Wood of the Vale Geographic Location in Toriel | World Anvil

Wood of the Vale

"The wood of the vale, he said, is forbidden territory. The kingdom of forest dryads. The wood of the vale also defends our flank. The dryads will not let anyone pass."
The wood of the Vale also known among humans as the Forest of Death, is an ancient forest queendom on the Continent and the sole nonhuman state in Northern Realms never conquered nor subjugated by Nordlings. Ruled by dryads and hamadryads, it hosts many other races and species persecuted in the outside world.  


The wood of the Vale was bordered to the south by the Highlanders Mountains, and surrounded on other side by the Kingdom of Vale.   Not more than a millenia earlier the forest stretched further east.  



Razorvine. Razorvine is a plant that grows in wild tangles and hedges. It also clings to the sides of ruins and other surfaces as ivy does. A 10-foot-high, 10-foot-wide, 5-foot-thick wall or hedge of razorvine has AC 11, 25 hit points, and immunity to bludgeoning, piercing, and psychic damage.
When a creature comes into direct contact with razorvine for the first time on a turn, the creature must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or take 5 (1d10) slashing damage from the razorvine’s bladelike thorns.  


Early ages

According to the dwarven accounts, the wood of the Vale had been present in the world "since always". The forest, home of the dryad, was closely connected to the levenkind. At least one elven town, Craag An, was built within the forest's boreders, in the Col Serrai valley, and the city still serve as the dryad's village.  

Wars with humans

The biggest threat to the forest, however, was yet to come, Most of the land of Siniadòr was covered by lush forest and verdant woods. Tana's Great Reunion destroyed an important part of those forests, but, with time, tree grew again in some regions, and the land, where it isn't large expanse of grass, is generally covered by the dense and dark forest. The shadow of their foliage making for a dimly light place, in which many beasts and monstruosities hunt for food.   The wood of the vale is one of the wildest land in Tana's Empire. When the humans were conquering the elves, and burning the woods, some elves seek shelter further south, back then, both the wood of the vale and the elven forest were connected. The local dryad, hearing the story of those elves called upon the power of the green enchantress, sovereign of dryads. And with her fantastic power, they were able to protect this forest, banning mankind from their land. To this day, those wood are still under their protection, and the whistling of arrows striking the air as any human dare to approach make sure said humans know this place is still forbidden to their kind. This restriction does not apply to elves or other races, but the dryads, protecting those wood are hostile toward intruders, warning them, whispering elven words telling them to turn around.  

The Rift

In 1135 AD, a group of qdventurers fought with the elven rebels in the Craag An Ruins. The battle, leading to the defeat of the rebels caused the portal present in the ruins to collapse creating a rift to the Elemental Plane of Fire.   The significant rift draws in the remnants of the collapsed room, unleashing fiery elementals into the surroundings. This sparks numerous forest fires, particularly in the Wood of the Vale. Swiftly reacting, Reyth hurries to the rift, while the dryads diligently work to contain the spreading flames. With Reyth's assistance in managing the rift, the dryads successfully prevent the entire forest from erupting into an uncontrollable inferno.  

Empire army

Shortly after the sarts of the fire, Tana's Empire army march towards the wood, with the intent of stopping the Elven Rebellion, knowing the cause of the fire and chaos through the realm is within the forest. But the group of adventurers stop them, and guide them toward Megima instead.


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