War of the White Gold Military Conflict in Toriel | World Anvil

War of the White Gold

The northern people of the Orrin Empire wanted autonomy and freedom. In an attempt to ease them, the empire proclaimed the north of its territory the kingdom of Whoteshore, a supposedly independent kingdom under the empire's protection. But the independence and autonomy were none existent, and the northlanders started a revolution.   The war started, the battlefront quickly moved to the south, the northlanders gaining control over the snowy plains with ease. However, when the northlanders army reached the Whiteearth mine, the most important mine of gold in the empire, the battle escalated. Orrin unwilling to lose this important supply of gold, and the Kingdom of Whiteshore hoping it would fuel its economy, the two fought over the landmark, and the mine ended up destroyed in the process.   This evenement marked the end of the war, which was named after the battles opposing the armies near the mines. With a partial victory of Whiteshore, the northlanders were now goldless but independent.  

Battle of Frosthold

One of the most intense and pivotal battles that occurred during the War of White Gold was the Battle of Frosthold. It took place on the northernmost reaches of the empire, near the Frosthold Mountains. The Northlander forces, led by General Aric Bornet, were determined to take control of the mountain pass, which was a strategic point for the empire trade.   The Orrin Empire, aware of the importance of the pass, had heavily fortified the area with a large garrison of troops and powerful siege weapons. The Northlanders knew that taking the pass would be a difficult task, but they were determined to succeed.   The battle began with a brutal assault by the Northlander forces, who charged the empire's defenses head-on. The Orrin troops, taken by surprise, were quickly pushed back. However, as the Northlanders reached the top of the pass, they were met with a fierce counterattack by the empire's elite soldiers.   The fighting was brutal and intense, with both sides taking heavy casualties. The Northlanders, led by General Bornet, fought with a fierce determination, but the empire's reinforcements soon arrived and they were forced to retreat.   Despite the Northlanders' valiant effort, the Battle of Frosthold ended in defeat. The empire's hold on the pass remained intact, and the Northlanders were forced to withdraw. However, the battle had a significant impact on the war, as it marked the first time the Northlanders had come close to defeating the empire's forces. It also served as a rallying cry for the Northlander's cause, and they continued to fight for their independence with renewed determination.

Conqueror's War

Basic Information

North of Siniadòr.


Indepandance of Whiteshore
Start Date
2835 BD
Ending Date
2831 BD





Independance, the Whiteearth gold mine.
The Whiteearth gold mine.

Cover image: Rivian Pikeman by Grafit Studio


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