Tabaxi Species in Toriel | World Anvil


Hailing from the World Tree Woods within Green earth, tabaxi are feline-like humanoids driven by honor and curiosity. Most tabaxi remain in their homeland, content to dwell in the branch of the giant trees, their clans prospering safely up there. These tabaxi hunts for food, craft goods, and trade with the few that dare to come on their lands.  


Tabaxi value honor and power. They might seem like chaotic been, jumping from branch to branch, running in the wild plains, but they value fair play and when it isn't to hunt, they'll never attack an opponent in the back.   A few tabaxi wander far from their homeland, those wandering tabaxi are mercurial creatures, trading one obsession or passion for the next as the whim strikes. A tabaxi’s desire burns bright, but once met it disappears to be replaced with a new obsession. Objects remain intriguing only as long as they still hold secrets.   These wanderers keep to civilized realms, preferring to bargain instead of pursuing more dangerous methods of sating their curiosity. However, they aren’t above a little discreet theft to get their claws on a particularly interesting item when an owner refuses to sell or trade it.   Outside of the Green earth, tabaxi are not the most common, and folks from small village and town will surely wonder what kind of creature came to their place if one was to travel so far away, but they are not necessarily perceived as bad, at least no more than any stranger.  


Tabaxi have no language of their own and tend to speak common.   There is also at least one instance of "mouse-brain" used as a mild insult to an unknown individual(s) by a tabaxi.   The tabaxi have a strong accent, which can be heard when conversing in Common, as Tabaxi tend to "purr" the R's and vowels.  


Physical features

Tabaxi tend to be tall compared to humans. Tawny fur covers tabaxi bodies, and some grow thick manes ranging in shades from gold to black. While their hands prove as nimble as those of other humanoids, tabaxi have retractable feline claws, which they can extend instantly.  

Mental traits

Most tabaxi have quirks that reflect their catlike, or feline, natures. Some purr when pleased, others lash their tails angrily when upset. Some can't resist napping in a patch of sunlight, while others constantly fidget with a ball of yarn in their pocket.  



The most common tabaxi are the cat-like people, with no actual name for this specific breed of tabaxi, they are just called tabaxi and represent the vast majority of the cat people.  

Tabaxi Stripeback

With stripes and coloration like a tiger, these tabaxi are natural hunters who use their muscular legs and sharp claws to pounce on foes. Stripebacks usually possess an orange or white fur.  


Leonin, while mechanically different, is considered like Tabaxi in this setting, living among them, and considered by scholar as a subrace. Leonin however are usually set apart physically, as they are bulkier and more muscular, more akin to lion than nimbler cats.  


First part of the name

The first part (prefix) is usually given by the tabaxi's parents upon its birth. The names can be of the following:
  • Pertaining to the kit's appearance (Squirrel- for fluffy tail, Blossom- for patches that look like fallen petals, Bumble- for stripes similar to a bumblebee's)
  • In honor of another cat or ancestor
  • Some event pertaining to the birth or life of the kit (Storm- for being born in a storm)
  • Other, seemingly unrelated to either (Toad-, Petal-)

Second part of the Name

Kits, apprentices and leaders have -kit, -paw and -star respectively as the second part (suffix) of their names by tradition. Examples: Whitekit, Whitepaw, Whitestar   The suffix of warrior and medicine tabaxi names are assigned by the Clan leader, (or medicine tabaxi, respectively) though they (or in some cases one of their relatives) can request a specific name for themselves, if they wish.

General Information
Scientific name
Homo felis
Geographic Distribution
North of Green earth savannah
Average Lifespan
Less than a century
Average Height
1.8‒2.1 m
Average Weight
90‒113 kg


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