Wotan's Call Myth in Tovedorp | World Anvil

Wotan's Call

And in the skies, the Asen sounded the Warhorns to battle against the giants. The whole world lit up in the deepest of all nights and the flaming trails of the battle-scarred sky. Ragnarök had come and Wotan himself called us below to fight for his honor!
The night that is now known throughout most Germanic Tribes as Wotan's Call was the night of the Winter Solstice a few years ago. In this night the world was covered by a blinding light and many flames crossed over the firmament. Thunder rolled, floods rolled against the lands and enormous stormwinds howled.
The fearful and the brave alike cowered beyond the might of the Gods that were thought to be fighting in the skies against their mighty foes. But when the fires started to fall to the land, the humans started to change.
Some began to see better and different, others touched stone and felt indescribable energy. Others changed their forms, became fearsome Wolfmen, others seemed to become cursed by the frost itself while being unmeasurably beautiful.
Were it not for the vision of the great Seherin Gehanna, telling the people about the transformation being the will of Wotan himself, panic would certainly have ensued. But Gehanna chose her words well, as she was speaking with the voice of the Asen themselves.
From this day on, the magic has come to the Chaukenlande and with it a new destiny to all men and women alike - be they magical Mannen, fearsome Wuelfen, everchanging Oturen or the mystical Disen.
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Jan 2, 2019 22:12

Awesome myth! I'd totally want to read more on the characters mentioned in these myths, nice job!