Elben Species in Torika | World Anvil


The Elben, an ethereal species of innate magical beings, are believed to be the creation of the divine. Towering slightly above humans in stature, they possess physical abilities that far surpass those of mere mortals. With heightened senses that eclipse human capabilities, they navigate their forest enclaves with grace and precision. Shrouded in mystery, the Elben are reclusive by nature, preferring the solitude of their woodland sanctuaries.   In their secluded enclaves, typically inhabited by no more than a hundred individuals, the Elben live lives of quiet tranquility. While they extend hospitality to those who chance upon their domains, visitors are gently but firmly encouraged to depart and return to whence they came.   Yet, the history of the Elben is not devoid of tragedy. In ages past, certain humans, driven by greed and ambition, hunted the Elben, seeking to exploit their magical prowess. Through unspeakable acts of cruelty, these humans sought to harness the power of the Elben by breeding them with slaves, giving rise to the elven species.   For their heinous crimes against the divine creation, the gods imposed a punishment upon the sinful humans who dared to defile the sanctity of the Elben. They decreed that those who bore the blood of the Elben would suffer endless torment, a curse that grew in intensity with each passing age. Thus, the elves inherited the natural immortality of their Elben ancestors, but with it came the burden of eternal suffering, a stark reminder of the consequences of their ancestors' transgressions.
Genetic Descendants


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