Waldschrat Species in Torika | World Anvil


A Waldschrat, a creature shrouded in mystery and myth, is the subject of three distinct interpretations:   Rumor: Some dismiss the Waldschrat as nothing more than a whisper, a tale spun from the imaginations of storytellers. To many, it is an elusive entity that exists only in the realm of folklore and legend. Despite countless tales, no credible sightings have ever been reported, leading skeptics to regard it as little more than a figment of the collective imagination.   Elben Tragedy: Others believe the Waldschrat to be a tragic remnant of a dark chapter in history. According to this interpretation, it is said to be the tortured spirit of Elben torn asunder by the depths of human hatred. In a time long gone, humans sought to harness the magical prowess of the Elben, subjecting them to unspeakable horrors in their quest for power. The Waldschrat is believed to embody the anguish and suffering of these forsaken beings, forever haunting the lands as a grim reminder of past atrocities.   Magical Phenomenon: A third interpretation posits the Waldschrat as a manifestation of mystical forces intertwined with the Himmelgebierge, a mountain range steeped in ancient magic. It is theorized that the Himmelgebierge holds within its depths a natural spring of magical power, from which mystical energies flow like rivers through the surrounding forests. The Waldschrat, in this view, is seen as a mysterious manifestation of this magical phenomenon, its presence veiled in enchantment and mystery.   Despite the divergence in interpretations, the Waldschrat remains a subject of fascination and intrigue, its elusive nature continuing to captivate the imaginations of those who dare to ponder its existence.

Basic Information


The prevailing depiction of the Waldschrat paints a picture of a humanoid figure crafted from the very essence of the forest itself. Instead of flesh and bone, its form is composed of intertwining roots, gnarled wood, and rich earth, seamlessly melded together to create a living embodiment of the woodland. Adorned with verdant accents such as moss and buttercups, the Waldschrat emanates an aura of natural vitality, its appearance a testament to the symbiotic relationship between the creature and its forest home.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

With each step, the Waldschrat moves with an otherworldly grace, its movements fluid and ethereal as it navigates the dense undergrowth of the forest. Though its countenance may be unsettling to some, there is an undeniable beauty in the way it blends seamlessly with its surroundings, a silent guardian of the woodland realms.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
1m - 3m


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