. The melon sector is one of the smallest on the planet and is located near the orchards. The main sector is where most vegetables are grown, and is organized
into rows of various plants, including but not limited to cucumbers, broccoli, asparagus, tomatoes, peas, grapes, cabbage, peppers, kale, green beans, and zucchini.   Housing strips, government buildings, and storage complexes are grouped together in between sectors. These groupings are referred to as colonies rather than towns or cities. Each one is comprised of housing blocks, storage units, schools, mail and packaging offices, a court building, a meeting hall, and a spaceport. Roads to and from sectors are numbered in order of their construction while housing rows are named after fruits and vegetables.


Haspanic was discovered around 1900 BPC and colonized shortly after. Because of its warm climate and lack of a ruling species, settlers soon built farms all across the surface. As more people arrived and decided to work there, a government system was formed to keep the various farms organized. Around 1200 BPC, Haspanic's ruling council chose to join the Polaris Alliance as a contributing planet. The decision was then made to disband all of the independent farms owned by various people and to turn the entire planet into one large farm divided into sections.  
We are certain this decision is best for our planet. By turning all the independent farms into carefully selected sectors for different plants and selling our goods for a set price, we can earn a combined profit of far more than we ever could have while divided. Everyone will have enough food and we will only trade what we do not need.
— A statement from farmers in support of the Unification
Despite the protests of several farmers, the plan went ahead with agreement from most people on Haspanic. Enormous areas of land were mapped out and sectioned into the very first sectors. The towns that already existed were rebuilt according to the plan, making these new colonies far easier to navigate and add to than the previous settlements. This period of extensive infrastructure reform is known as the Unification and lasted from 1190 to 1110 BPC. These reforms allowed Haspanic to produce a huge amount of fruits and vegetables, the surplus of which they could sell and trade to other planets.
  Over time, Haspanic’s organization would change even more, albeit in a far slower manner. When the initial reforms were set in place, only about half of the planet had been fully explored, and the rest would slowly be added to the planet’s organization over the next few hundred years. The land that was originally divided into the main sector and root vegetables were combined and turned into the present main sector. The original grain sector was combined with the original orchards and a new grain sector was created over several hundred miles of open land. Already existing sectors continued to expand as time passed, with colonies growing bigger and taking on a global uniformity.  
The slow but constant changes to Haspanic’s surface ended sometime close to the Polaris Collapse. While most of the galaxy reeled during the first few years after the event, Haspanic was able to remain functioning because it produced a significant amount of the food distributed over the galaxy, allowing them to survive on their own. Fearful of stronger planets attempting to invade them, the Haspanic council chose to institute a militia in each colony for protection. Luckily, most planets were content to trade for produce and others ignored them in favor of their own farms.
by Lilliana Casper
  In 266 APC, a civil war started between the ruling council and a faction of farmers in the south. The southern faction had trained themselves to fight and had the benefit of knowing the territory, but the ruling council had access to more weapons. The conflict lasted about fifty years, only ending when the IPA intervened in 317 APC. Terms were agreed on by both sides and Haspanic joined the IPA and disbanded their militias, allowing the IPA to protect them. Haspanic has continued to peacefully produce food for the IPA and most of the galaxy ever since.
Alexxus tilted her head back and imagined herself back on Haspanic, sitting in the fields and feeling the rain roll down her face. It never rained as much during the harvest as during planting season, but the rarity made it that much better.
— Harvest


Haspanic has a warm temperature, ranging from 50 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit. Rainfall is common, usually occurring overnight or in a predictable pattern. This climate is perfect for growing all sorts of fruits and vegetables all year long. There is very little difference between the seasons, with winter temperatures rarely dropping below 50.  


As one of the main producers of fresh fruits and vegetables, Haspanic has starships coming to and from it every single day. However, most of those ships are loaded with food and supplies rather than people. Residents rarely leave for anything other than work and visitors are generally there on business as well. Groups of schoolchildren will occasionally come for field trips, usually one trip a year per school during Haspanic’s harvest season. Accountants will also visit to ensure the workers are meeting their quotas.
by Lilliana Casper

Haspanic Civil War

Beginning in 266 APC, the Haspanic Civil War, also referred to as the Haspanic War, was a conflict between Haspanic's ruling council and a faction of farmers located in the south of the planet. The southern farmers felt that the ruling council was restricting their freedom by implementing a specific fertilization technique to be used globally and insisted on using their own methods. The ruling council, meanwhile, believed that allowing groups of farmers to use whatever techniques they wanted would cause their produce to lose its uniformity and freshness. If certain fruits were bigger or smaller, they could be accused of cheating planets out of their money.   At first, the war began with only animosity and arguments. Then, in July of 266, a team of officials from the ruling council attempted to force the southern faction to use their approved formula. The southern farmers were furious and attacked the delegation. When news of the attack reached the north, it resulted in public outcry, and militia soldiers from the biggest colonies were sent south to fight.   The southern faction responded in kind and a war broke out between the two factions. This war lasted 50 years and destroyed several colonies as well as miles of farmland. By the time the IPA stepped in to stop the fighting, both sides had grown tired of the war. They agreed to the terms suggested by the IPA, disbanded local militias, and allowed the IPA to set guidelines. The property destroyed by the war was repaired and replanted, and Haspanic entered a new era of peace and security.

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Cover image: by Lilliana Casper


Author's Notes

I wrote the entire history of this planet in almost one go and I'm surprised with how much I managed to come up with on the spot.

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Dec 7, 2023 19:57 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

A really in depth and detailed history of the planet. I imagine turning it into a farming planet had quite a big effect on native species of animals?

Dec 13, 2023 17:02 by Lilliana Casper

Thank you for your comment! I don't think I was able to add it in, but the few species of animals that lived on Haspanic were moved off-world when the Unification began. Thanks for pointing that out though, I'll try to add it in.

Lilliana Casper   I don't comment much, but I love reading your articles! Please check out my worlds, Jerde and Tread of Darkness.