Winter court Organization in Toriel | World Anvil

Winter court

The archfey are ancient and powerful fey, whose' power influences great swaths of the Feywild. Some are noble, some are wicked, but many of them ovey ancient traditions of the Feywild that organize their powers into distinct courts.   The Winter court consists of the members of the Feywild that lurk in the dark and cold. These isolated creatures are usually the hunters of their ecosystem, wanting to kill rather than grow.  


Fey of the Winter court follow the Queen of ice, Luna Frostfall. Little is known about her true power, but many fear her, She is the dark veil of the night covering the summer fields, she is the unstoppable snow that extinguishes the flames.  



Fey of the Winter court are cruel, blood-thirsty creature, Justice in those land is most often... definitive. The cultrip can either propose to give something of enough value to pay for his crime or die, but the price asked by the Winter court is often too much to pay.  


Creatures that follow the Queen of Ice and her Winter court usually consist of those who believe in the prophecy of the white frost, and of beasts and blood-thristy creatures such as displacer beats. The nature of these beings makes them more unpredictable and dangerous than their Summer counterparts. While it might be possible to bargain with a centaur to gain passage through a glade, you likely won’t get the chance to see a yeth hound before it strikes.   Fey of the Winter Court tend to view the world with a somber, cold grace, like that of a silent winter’s night. Less frivolous than their summer counterpart, the winter fey still revere beauty in their own right. Gathering in castles of intricately designed, sculpted ice, the Winter Court’s parties are more apt to contain a single violinist playing for a silent crowd of winter fey, rather than a cavorting mass of dancing summer fey.   When the Summer court may represent ever-changing chaos, the Winter court represents the slow and steady cold, unpredictable, able to grow into a terrible storm at any moment. The fey of the Winter court believe in the prophecy of the White frost, an ever-growing blizzard that is destined to cover all the world, they know even they immortal lives will be threatened by this unstoppable force, and they enjoy the beauty of this realm before its end.   

Mounts and pets

The realm of the Winter Court exists within the coldest and most inhospitable regions of the Feywild. To navigate and thrive in this harsh environment, the denizens of the Winter Court require mounts that are well-suited for these conditions. The creatures they have tamed for this purpose are giant saber-toothed tigers. These beasts possess fur protects them from the biting cold but their feline movements and agility complements the elves' grace and elegance.  



The Winter Court is rather solitary if it isn't for the occasional prank and visit of the Spring court. Winter fey are most often cruel and prefer to hunt alone, rare are the fey who can befriend them.




Archfey Court
Luna Frostfall
Founding Date
Elf (Aen elle), Beasts
Main pantheon


Court System

Cover image: Frozen Garden by Dave Greco


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